- Added `cachix.nix` for configuring Cachix substituters
- Added `cachix/nix-community.nix` for Nix Community Cachix settings
- Updated `lib/host.nix` to include `pkgs.nixosModules.cachixConfig` in the list of NixOS modules
- Simplified the import statements for `unstablePkgs`, `masterPkgs`, `localPkgs`, `teslamatePkgs`, and `agenixPkgs` by using a helper function `importNixpkgs`.
- Consolidated overlays into `additionalOverlays` and combined them with `extOverlays` in the final import statement.
- Improved readability and maintainability of the flake configuration.
- Updated `nixos-unstable.url` to point to the correct branch (`nixpkgs-unstable`)
- Added `nixos-master` input pointing to the `master` branch of nixpkgs
- Imported `nixos-master` in the outputs and created `masterPkgs` variable for potential use
- Added `homeassistant.nix` to the list of services in `default.nix`
- Configured Home Assistant with basic settings and extra components
- Set up vhost for Home Assistant with specified domain and network interfaces
- Included necessary Python packages for Home Assistant components
- Added configuration for `adguard.giugl.io` with specified DNS interfaces and location settings
- Configured to use the port from `config.services.adguardhome.port`
- Allowed LAN access and specified allowed networks (`tailscale.net`)
- Added `age.secrets.matrix` to manage secrets in a centralized `.age` file
- Removed hardcoded `db_name` and used `extraConfigFiles` to include the database configuration from the `.age` file
- Updated comments to reflect changes
- Introduced `ais` alias to generate commit messages from staged diffs using `aichat`
- The alias runs `git diff --staged HEAD` and pipes the output to `aichat` with the specified model and request type
- Updated `cudaPackages` to `pkgs.cudaPackages_12_3`
- Changed `boost` version from `pkgs.unstablePkgs.boost186` to `pkgs.boost186`
- Disabled `pulseaudio.enable` and removed redundant `sound.enable`