# from binaryninja import * import os import webbrowser import time try: from urllib import pathname2url # Python 2.x except: from urllib.request import pathname2url # Python 3.x from binaryninja.interaction import get_save_filename_input, show_message_box from binaryninja.enums import MessageBoxButtonSet, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxButtonResult, InstructionTextTokenType, BranchType from binaryninja.plugin import PluginCommand colors = {'green': [162, 217, 175], 'red': [222, 143, 151], 'blue': [128, 198, 233], 'cyan': [142, 230, 237], 'lightCyan': [ 176, 221, 228], 'orange': [237, 189, 129], 'yellow': [237, 223, 179], 'magenta': [218, 196, 209], 'none': [74, 74, 74]} escape_table = { "'": "'", ">": ">", "<": "<", '"': """, ' ': " " } def escape(toescape): # handle extended unicode toescape = toescape.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # still escape the basics return ''.join(escape_table.get(chr(i), chr(i)) for i in toescape) def save_svg(bv, function): address = hex(function.start).replace('L', '') path = os.path.dirname(bv.file.filename) origname = os.path.basename(bv.file.filename) filename = os.path.join( path, 'binaryninja-{filename}-{function}.html'.format(filename=origname, function=address)) outputfile = get_save_filename_input( 'File name for export_svg', 'HTML files (*.html)', filename) if outputfile is None: return content = render_svg(function, origname) output = open(outputfile, 'w') output.write(content) output.close() result = show_message_box("Open SVG", "Would you like to view the exported SVG?", buttons=MessageBoxButtonSet.YesNoButtonSet, icon=MessageBoxIcon.QuestionIcon) if result == MessageBoxButtonResult.YesButton: url = 'file:{}'.format(pathname2url(outputfile)) webbrowser.open(url) def instruction_data_flow(function, address): ''' TODO: Extract data flow information ''' length = function.view.get_instruction_length(address) func_bytes = function.view.read(address, length) hex = func_bytes.hex() padded = ' '.join([hex[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hex), 2)]) return 'Opcode: {bytes}'.format(bytes=padded) def render_svg(function, origname): graph = function.create_graph() graph.layout_and_wait() heightconst = 15 ratio = 0.48 widthconst = heightconst * ratio output = ''' ''' output += ''' '''.format(width=graph.width * widthconst + 20, height=graph.height * heightconst + 20) output += ''' Function Graph 0 ''' edges = '' for i, block in enumerate(graph): # Calculate basic block location and coordinates x = ((block.x) * widthconst) y = ((block.y) * heightconst) width = ((block.width) * widthconst) height = ((block.height) * heightconst) # Render block output += ' \n'.format(i=i) output += ' Basic Block {i}\n'.format(i=i) rgb = colors['none'] try: bb = block.basic_block color_code = bb.highlight.color color_str = bb.highlight._standard_color_to_str(color_code) if color_str in colors: rgb = colors[color_str] except: pass output += ' \n'.format( x=x, y=y, width=width + 16, height=height + 12, r=rgb[0], g=rgb[1], b=rgb[2]) # Render instructions, unfortunately tspans don't allow copying/pasting more # than one line at a time, need SVG 1.2 textarea tags for that it looks like output += ' \n'.format( x=x, y=y + (i + 1) * heightconst) for i, line in enumerate(block.lines): output += ' '.format( x=x + 6, y=y + 6 + (i + 0.7) * heightconst, address=hex(line.address)[:-1]) hover = instruction_data_flow(function, line.address) output += '{hover}'.format(hover=hover) for token in line.tokens: # TODO: add hover for hex, function, and reg tokens output += '{text}'.format( text=escape(token.text), tokentype=InstructionTextTokenType(token.type).name) output += '\n' output += ' \n' output += ' \n' # Edges are rendered in a seperate chunk so they have priority over the # basic blocks or else they'd render below them for edge in block.outgoing_edges: points = "" x, y = edge.points[0] points += str(x * widthconst) + "," + \ str(y * heightconst + 12) + " " for x, y in edge.points[1:-1]: points += str(x * widthconst) + "," + \ str(y * heightconst) + " " x, y = edge.points[-1] points += str(x * widthconst) + "," + \ str(y * heightconst + 0) + " " if edge.back_edge: edges += ' \n'.format( type=BranchType(edge.type).name, points=points) else: edges += ' \n'.format( type=BranchType(edge.type).name, points=points) output += ' ' + edges + '\n' output += ' \n' output += '' output += '

This CFG generated by Binary Ninja from {filename} on {timestring}.

'.format( filename=origname, timestring=time.strftime("%c")) output += '' return output PluginCommand.register_for_function( "Export to SVG", "Exports an SVG of the current function", save_svg)