create_pr_from_files() { local TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) local temp_branch="pr-${TIMESTAMP}-temp" local pr_branch="pr-${TIMESTAMP}" local base_branch="development" local working_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) local files=() local expanded_files=() local temp_branch_created=false cleanup() { git checkout "${working_branch}" if [ "$temp_branch_created" = true ]; then git checkout "${temp_branch}" -- "${expanded_files[@]}" git restore --staged . git branch -D "${temp_branch}" fi git branch -D "${pr_branch}" } handle_error() { local error_msg="$1" echo "Error: ${error_msg}" cleanup return 1 } # Parse arguments while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -b | --base) base_branch="$2" shift 2 ;; *) files+=("$1") shift ;; esac done if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: create_pr_from_files [ ...] [-b ]" return 1 fi # Expand files and directories for file in "${files[@]}"; do if [ -d "$file" ]; then while IFS= read -r line; do expanded_files+=("$line") done < <(find "$file" -type f) else expanded_files+=("$file") fi done # Check if there are any uncommitted changes if [ -n "$(git status -s)" ]; then # Only create temp branch and backup if there are uncommitted changes git checkout -b "$temp_branch" || ( handle_error "Failed to create temporary branch" return $? ) git commit -am "Backup changes" || ( handle_error "Failed to commit changes to temporary branch" return $? ) temp_branch_created=true fi # Get current branch and switch to base branch if needed current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ "$current_branch" != "$base_branch" ]; then git checkout "$base_branch" || ( handle_error "Failed to checkout base branch" return $? ) git pull || ( handle_error "Failed to sync base branch" return $? ) fi git checkout -b "$pr_branch" || ( handle_error "Failed to create PR branch" return $? ) # Restore files either from temp branch or original branch if [ "$temp_branch_created" = true ]; then git checkout "$temp_branch" -- "${expanded_files[@]}" || ( handle_error "Failed to restore specified files" return $? ) else git checkout "$working_branch" -- "${expanded_files[@]}" || ( handle_error "Failed to restore specified files" return $? ) fi # Verify files were staged if [ -z "$(git diff --staged)" ]; then handle_error "No files were staged. Aborting PR creation." return $? fi # Generate commit message echo "Generating commit message..." local commit_message=$(git ais || handle_error "Failed to generate commit message.") local commit_subject=$(echo "$commit_message" | head -n 1) local commit_body=$(echo "$commit_message" | tail -n +2) # Commit the specified files git commit --edit -m "$commit_subject"$'\n\n'"$commit_body" || handle_error "Committing files failed." if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then handle_error "Committing files failed." fi # Push the PR branch to the remote repository git push origin "$pr_branch" || handle_error "Failed to push PR branch" # Create the pull request gh pr create \ --base "$base_branch" \ --head "$pr_branch" || handle_error "Failed to create pull request" echo "Pull request created successfully." # Cleanup cleanup } create_pr_from_commit() { local commit_hash="$1" local base_branch="${2:-development}" if [ -z "$commit_hash" ]; then echo "Usage: create_pr_from_commit []" return 1 fi # Check for uncommitted changes and stash them if any local has_changes=false if ! git diff --quiet || ! git diff --cached --quiet; then echo "Stashing uncommitted changes..." git stash push -u has_changes=true fi # Create a new branch name based on the commit hash local new_branch="pr-${commit_hash}" # Checkout to the new branch and cherry-pick the commit git checkout "$base_branch" && git checkout -b "$new_branch" if ! git cherry-pick "$commit_hash"; then echo "Cherry-picking failed. Cleaning up." git checkout - git branch -D "$new_branch" if $has_changes; then echo "Restoring stashed changes..." git stash pop fi return 1 fi git push origin "$new_branch" local commit_message=$(git show -s --format=%B "$commit_hash") local commit_subject=$(echo "$commit_message" | head -n 1) local commit_body=$(echo "$commit_message" | tail -n +2) gh pr create --base "$base_branch" --head "$new_branch" --title "$commit_subject" --body "$commit_body" echo "Pull request created successfully." if $has_changes; then echo "Restoring stashed changes..." git stash pop fi } anonymize_multiple() { while IFS= read -r line; do result="$line" # Simple sed with multiple patterns echo "$result" | sed ' s/; s/Kerosene/org/g; s/kerosene/org/g; s/Shelob/example/g; s/shelob/example/g; ' done }