import sys import re import struct import IPython import copy import argparse class AssemblerException(Exception): pass class InvalidRegister(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, register): super().__init__("Invalid register: {}".format(register)) class InvalidOperation(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, operation): super().__init__("Invalid operation: {}".format(operation)) class ExpectedImmediate(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__("Expected immediate, got {}".format(value)) class ExpectedRegister(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__("Expected register, got {}".format(value)) class IPOverwrite(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, instruction=None): if instruction: super().__init__("IP can't be overwritten. Instruction: {}".format(instruction)) else: super().__init__("IP can't be overwritten.") class InvalidValue(AssemblerException): def __init__(self, instruction): super().__init__("Invalid value while assembling: {}".format(instruction)) class VMAssembler: def __init__(self, key, data): = data self.assembled_code = bytearray() self.functions = [] self.encrypt_ops(key) self.parse_functions() self.resolve_functions_offsets() self.resolve_symbols() self.disassembly() main = next((x for x in self.functions if == "main"), None) if main == None: print("Main has to be defined") return def parse_functions(self): cur_fun_size = 0 cur_fun_name = None fun_start = 0 # first parse to get every function name for i, line in enumerate( match = function_re.match(line) if match: if cur_fun_name: f = VMFunction(cur_fun_name,[fun_start:i]) self.functions.append(f) cur_fun_name = fun_start = i + 1 f = VMFunction(cur_fun_name,[fun_start:i + 1]) self.functions.append(f) # putting main in first position in order to assemble it first for i, f in enumerate(self.functions): if == "main" and i is not 0: self.functions[0], self.functions[ i] = self.functions[i], self.functions[0] break def resolve_functions_offsets(self): # calculating functions offsets for i in range(1, len(self.functions)): prev_fun_tot_size = self.functions[ i - 1].size() + self.functions[i - 1].offset self.functions[i].set_offset(prev_fun_tot_size) return def resolve_symbols(self): for f in self.functions: for i in f.instructions: symcall = symcall_re.match(str(i)) if symcall: symname = # checking if it's a jump to a label if symname in [y.label for x in self.functions for y in x.instructions]: fun = next( (x for x in self.functions for y in x.instructions if symname == y.label), None) offset = f.offset_of_label(symname) + f.offset # function elif symname in [ for x in self.functions]: offset = next( (x.offset for x in self.functions if == symname), None) else: print("SYMBOL \"{}\" NOT FOUND!".format(symname)) i.args[0].set_value(offset) def parse(self): for f in self.functions: for i in f.instructions: action = getattr(self, "{}".format(i.opcode.method)) action(i) def disassembly(self): for f in self.functions: print("FUNCTION {}".format( for idx, ins in enumerate(f.instructions): print("{}:\t{}".format( hex(f.offset + f.offset_of_instruction(idx)), ins)) def imm2reg(self, instruction): """ Intel syntax -> REG, IMM """ opcode = instruction.opcode reg = instruction.args[0] imm = instruction.args[1] if == "ip": raise IPOverwrite(instruction) if not imm.isimm(): raise ExpectedImmediate(imm) if not reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(reg) if not opcode.uint8() or not reg.uint8() or not imm.uint16(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + reg.uint8() + imm.uint16() return def reg2reg(self, instruction): """ Intel syntax -> DST_REG, SRC_REG """ opcode = instruction.opcode dst_reg = instruction.args[0] src_reg = instruction.args[1] if == "ip" or == "ip": raise IPOverwrite(instruction) if not dst_reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(dst_reg) if not src_reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(src_reg) if not opcode.uint8() or not dst_reg.uint8() or not src_reg.uint8(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) byte_with_nibbles = struct.pack("<B", dst_reg.uint8()[0] << 4 ^ ( src_reg.uint8()[0] & 0b00001111)) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + