use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use bitfinex::api::Bitfinex; use bitfinex::book::BookPrecision; use bitfinex::orders::{CancelOrderForm, OrderMeta}; use bitfinex::responses::{OrderResponse, TradeResponse}; use bitfinex::ticker::TradingPairTicker; use futures_retry::RetryPolicy; use log::trace; use tokio::macros::support::Future; use tokio::time::Duration; use crate::BoxError; use crate::currency::{Symbol, SymbolPair}; use crate::models::{ ActiveOrder, OrderBook, OrderBookEntry, OrderDetails, OrderFee, OrderForm, OrderKind, Position, PositionState, PriceTicker, Trade, TradingFees, TradingPlatform, WalletKind, }; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum Exchange { Bitfinex, } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Debug)] pub enum ExchangeDetails { Bitfinex { api_key: String, api_secret: String }, } /// You do **not** have to wrap the `Client` in an [`Rc`] or [`Arc`] to **reuse** it, /// because it already uses an [`Arc`] internally. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Client { exchange: Exchange, inner: Arc>, } impl Client { pub fn new(exchange: &ExchangeDetails) -> Self { match exchange { ExchangeDetails::Bitfinex { api_key, api_secret, } => Self { exchange: Exchange::Bitfinex, inner: Arc::new(Box::new(BitfinexConnector::new(api_key, api_secret))), }, } } pub async fn active_positions( &self, pair: &SymbolPair, ) -> Result>, BoxError> { // retrieving open positions and order book to calculate effective profit/loss let (positions, order_book, fees) = tokio::join!( self.inner.active_positions(pair), self.inner.order_book(pair), self.inner.trading_fees() ); let (mut positions, order_book, fees) = (positions?, order_book?, fees?); let (best_ask, best_bid) = (order_book.lowest_ask(), order_book.highest_bid()); if positions.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let derivative_taker = fees .iter() .filter_map(|x| match x { TradingFees::Taker { platform, percentage, } if platform == &TradingPlatform::Derivative => Some(percentage), _ => None, }) .next() .ok_or("Could not retrieve derivative taker fee!")?; let margin_taker = fees .iter() .filter_map(|x| match x { TradingFees::Taker { platform, percentage, } if platform == &TradingPlatform::Margin => Some(percentage), _ => None, }) .next() .ok_or("Could not retrieve margin taker fee!")?; // updating positions with effective profit/loss positions.iter_mut().flatten().for_each(|x| { let fee = match x.platform() { TradingPlatform::Funding | TradingPlatform::Exchange => { unimplemented!() } TradingPlatform::Margin => margin_taker, TradingPlatform::Derivative => derivative_taker, }; if x.is_short() { x.update_profit_loss(best_ask, *fee); } else { x.update_profit_loss(best_bid, *fee); } }); Ok(positions) } pub async fn current_prices(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result { self.inner.current_prices(pair).await } pub async fn active_orders(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result, BoxError> { Ok(self .inner .active_orders(pair) .await? .into_iter() .filter(|x| &x.pair() == &pair) .collect()) } pub async fn submit_order(&self, order: &OrderForm) -> Result { self.inner.submit_order(order).await } pub async fn order_book(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result { self.inner.order_book(pair).await } pub async fn cancel_order(&self, order: &ActiveOrder) -> Result { self.inner.cancel_order(order).await } pub async fn transfer_between_wallets( &self, from: &WalletKind, to: &WalletKind, symbol: Symbol, amount: f64, ) -> Result<(), BoxError> { self.inner .transfer_between_wallets(from, to, symbol, amount) .await } pub async fn trades_from_order( &self, order: &OrderDetails, ) -> Result>, BoxError> { self.inner.trades_from_order(order).await } pub async fn orders_history( &self, pair: &SymbolPair, ) -> Result>, BoxError> { self.inner.orders_history(pair).await } pub async fn trading_fees(&self) -> Result, BoxError> { self.inner.trading_fees().await } } #[async_trait] pub trait Connector: Send + Sync { fn name(&self) -> String; async fn active_positions(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result>, BoxError>; async fn current_prices(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result; async fn order_book(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result; async fn active_orders(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result, BoxError>; async fn submit_order(&self, order: &OrderForm) -> Result; async fn cancel_order(&self, order: &ActiveOrder) -> Result; async fn transfer_between_wallets( &self, from: &WalletKind, to: &WalletKind, symbol: Symbol, amount: f64, ) -> Result<(), BoxError>; async fn trades_from_order(&self, order: &OrderDetails) -> Result>, BoxError>; async fn orders_history( &self, pair: &SymbolPair, ) -> Result>, BoxError>; async fn trading_fees(&self) -> Result, BoxError>; } impl Debug for dyn Connector { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", } } /************** * BITFINEX **************/ pub struct BitfinexConnector { bfx: Bitfinex, } impl BitfinexConnector { const AFFILIATE_CODE: &'static str = "XPebOgHxA"; fn handle_small_nonce_error(e: BoxError) -> RetryPolicy { if e.to_string().contains("nonce: small") { return RetryPolicy::WaitRetry(Duration::from_millis(1)); } RetryPolicy::ForwardError(e) } pub fn new(api_key: &str, api_secret: &str) -> Self { BitfinexConnector { bfx: Bitfinex::new(Some(api_key.into()), Some(api_secret.into())), } } fn format_trading_pair(pair: &SymbolPair) -> String { if pair.to_string().to_lowercase().contains("test") || pair.to_string().to_lowercase().contains("f0") { format!