
class BasicBlock(handle, view=None)[source]
__init__(handle, view=None)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__(handle[, view]) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
get_disassembly_text([settings]) get_disassembly_text returns a list of binaryninja.function.DisassemblyTextLine objects for the current basic block.
set_auto_highlight(color) set_auto_highlight highlights the current BasicBlock with the supplied color.
set_user_highlight(color) set_user_highlight highlights the current BasicBlock with the supplied color


annotations List of automatic annotations for the start of this block (read-only)
arch Basic block architecture (read-only)
can_exit Whether basic block can return or is tagged as ‘No Return’ (read-only)
disassembly_text disassembly_text property which returns a list of binaryninja.function.DisassemblyTextLine objects for the current basic block.
dominance_frontier Dominance frontier for this basic block (read-only)
dominator_tree_children List of child blocks in the dominator tree for this basic block (read-only)
dominators List of dominators for this basic block (read-only)
end Basic block end (read-only)
function Basic block function (read-only)
has_undetermined_outgoing_edges Whether basic block has undetermined outgoing edges (read-only)
highlight Gets or sets the highlight color for basic block
immediate_dominator Immediate dominator of this basic block (read-only)
incoming_edges List of basic block incoming edges (read-only)
index Basic block index in list of blocks for the function (read-only)
is_il Whether the basic block contains IL
is_low_level_il Whether the basic block contains Low Level IL
is_medium_level_il Whether the basic block contains Medium Level IL
length Basic block length (read-only)
outgoing_edges List of basic block outgoing edges (read-only)
start Basic block start (read-only)
strict_dominators List of strict dominators for this basic block (read-only)