{ pkgs, ... }: let actualPkgs = pkgs.unstablePkgs; lib = actualPkgs.lib; nodePkgs = with actualPkgs.nodePackages; [ vscode-langservers-extracted typescript svelte-language-server yaml-language-server typescript-language-server bash-language-server ]; py3 = actualPkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ python-lsp-server python-lsp-ruff pylsp-rope rope mypy pylsp-mypy ]); in { home = { packages = with actualPkgs; [ black helix clang-tools rust-analyzer nixd texlab nixpkgs-fmt shellcheck shfmt gopls golangci-lint golangci-lint-langserver py3 ruff gh gofumpt taplo docker-compose-language-service mdformat marksman dockerfile-language-server-nodejs ] ++ nodePkgs; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "hx"; VISUAL = "hx"; }; file = { ".config/helix/config.toml".text = lib.readFile ./helix/config.toml; ".config/helix/languages.toml".text = lib.readFile ./helix/languages.toml; }; }; }