byte_with_nibbles return def reg2imm(self, instruction): """ Intel syntax -> IMM, REG """ opcode = instruction.opcode imm = instruction.args[0] reg = instruction.args[1] if == "ip": raise IPOverwrite(instruction) if not imm.isimm(): raise ExpectedImmediate(imm) if not reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(reg) if not opcode.uint8() or not reg.uint8() or not imm.uint16(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + imm.uint16() + reg.uint8() return def byt2reg(self, instruction): """ Intel syntax -> REG, [BYTE]IMM """ opcode = instruction.opcode reg = instruction.args[0] imm = instruction.args[1] if == "ip": raise IPOverwrite(instruction) if not imm.isimm(): raise ExpectedImmediate(imm) if not reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(reg) if not opcode.uint8() or not reg.uint8() or not imm.uint8(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + reg.uint8() + imm.uint8() return def regonly(self, instruction): """ Instruction with only an argument: a register """ opcode = instruction.opcode reg = instruction.args[0] if == "ip": raise IPOverwrite(instruction) if not reg.isreg(): raise ExpectedRegister(reg) if not opcode.uint8() or not reg.uint8(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + reg.uint8() return def immonly(self, instruction): """ Instruction with only an argument: an immediate """ opcode = instruction.opcode imm = instruction.args[0] if not imm.isimm(): raise ExpectedImmediate(imm) if not opcode.uint8() or not imm.uint16(): raise InvalidValue(instruction) self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() + imm.uint16() return def jump(self, instruction): imm_op_re = re.compile("^([cC][aA][lL]{2})$|(.*[iI])$") reg_op_re = re.compile(".*[rR]$") symcall = symcall_re.match(str(instruction)) dst = instruction.args[0] # define the kind of jump: to immediate or to register if imm_op_re.match( self.immonly(instruction) elif reg_op_re.match( self.regonly(instruction) else: raise AssemblerException() def single(self, instruction): """ Instruction with no arguments """ opcode = instruction.opcode self.assembled_code += opcode.uint8() return def encrypt_ops(self, key): key_ba = bytearray(key, 'utf-8') olds = copy.deepcopy(ops) # RC4 KSA! :-P arr = [i for i in range(256)] j = 0 for i in range(len(arr)): j = (j + arr[i] + key_ba[i % len(key)]) % len(arr) arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] for i, o in enumerate(ops): o.set_value(arr[i]) for o, n in zip(olds, ops): print("{} : {}->{}".format(, hex(o.value), hex(n.value))) class VMFunction: def __init__(self, name, code): = name self.offset = 0 self.instructions = [] # populating instructions i = 0 while i < len(code): line = code[i] ins = instruction_re.match(line) label = label_re.match(line) if label: label_name = self.instructions.append( VMInstruction(code[i + 1], label_name)) i += 2 elif ins: self.instructions.append(VMInstruction(line)) i += 1 else: raise InvalidOperation(line) def size(self): size = 0 for i in self.instructions: size += i.size return size def set_offset(self, offset): self.offset = offset def offset_of_label(self, label): offset = 0 for i in self.instructions: if str(i.label) == str(label): break offset += i.size return offset def offset_of_instruction(self, idx): offset = 0 for i, ins in enumerate(self.instructions): if i == idx: break offset += ins.size return offset def __repr__(self): return "{}: size {}, offset {}".format(, hex(self.size()), hex(self.offset)) class VMInstruction: """ Represents an instruction the VM recognizes. e.g: MOVI [R0, 2] ^ ^ opcode args """ def __init__(self, line, label=None): self.opcode = None self.args = [] self.size = 0 self.label = label ins = instruction_re.match(line) symcall = symcall_re.match(line) opcode = self.opcode = next((x for x in ops if == opcode), None) if self.opcode == None: raise InvalidOperation(opcode) self.size = ops_sizes[self.opcode.method] args = [x for x in ins.groups()[1:] if x is not None] for a in args: if immediate_re.match(a) or symcall: # directly append the immediate self.args.append(VMComponent(a, a)) continue elif register_re.match(a): # create a VM component for a register reg = next((x for x in regs if == a), None) if reg == None: