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/* CONTACT US ================================================================ */
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Normal file
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<div class="page-sub-title">This week at Free Will Baptist Church:</div>
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<span class="day">Sunday:</span> Sunday School 9:45 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am. Evening Worship 6:00 pm.
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<span class="day">Monday:</span> Huell Babineaux letter writing campaign 5:30 pm-7:00 pm.
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<span class="day">Tuesday:</span> Bring your dated leisure suits, your old zydeco tapes, your abandoned fishing poles! Bring any goods ya’ll have tucked away in the attic or basement! CHURCH JUMBLE SALE 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. All proceeds for new rectory furniture!
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<span class="day">Wednesday:</span> Evening Worship 7:00 pm. Potluck before evening worship. We always need volunteers so please contact Karen Lee for details!
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<span class="day">Thursday:</span> Choir Practice. Cherub Choir 4:00 - 4:45 pm. Youth Choir 5:00 - 5:45 pm. Adult Choir 6:00 - 6:45 pm.
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<span class="day">Friday:</span> 10th Annual Lenten Fish Fry 5:00 pm.
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<span class="day">Saturday:</span> Senior Bible Study led by Elmer Fontaneau 4:00 pm in the rectory. LARGE PRINT BIBLES AVAILABLE!
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<div class="bold font-big">Pastor Blaise Hansford</div>
<div class="font-big">318-426-9662</div>
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<div class="bold">Secretary, Eloise Luckard</div>
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<div class="bold">Choir Director, Dale Pratt</div>
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<div class="bold">Sunday School Director, Michael Grange</div>
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<div class="bold">HISTORY OF FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH:</div>
During the violent and uncertain years following the Civil War, the people of Red River Valley were in desperate need of God's word. God saw that need and called upon his disciple, Brother Thomas Brunet to serve his community. When a local family, inspired by his preachings, donated a plot of land, Brother Thomas constructed a modest chapel with his own hands. His labors complete, Brother Thomas exclaimed, "Upon this rock, I will build my church!" The first Sunday worship brought only 2 parishioners. The second, 10. The third, 40. Truly, as Jesus had multiplied the fish and loaves of bread, Brother Thomas grew the Free Will Baptist Church of Coushatta, Louisiana.
But true disciples of Christ will always be tested and the years 1903, 1924, 1947, and 1961 brought tremendous rainfall to Coushatta resulting in devastating floods. The 1947 disaster was particularly damaging for the night the storms began, a poor family had been asleep in the rectory. The mother and infant daughter survived by taking refuge up in a nearby tree, but the father and three sons were swept away by the rushing current.
Over the course of 100 years, the church underwent several renovations. Building and re-building after each flood. Members of the congregation volunteered their labor to build out the sanctuary four times larger than Brother Thomas' modest chapel. They added a steeple, a rectory, and a beautiful memorial garden where members of the church could pray and hear Jesus speak to them as he had done in the garden of Gethsemane.
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At Free Will Baptist Church, our hearts and our
doors are open to all who seek deliverance from
their sins. By clicking the link below, you can
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"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee." -Deuteronomy 16:17<br/>
As many of you know, our dear friend and fellow parishioner Huell Babineaux has been wrongly accused of a crime, all the way up in New Mexico.<br/>
He needs the support and love of his home community now more than ever! We implore you to reach down and give what you can. Every little bit helps! Your contributions will fund the legal team our Huell desperately needs to prove his innocence and win his freedom. Won’t you please help?
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Blaise Hansford,<br/>
434 Bogan Lane<br/>
Coushatta, LA 71017<br/>
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<div class="service-times-heading">Service Times</div>
<div class="item">Sunday School 9:45 am</div>
<div class="item">Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am</div>
<div class="item">Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm</div>
<div class="item">Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm</div>
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"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee." -Deuteronomy 16:17<br/>
As many of you know, our dear friend and fellow parishioner Huell Babineaux has been wrongly accused of a crime, all the way up in New Mexico.<br/>
He needs the support and love of his home community now more than ever! We implore you to reach down and give what you can. Every little bit helps! Your contributions will fund the legal team our Huell desperately needs to prove his innocence and win his freedom. Won’t you please help?
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<img class="home-church" src="assets/images/home-church.jpg" />
<div class="pastor-info">
Blaise Hansford,<br/>
434 Bogan Lane<br/>
Coushatta, LA 71017<br/>
<div class="service-times-container">
<div class="service-times-heading">Service Times</div>
<div class="item">Sunday School 9:45 am</div>
<div class="item">Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am</div>
<div class="item">Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm</div>
<div class="item">Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm</div>
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Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"<br/>
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" - Isaiah 6:8
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<div class="section-title">Free Huell Babineaux!</div>
<div class="left-column-container free-huell">Our Huell needs us now more than ever! Please click the link below to find out how you can help!</div>
<a href="testimonials.php.html" class="save-huell">Save Huell Now!</a>
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<div class="bold font-medium">Other Ministries:</div>
<div>• Mission Christmas Box</div>
<div>• Red River Valley Housing Project</div>
<div>• Louisiana Baptist Youth Brigade</div>
<div>• Breaking Bread: Community Communion</div>
<div>• Down In The River! – Red River Baptisms</div>
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To help free our Huell, we're asking all congregants to MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!
<!-- To help free Huell from the clutches of the wicked persecution bound and determined to put this innocent man behind bars, we're asking all congregants to MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! -->
Pastor Hansford is encouraging you to call him with testimonials describing how Huell has positively affected your life.
You can also write letters to Judge Munsinger in Albuquerque and DONATE to Huell's legal defense team on the home page.
<div class="contact-box-container">
<div class="contact-box-1">
Pastor Hansford<br/>
can be reached at:<br/>
<div class="contact-box-2">
Letters can be sent to:<br/>
The Honorable Judge Benedict Munsinger<br/>
Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court<br/>
415 Tijeras Ave NW<br/>
Albuquerque, NM 87102
<!-- Judge Munsinger<br/>
415 Tijeras Ave NW<br/>
Albuquerque, NM 87102 -->
<hr class="testimonial-mid"/>
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Some of y'all have already called me with your testimonials and I have to say this congregation's keener on Huell than butter on a biscuit. Please read and listen below to just a taste of those beloved tales.
<hr class="testimonial-mid"/>
<div class="contact-item">
"All the kids love Huell. Every summer he leads classes for Vacation Bible School and since he started helping out, more and more kids sign up. They just love his Moses impression!" <span class="bold">- Betty M.</span>
<div class="contact-item">
"When I had to leave for my Papaw's funeral, Huell watched my cats. He fed them and remembered to give them their medication. Oscar and Felix have sensitive stomachs and needed lots of love. Now every time he visits, they jump right on his lap." <span class="bold">- Pauline B.</span>
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"I was in the rectory when the fire started. Having just broke my foot, Huell rushed in to carry me safely out the church. He saved many of us that day. Huell is truly a disciple of God." <span class="bold">- Keith Z.</span>
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"Huell is so caring and so loving. He calls just to say hello and ask about Sunday's sermon." <span class="bold">- Edie L.</span>
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"One Easter egg hunt Huell noticed that all the kids had found eggs except my little Maggie. He asked if he could help her and together they found ten eggs. She was so excited!" <span class="bold">- Bradley F.</span>
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