("{}:{}", pair.base(), pair.quote()) } else { format!("{}{}", pair.base(), pair.quote()) } } // retry to submit the request until it succeeds. // the function may fail due to concurrent signed requests // parsed in different times by the server async fn retry_nonce(mut func: F) -> Result where F: FnMut() -> Fut, Fut: Future>, { let response = { loop { match func().await { Ok(response) => break response, Err(e) => { if !e.to_string().contains("nonce: small") { return Err(e); } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_nanos(1)).await; } } } }; Ok(response) } } #[async_trait] impl Connector for BitfinexConnector { fn name(&self) -> String { "Bitfinex".into() } async fn active_positions(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result>, BoxError> { let active_positions = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.positions.active_positions()).await?; let positions: Vec<_> = active_positions .into_iter() .filter_map(|x| x.try_into().ok()) .filter(|x: &Position| x.pair() == pair) .collect(); trace!("\tRetrieved positions for {}", pair); Ok((!positions.is_empty()).then_some(positions)) } async fn current_prices(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result { let symbol_name = BitfinexConnector::format_trading_pair(pair); let ticker: TradingPairTicker = self.bfx.ticker.trading_pair(symbol_name).await?; Ok(ticker) } async fn order_book(&self, pair: &SymbolPair) -> Result { let symbol_name = BitfinexConnector::format_trading_pair(pair); let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| {, BookPrecision::P0) }) .await?; let entries = response .into_iter() .map(|x| OrderBookEntry::Trading { price: x.price, count: x.count as u64, amount: x.amount, }) .collect(); Ok(OrderBook::new(pair.clone()).with_entries(entries)) } async fn active_orders(&self, _: &SymbolPair) -> Result, BoxError> { let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.orders.active_orders()).await?; Ok(response.iter().map(Into::into).collect()) } async fn submit_order(&self, order: &OrderForm) -> Result { let symbol_name = format!("t{}", BitfinexConnector::format_trading_pair(order.pair())); let amount = order.amount(); let order_form = { match order.kind() { OrderKind::Limit { price } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, price, amount, order.into()) } OrderKind::Market => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, 0.0, amount, order.into()) } OrderKind::Stop { price } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, price, amount, order.into()) } OrderKind::StopLimit { stop_price: price, limit_price } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, price, amount, order.into()) .with_price_aux_limit(Some(limit_price))? } OrderKind::TrailingStop { distance } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, 0.0, amount, order.into()) .with_price_trailing(Some(distance))? } OrderKind::FillOrKill { price } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, price, amount, order.into()) } OrderKind::ImmediateOrCancel { price } => { bitfinex::orders::OrderForm::new(symbol_name, price, amount, order.into()) } } .with_meta(Some(OrderMeta::new( BitfinexConnector::AFFILIATE_CODE.to_string(), ))) // TODO: CHANGEME! .with_leverage(Some(15)) }; let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.orders.submit_order(&order_form)).await?; // parsing response into ActiveOrder and adding leverage from order form let order_response: ActiveOrder = (&response).try_into()?; // TODO: CHANGEME!!!! Ok(order_response.with_leverage(Some(15.0))) } async fn cancel_order(&self, order: &ActiveOrder) -> Result { let cancel_form = order.into(); let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.orders.cancel_order(&cancel_form)).await?; Ok((&response).try_into()?) } async fn transfer_between_wallets( &self, from: &WalletKind, to: &WalletKind, symbol: Symbol, amount: f64, ) -> Result<(), BoxError> { BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| { self.bfx.account.transfer_between_wallets( from.into(), to.into(), symbol.to_string(), amount, ) }) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn trades_from_order( &self, order: &OrderDetails, ) -> Result>, BoxError> { let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| { self.bfx .trades .generated_by_order(order.pair().trading_repr(), }) .await?; if response.is_empty() { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(response.iter().map(Into::into).collect())) } } async