use_libsamplerate 0 force_software_renderer 0 startup_delay 2000 show_diskicon 1 crispy_soundfix 1 grabmouse 0 fullscreen 0 sfx_volume 8 music_volume 8 show_messages 1 key_right 25 key_left 24 key_up 17 key_down 31 key_strafeleft 30 key_straferight 32 key_fire 57 key_use 18 key_strafe 46 key_speed 42 key_strafe_alt 46 key_speed_alt 42 key_fullscreen 33 use_mouse 1 use_joystick 0 screenblocks 10 detaillevel 0 snd_channels 8 snd_musicdevice 3 snd_sfxdevice 3 snd_sbport 0 snd_sbirq 0 snd_sbdma 0 snd_mport 0 usegamma 0 chatmacro0 "No" chatmacro1 "I'm ready to kick butt!" chatmacro2 "I'm OK." chatmacro3 "I'm not looking too good!" chatmacro4 "Help!" chatmacro5 "You suck!" chatmacro6 "Next time, scumbag..." chatmacro7 "Come here!" chatmacro8 "I'll take care of it." chatmacro9 "Yes"