raise InvalidRegister(a) self.args.append(reg) continue def __repr__(self): return "{} {}".format(, ", ".join([ for x in self.args])) class VMComponent: """ Represents a register, operation or an immediate the VM recognizes """ def __init__(self, name, value, method=None): = name.casefold() self.value = value self.method = method def __repr__(self): return "{}".format( def set_name(self, name): = name def set_value(self, value): self.value = value def uint8(self): numre = re.compile("^[0-9]+$") if isinstance(self.value, int): return struct.pack("<B", self.value) elif self.value.startswith("0x"): return struct.pack("<B", int(self.value, 16)) elif numre.match(self.value): # only numbers return struct.pack("<B", int(self.value)) return None def uint16(self): numre = re.compile("^[0-9]+$") if isinstance(self.value, int): return struct.pack("<H", self.value) elif self.value.startswith("0x"): return struct.pack("<H", int(self.value, 16)) elif numre.match(self.value): # only numbers return struct.pack("<H", int(self.value)) return None def isreg(self): if not in [x.casefold() for x in reg_names]: return False return True def isop(self): if not in [x[0].casefold() for x in op_names]: return False return True def isimm(self): name_alpha = alpha_re.match(str( value_alpha = alpha_re.match(str(self.value)) name_imm = immediate_re.match(str( value_imm = immediate_re.match(str(self.value)) if name_alpha and value_alpha and not name_imm and not value_imm: return False return True op_names = [["MOVI", "imm2reg"], ["MOVR", "reg2reg"], ["LODI", "imm2reg"], ["LODR", "reg2reg"], ["STRI", "reg2imm"], ["STRR", "reg2reg"], ["ADDI", "imm2reg"], ["ADDR", "reg2reg"], ["SUBI", "imm2reg"], ["SUBR", "reg2reg"], ["ANDB", "byt2reg"], ["ANDW", "imm2reg"], ["ANDR", "reg2reg"], ["YORB", "byt2reg"], ["YORW", "imm2reg"], ["YORR", "reg2reg"], ["XORB", "byt2reg"], ["XORW", "imm2reg"], ["XORR", "reg2reg"], ["NOTR", "regonly"], ["MULI", "imm2reg"], ["MULR", "reg2reg"], ["DIVI", "imm2reg"], ["DIVR", "reg2reg"], ["SHLI", "imm2reg"], ["SHLR", "reg2reg"], ["SHRI", "imm2reg"], ["SHRR", "reg2reg"], ["PUSH", "regonly"], ["POOP", "regonly"], ["CMPB", "byt2reg"], ["CMPW", "imm2reg"], ["CMPR", "reg2reg"], ["JMPI", "jump"], ["JMPR", "jump"], ["JPAI", "jump"], ["JPAR", "jump"], ["JPBI", "jump"], ["JPBR", "jump"], ["JPEI", "jump"], ["JPER", "jump"], ["JPNI", "jump"], ["JPNR", "jump"], ["CALL", "jump"], ["RETN", "single"], ["SHIT", "single"], ["NOPE", "single"], ["GRMN", "single"]] reg_names = ["R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "IP", "RP", "SP"] ops_sizes = {"reg2reg": 2, "imm2reg": 4, "reg2imm": 4, "byt2reg": 3, "regonly": 2, "immonly": 3, "jump": 3, "single": 1} ops = [VMComponent(le[0], i, le[1]) for i, le in enumerate(op_names)] regs = [VMComponent(s.casefold(), i) for i, s in enumerate(reg_names)] instruction_re = re.compile( "^([\w]{4})(?:(?:\ *\#.*)|(?:\ +(?:([\w]+)\ *(?:,[\ ]*([\w]+))?)(?:\ *\#.*)?))?$") # 1: opcode 2+: args function_re = re.compile("(?:def\ )([a-zA-Z]*)\:(?:\ *\#.*)?$") immediate_re = re.compile("(?:0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$") alpha_re = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z]*$") register_re = re.compile("(^[rRsS][0-4]$)|([iIrRsS][pP]$)") label_re = re.compile("^([a-zA-Z]+)\:(?:\ *\#.*)?$") symcall_re = re.compile( "^(?:[jJ][pPmM][pPaAbBeEnN][iIrR]|(?:[cC][aA][lL]{2}))\ +([\w]+)(?:\ *\#.*)?$") commentline_re = re.compile("^\ *\#.*") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Optional app description') parser.add_argument( 'opcodes_key', help='The key used to encrypt the opcodes') parser.add_argument('asmfile', help='The Pasticciotto assembly file') parser.add_argument('outfile', help='The output file') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Enables the DEBG opcode') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: global ops ops.append(VMComponent("DEBG", len(ops), "single")) with open(args.asmfile, 'r') as f: filedata = f.readlines() filedata = [x.strip() for x in filedata if x.strip() and not commentline_re.match(x)] vma = VMAssembler(args.opcodes_key, filedata) print(vma.functions) vma.parse() with open(args.outfile, 'wb') as f: f.write(vma.assembled_code) if __name__ == '__main__': main()