fn orders_history( &self, pair: &SymbolPair, ) -> Result>, BoxError> { let response = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.orders.history(Some(pair.trading_repr()))) .await?; let mapped_vec: Vec<_> = response.iter().map(Into::into).collect(); Ok((!mapped_vec.is_empty()).then_some(mapped_vec)) } async fn trading_fees(&self) -> Result, BoxError> { let mut fees = vec![]; let accountfees = BitfinexConnector::retry_nonce(|| self.bfx.account.account_summary()).await?; // Derivatives let derivative_taker = TradingFees::Taker { platform: TradingPlatform::Derivative, percentage: accountfees.derivative_taker() * 100.0, }; let derivative_maker = TradingFees::Maker { platform: TradingPlatform::Derivative, percentage: accountfees.derivative_rebate() * 100.0, }; fees.push(derivative_taker); fees.push(derivative_maker); // Exchange let exchange_taker = TradingFees::Taker { platform: TradingPlatform::Exchange, percentage: accountfees.taker_to_fiat() * 100.0, }; let exchange_maker = TradingFees::Maker { platform: TradingPlatform::Exchange, percentage: accountfees.maker_fee() * 100.0, }; fees.push(exchange_taker); fees.push(exchange_maker); // Margin let margin_taker = TradingFees::Taker { platform: TradingPlatform::Margin, percentage: accountfees.taker_to_fiat() * 100.0, }; let margin_maker = TradingFees::Maker { platform: TradingPlatform::Margin, percentage: accountfees.maker_fee() * 100.0, }; fees.push(margin_taker); fees.push(margin_maker); Ok(fees) } } impl From<&ActiveOrder> for CancelOrderForm { fn from(o: &ActiveOrder) -> Self { Self::from_id( } } impl TryFrom<&bitfinex::responses::OrderResponse> for ActiveOrder { type Error = BoxError; fn try_from(response: &OrderResponse) -> Result { let pair = SymbolPair::from_str(response.symbol())?; Ok(ActiveOrder::new( Exchange::Bitfinex,, pair.clone(), OrderForm::new(pair, response.into(), response.into(), response.amount()), response.mts_create(), response.mts_update(), ) .with_group_id(response.gid()) .with_client_id(Some(response.cid()))) } } impl TryInto for bitfinex::positions::Position { type Error = BoxError; fn try_into(self) -> Result { let state = { if self.status().to_lowercase().contains("active") { PositionState::Open } else { PositionState::Closed } }; let platform = { if self.symbol().to_ascii_lowercase().contains("f0") { TradingPlatform::Derivative } else { TradingPlatform::Margin } }; Ok(Position::new( SymbolPair::from_str(self.symbol())?, state, self.amount(), self.base_price(),, self.pl_perc(), self.price_liq(), self.position_id(), platform, self.leverage(), ) .with_creation_date(self.mts_create()) .with_creation_update(self.mts_update())) } } impl From<&OrderForm> for bitfinex::orders::OrderKind { fn from(o: &OrderForm) -> Self { match o.platform() { TradingPlatform::Exchange => match o.kind() { OrderKind::Limit { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeLimit, OrderKind::Market { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeMarket, OrderKind::Stop { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStop, OrderKind::StopLimit { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStopLimit, OrderKind::TrailingStop { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeTrailingStop, OrderKind::FillOrKill { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeFok, OrderKind::ImmediateOrCancel { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeIoc, }, TradingPlatform::Margin | TradingPlatform::Derivative => match o.kind() { OrderKind::Limit { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Limit, OrderKind::Market { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Market, OrderKind::Stop { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Stop, OrderKind::StopLimit { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::StopLimit, OrderKind::TrailingStop { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::TrailingStop, OrderKind::FillOrKill { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Fok, OrderKind::ImmediateOrCancel { .. } => bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Ioc, }, _ => unimplemented!(), } } } impl From<&bitfinex::responses::OrderResponse> for TradingPlatform { fn from(response: &OrderResponse) -> Self { match response.order_type() { bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Limit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Market | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::StopLimit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Stop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::TrailingStop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Fok | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Ioc => Self::Margin, _ => Self::Exchange, } } } impl From<&bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder> for TradingPlatform { fn from(response: &bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder) -> Self { match response.order_type() { bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Limit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Market | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::StopLimit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Stop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::TrailingStop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Fok | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Ioc => Self::Margin, _ => Self::Exchange, } } } impl From<&bitfinex::responses::OrderResponse> for OrderKind { fn from(response: &OrderResponse) -> Self { match response.order_type() { bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Limit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeLimit => { Self::Limit { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Market | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeMarket => { Self::Market } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Stop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStop => { Self::Stop { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::StopLimit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStopLimit => Self::StopLimit { stop_price: response.price(), limit_price: response.price_aux_limit().expect("Limit price not found!"), }, bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::TrailingStop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeTrailingStop => Self::TrailingStop { distance: response.price_trailing().expect("Distance not found!"), }, bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Fok | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeFok => { Self::FillOrKill { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Ioc | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeIoc => { Self::ImmediateOrCancel { price: response.price(), } } } } } impl From<&bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder> for OrderKind { fn from(response: &bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder) -> Self { match response.order_type() { bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Limit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeLimit => { Self::Limit { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Market | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeMarket => { Self::Market {} } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Stop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStop => { Self::Stop { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::StopLimit | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeStopLimit => Self::StopLimit { stop_price: response.price(), limit_price: response.price_aux_limit().expect("Limit price not found!"), }, bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::TrailingStop | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeTrailingStop => Self::TrailingStop { distance: response.price_trailing().expect("Distance not found!"), }, bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Fok | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeFok => { Self::FillOrKill { price: response.price(), } } bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::Ioc | bitfinex::orders::OrderKind::ExchangeIoc => { Self::ImmediateOrCancel { price: response.price(), } } } } } impl From<&bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder> for ActiveOrder { fn from(order: &bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder) -> Self { let pair = SymbolPair::from_str(&order.symbol()).expect("Invalid symbol!"); ActiveOrder::new( Exchange::Bitfinex,, pair.clone(), OrderForm::new(pair, order.into(), order.into(), order.amount()), order.creation_timestamp(), order.update_timestamp(), ) .with_client_id(Some(order.client_id())) .with_group_id(order.group_id()) } } impl From for PriceTicker { fn from(t: TradingPairTicker) -> Self { Self { bid:, bid_size: t.bid_size, ask: t.ask, ask_size: t.ask_size, daily_change: t.daily_change, daily_change_perc: t.daily_change_perc, last_price: t.last_price, volume: t.volume, high: t.high, low: t.low, } } } impl From<&WalletKind> for &bitfinex::account::WalletKind { fn from(k: &WalletKind) -> Self { match k { WalletKind::Exchange => &bitfinex::account::WalletKind::Exchange, WalletKind::Margin => &bitfinex::account::WalletKind::Margin, WalletKind::Funding => &bitfinex::account::WalletKind::Funding, } } } impl From<&bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder> for OrderDetails { fn from(order: &bitfinex::orders::ActiveOrder) -> Self { Self::new( Exchange::Bitfinex,, SymbolPair::from_str(order.symbol()).unwrap(), order.into(), order.into(), order.update_timestamp(), ) } } // TODO: fields are hardcoded, to fix impl From<&bitfinex::responses::TradeResponse> for Trade { fn from(response: &TradeResponse) -> Self { let pair = SymbolPair::from_str(&response.symbol()).unwrap(); let fee = { if response.is_maker() { OrderFee::Maker(response.fee()) } else { OrderFee::Taker(response.fee()) } }; Self { trade_id: response.trade_id(), pair, execution_timestamp: response.execution_timestamp(), price: response.execution_price(), amount: response.execution_amount(), fee, fee_currency: Symbol::new(response.symbol().to_owned()), } } }