{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: let domain = "home.giugl.io"; network = import ./network.nix; host = ""; port = 8123; in { services = { mosquitto = { enable = true; listeners = [{ acl = [ "pattern readwrite #" ]; omitPasswordAuth = true; settings.allow_anonymous = true; }]; }; home-assistant = { enable = true; extraComponents = [ # Components required to complete the onboarding "met" "radio_browser" ]; config = { default_config = { }; http = { server_port = port; server_host = host; trusted_proxies = [ host ]; use_x_forwarded_for = true; }; homeassistant = { name = "Manduria"; latitude = 40.4; longitude = 17.63; unit_system = "metric"; time_zone = "Europe/Rome"; external_url = "http://${domain}"; }; }; }; nginx.virtualHosts.${domain} = { # forceSSL = true; # enableACME = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://${host}:${toString port}"; extraConfig = '' proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; allow; ${lib.concatMapStrings (x: "allow ${x};") network.gdevices-wg} deny all; ''; }; }; }; networking.extraHosts = '' ${network.architect-lan} ${domain} ${network.architect-wg} ${domain} ''; }