import discum from typing import List import webbrowser import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from dotenv import load_dotenv from os.path import realpath, dirname from os import getenv from yaml import safe_load from pathlib import Path CONFIG_FILE = Path(f"{dirname(realpath(__file__))}/config.yaml") URL_REGEX = re.compile( "(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|\b(?:[a-z\d]+\.))(?:(?:[^\s()<>]+|\((?:[^\s()<>]+|(?:\([^\s()<>]+\)))?\))+(?:\((?:[^\s()<>]+|(?:\(?:[^\s()<>]+\)))?\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'.,<>?«»“”‘’]))?") # consoles PS5_CHANNELS = [713321461124694056, 721009876893040682, 781965674838753331, 802674800786145311, 780190141599580161, 780190104357961759] # gpus FOUNDERS_CHANNELS = [802674384120446996] RTX3060_CHANNELS = [809731473669619730] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3060TI_CHANNELS = [783682409635250187, 783425011116539964, 802674527850725377, 796451904401834015] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3070_CHANNELS = [755728127069519913, 761002102804709448, 802674552541806662, 796451880224948274] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3070TI_CHANNELS = [839507735531749446, 849924994686910504] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3080_CHANNELS = [755727814912901170, 758224323843850250, 802674584473567303, 796451854808121414] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3080TI_CHANNELS = [833700313819119676, 849924965842419722] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS RTX3090_CHANNELS = [755728368413966387, 760577787332788315, 796451832968642561] + FOUNDERS_CHANNELS MONITORED_CHANNELS = [] # load .env load_dotenv() ######################################## # Globals ######################################## token = getenv("TOKEN") bot = discum.Client(token=token, log=False) ######################################## # Functions ######################################## def get_soup(url: str): r = requests.get(url) return BeautifulSoup(r.text) def get_stockinformer_url(url: str) -> str: bs = get_soup(url) for a in bs.find_all("a"): if "view at" in a.text.lower(): url = a.get("href") if "stockinformer" in url: return f"{url}" elif "amazon" in url: return f"{url.split('?')[0]}" return url return None def get_partalert_url(url: str) -> str: ret_url = None bs = get_soup(url) for a in bs.find_all("a"): if "amazon" in a.text.lower(): # remove tags and referrals amazon_url = a.get("href").split("?")[0] ret_url = amazon_url return ret_url def check_urls(urls: List[str]): for url in urls: if "partalert" in url: url = get_partalert_url(url) if not url: continue elif "stockinformer" in url: url = get_stockinformer_url(url) if not url: continue print(f'Opening {url}') def identify_channel(channel_id: int): # checking for founders first as this contains multiple models if channel_id in FOUNDERS_CHANNELS: print("Found a FE") elif channel_id in PS5_CHANNELS: print("Found a PS5") elif channel_id in RTX3060_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3060") elif channel_id in RTX3060TI_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3060 Ti") elif channel_id in RTX3070_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3070") elif channel_id in RTX3070TI_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3070 Ti") elif channel_id in RTX3080_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3080") elif channel_id in RTX3080TI_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3080 Ti") elif channel_id in RTX3090_CHANNELS: print("Found a RTX 3090") @bot.gateway.command def on_message(resp): urls = [] if resp.event.ready_supplemental: bot.gateway.subscribeToGuildEvents(wait=1) if resp.event.message: m = channel_id = int(m['channel_id']) content = m['content'] embeds = m['embeds'] if channel_id in MONITORED_CHANNELS: # search for urls in message text urls.extend(URL_REGEX.findall(content)) # search for urls in embeds for e in embeds: for f in [x['value'] for x in e['fields']]: urls.extend(URL_REGEX.findall(f)) if (urls): identify_channel(channel_id) check_urls(urls) def main(): global MONITORED_CHANNELS if not token: print("Could not load environmental variables. Make sure TOKEN is set in .env") exit(0) if not CONFIG_FILE.exists(): print(f"Could not find {CONFIG_FILE}.") exit(0) print(f"Loading configuration \"{CONFIG_FILE}\"") with open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") as f: config_data = safe_load( if "3060" in config_data and config_data["3060"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3060") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3060_CHANNELS) if "3060ti" in config_data and config_data["3060ti"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3060 Ti") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3060TI_CHANNELS) if "3070" in config_data and config_data["3070"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3070") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3070_CHANNELS) if "3070ti" in config_data and config_data["3070ti"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3070 Ti") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3070TI_CHANNELS) if "3080" in config_data and config_data["3080"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3080") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3080_CHANNELS) if "3080ti" in config_data and config_data["3080ti"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3080 Ti") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3080TI_CHANNELS) if "3090" in config_data and config_data["3090"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring RTX 3090") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(RTX3090_CHANNELS) if "founders" in config_data and config_data["founders"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring Founders Editions") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(FOUNDERS_CHANNELS) if "ps5" in config_data and config_data["ps5"] == True: print("[*] Monitoring PS5") MONITORED_CHANNELS.extend(PS5_CHANNELS) # removing duplicate channels (if any) by making monitored channels a set MONITORED_CHANNELS = set(MONITORED_CHANNELS) # starting bot print("Initialized.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()