Pasticciotto uses the Harvard Architecture meaning its code is separated from its data and also from its stack. This allowed me to materialize my idea for the **PoliCTF** challenge: I could run the code the partecipants assembled without any hassle!
There are 8 general purpose registers (`R0` to `S3`) with `S0 -> S3` being "scratch" ones. There is a `RP` register (Return Pointer) and obviously the `IP` (Instruction Pointer).
# Opcode encryption
The VM needs a decryption key to run: the opcodes are "encrypted" with the key by the assembler. The encryption algorithm is the `RC4` key scheduling shuffle. Once the values are shuffled, the `opcodes` are assigned according to their definition order.
The enclosed assembler recognizes **labels** and **functions**. The **main** function has to be defined. Here is an example:
def foo:
addi r0, 0x3
movi r1, 0x1
def main: # main is mandatory
movi r0, 0xff
jmpi label # jumping to label
addi r0, 0x2
label: # defining a label
call foo
In order to jump to a label or a function, an *immediate type* jump has to be used (`JMPI, JPBI, JPAI`, etc...). The `CALL` instruction is used to save where the program has to restore its execution after a function call.
The assembler puts the **main** function as first in the code section meaning its code will be located at offset 0. Every other function will follow.
The instruction set I come out wants to be "RISC"-oriented but I have to admit that it is more "CISC"-oriented *(Confusing Instruction Set Computer)*.
Also, since I decided that every instruction had to be 4 chars long, some name adaptation may have encountered some quality issue... (yes, `POP`, I'm looking at you)
**The syntax used is the Intel one!**
There **three types** of instructions:
1. with 2 operands (*imm2reg*, *reg2imm*, *byt2reg*, *reg2reg*)
2. with 1 operand
3. with no operand at all (*single*)
Full name: MOVe Immediate to register
Usage: MOVI R0, 0x00
Effect: R0 contains the value 0x00
Full name: MOVe Register to register
Usage: MOVR R1, R0
Effect: R0 is copied into R1
Full name: LOaD Immediate offset @ data section to register
Usage: LODI R0, 0x0
Effect: R0 contains data[0x0]
Full name: LOaD offset in Register @ data section to register
Usage: LODR R1, R0
Effect: R1 contains data[R1]
Full name: SToRe @ immediate offset in data section from register
Usage: STRI 0x0, R0
Effect: data[0x0] contains R0
Full name: SToRe @ offset of Register in data section from register