Giulio De Pasquale 5c7bbda59e feat(flake): add TeslaMate flake and import NixOS module
- Added `teslamate-flake` input to the flake configuration
- Imported TeslaMate's NixOS module in the system configuration
- Updated function signatures to remove unused `system` parameter where applicable
2024-11-17 20:31:45 +00:00

126 lines
3.5 KiB

inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/release-24.05";
nixos-unstable.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/master";
local-unstable.url = "path:///home/giulio/dev/nixpkgs";
teslamate-flake.url = "github:teslamate-org/teslamate/v1.31.1";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager/release-24.05";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nvidia-patch = {
url = "github:icewind1991/nvidia-patch-nixos";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixos-unstable, local-unstable, home-manager, teslamate-flake, nvidia-patch }:
sysLinuxX64 = "x86_64-linux";
sysDarwin = "aarch64-darwin";
sysLinuxAarch = "aarch64-linux";
wrapPkgsSystem = { system, cudaSupport ? false }:
config = {
inherit cudaSupport;
allowUnfree = true;
extOverlays = [
import nixpkgs rec {
inherit system config;
unstablePkgs = import nixos-unstable {
inherit system config;
overlays = extOverlays;
localPkgs = import local-unstable {
inherit system config;
overlays = extOverlays;
teslamatePkgs = import teslamate-flake {
inherit system config;
overlays = extOverlays;
overlays = [
(final: prev: { inherit unstablePkgs; })
(final: prev: { inherit localPkgs; })
(final: prev: { inherit teslamatePkgs; })
] ++ extOverlays;
wrapUtils = { pkgs }:
inherit (pkgs.lib) makeScope;
inherit (pkgs) newScope;
makeScope newScope (self: rec {
inherit nixpkgs home-manager nixos-unstable;
inherit (self.callPackage ./lib/utils.nix { }) mkSysRole mkHomeRole;
inherit (user) mkUser;
user = self.callPackage ./lib/user.nix { };
host = self.callPackage ./lib/host.nix { };
pkgsLinuxX64Cuda = wrapPkgsSystem { system = sysLinuxX64; };
utilsLinuxX64Cuda = wrapUtils { pkgs = pkgsLinuxX64Cuda; };
pkgsLinuxAarch = wrapPkgsSystem { system = sysLinuxAarch; };
utilsLinuxAarch = wrapUtils { pkgs = pkgsLinuxAarch; };
pkgsDarwin = wrapPkgsSystem { system = sysDarwin; };
utilsDarwin = wrapUtils { pkgs = pkgsDarwin; };
nixosConfigurations = {
architect = {
name = "architect";
users = [{
user = "giulio";
roles = [ ];
imports = [
homeConfigurations = {
giulioMac = utilsDarwin.user.mkHMUser {
name = "giulio";
roles = [ "ssh" ];
giulioAarch = utilsLinuxAarch.user.mkHMUser {
name = "giulio";
roles = [ "ssh" ];
giulioX64 = utilsLinuxX64Cuda.user.mkHMUser {
name = "giulio";
roles = [ "ssh" "go" ];
giulioX64NoSSH = utilsLinuxX64Cuda.user.mkHMUser {
name = "giulio";
roles = [ "go" ];
defaultTemplate = self.templates.basicShell;
templates = {
basicShell = {
path = ./templates/basicShell;
description = "A barebone shell with custom defined packages";