
class InstructionTextToken(token_type, text, value=0, size=0, operand=4294967295, context=<InstructionTextTokenContext.NoTokenContext: 0>, address=0, confidence=255, typeNames=[])[source]

class InstructionTextToken is used to tell the core about the various components in the disassembly views.

InstructionTextTokenType Description
TextToken Text that doesn’t fit into the other tokens
InstructionToken The instruction mnemonic
OperandSeparatorToken The comma or whatever else separates tokens
RegisterToken Registers
IntegerToken Integers
PossibleAddressToken Integers that are likely addresses
BeginMemoryOperandToken The start of memory operand
EndMemoryOperandToken The end of a memory operand
FloatingPointToken Floating point number
AnnotationToken For internal use only
CodeRelativeAddressToken For internal use only
StackVariableTypeToken For internal use only
DataVariableTypeToken For internal use only
FunctionReturnTypeToken For internal use only
FunctionAttributeToken For internal use only
ArgumentTypeToken For internal use only
ArgumentNameToken For internal use only
HexDumpByteValueToken For internal use only
HexDumpSkippedByteToken For internal use only
HexDumpInvalidByteToken For internal use only
HexDumpTextToken For internal use only
OpcodeToken For internal use only
StringToken For internal use only
CharacterConstantToken For internal use only
CodeSymbolToken For internal use only
DataSymbolToken For internal use only
StackVariableToken For internal use only
ImportToken For internal use only
AddressDisplayToken For internal use only
__init__(token_type, text, value=0, size=0, operand=4294967295, context=<InstructionTextTokenContext.NoTokenContext: 0>, address=0, confidence=255, typeNames=[])[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__(token_type, text[, value, size, …]) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
get_instruction_lines(tokens[, count]) Helper method for converting between core.BNInstructionTextToken and InstructionTextToken lists