Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Process:
4. Expand on the most promising thought(s) by generating sub-thoughts.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 to create a tree of thoughts, exploring various reasoning paths.
6. Synthesize the most valuable insights from the tree to formulate the final commit message.
7. DO NOT mention "useless" details such as added imports.
For each thought and sub-thought, consider:
- The type of change (e.g., feature, bug fix, refactor, style, docs, etc.)
@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
create_pr_from_files() {
local origin_branch="development"
local TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
local temp_branch="pr-${TIMESTAMP}-temp"
local pr_branch="pr-${TIMESTAMP}"
local base_branch="development"
local current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
local files=()
cleanup() {
git checkout "${current_branch}"
git checkout "${temp_branch}" -- "${all_files[@]}"
git restore --staged .
git branch -D "${temp_branch}"
git branch -D "${pr_branch}"
handle_error() {
local error_msg="$1"
echo "Error: ${error_msg}"
return 1
# Parse arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
-b | --base)
shift 2
@ -22,54 +40,54 @@ create_pr_from_files() {
return 1
# Checkout to the new branch and add the specified files
local commit_message=""
local new_branch="pr-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
# Backup all modified files
local all_files=()
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < <(git status -s | cut -d " " -f 3)
git checkout -b "$new_branch"
git add "${files[@]}"
echo Our: "${files[@]}"
echo All: "${all_files[@]}"
# Generate commit message using aichat
git checkout -b "$temp_branch" || handle_error "Failed to create temporary branch"
git commit -am "Backup changes" || handle_error "Failed to commit changes to temporary branch"
# Switch to base branch and create temporary branch
if [ "$current_branch" != "$base_branch" ]; then
git checkout "$base_branch" || handle_error "Failed to checkout base branch"
git pull || handle_error "Failed to sync base branch"
git checkout -b "$pr_branch" || handle_error "Failed to create PR branch"
# Restore specified files from temporary branch
git checkout "$temp_branch" -- "${files[@]}" || handle_error "Failed to restore specified files"
git add "${files[@]}" || handle_error "Failed to stage specified files"
# # Generate commit message
echo "Generating commit message..."
commit_message=$(git diff --staged | aichat -m ollama:pino-coder -r commitmessage)
if [ -z "$commit_message" ]; then
echo "Failed to generate commit message. Cleaning up."
git checkout -
git branch -D "$new_branch"
if $has_changes; then
echo "Restoring stashed changes..."
git stash pop
git checkout "${current_branch}"
return 1
# Extract title and body from the generated commit message
local commit_message=$(git diff --staged | aichat -m ollama:pino-coder -r commitmessage || handle_error "Failed to generate commit message.")
local commit_subject=$(echo "$commit_message" | head -n 1)
local commit_body=$(echo "$commit_message" | tail -n +2)
if ! git commit -m "$commit_subject"$'\n\n'"$commit_body"; then
echo "Committing changes failed. Cleaning up."
git checkout -
git branch -D "$new_branch"
if $has_changes; then
echo "Restoring stashed changes..."
git stash pop
# # # Commit the specified files
git commit --edit -m "$commit_subject"$'\n\n'"$commit_body" || handle_error "Committing files failed."
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
handle_error "Committing files failed."
git checkout "${current_branch}"
# Push the PR branch to the remote repository
git push origin "$pr_branch" || handle_error "Failed to push PR branch"
return 1
git push origin "$new_branch"
gh pr create --base "$origin_branch" --head "$new_branch" --title "$commit_subject" --body "$commit_body"
# Create the pull request
gh pr create \
--base "$base_branch" \
--head "$pr_branch" || handle_error "Failed to create pull request"
echo "Pull request created successfully."
git checkout "${current_branch}"
# Cleanup
create_pr_from_commit() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user