Source code for binaryninja.interaction

# Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Vector 35 Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import ctypes
import traceback

# Binary Ninja components
from binaryninja import _binaryninjacore as core
from binaryninja.enums import FormInputFieldType, MessageBoxIcon, MessageBoxButtonSet, MessageBoxButtonResult, ReportType
from binaryninja import binaryview
from binaryninja import log
from binaryninja import flowgraph

# 2-3 compatibility
from binaryninja import range

[docs]class LabelField(object): """ ``LabelField`` adds a text label to the display. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text): self.text = text
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.LabelFormField value.prompt = self.text def _fill_core_result(self, value): pass def _get_result(self, value): pass
[docs]class SeparatorField(object): """ ``SeparatorField`` adds vertical separation to the display. """ def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.SeparatorFormField def _fill_core_result(self, value): pass def _get_result(self, value): pass
[docs]class TextLineField(object): """ ``TextLineField`` Adds prompt for text string input. Result is stored in self.result as a string on completion. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.TextLineFormField value.prompt = self.prompt def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.stringResult = core.BNAllocString(str(self.result)) def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.stringResult
[docs]class MultilineTextField(object): """ ``MultilineTextField`` add multi-line text string input field. Result is stored in self.result as a string. This option is not supported on the command-line. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.MultilineTextFormField value.prompt = self.prompt def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.stringResult = core.BNAllocString(str(self.result)) def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.stringResult
[docs]class IntegerField(object): """ ``IntegerField`` add prompt for integer. Result is stored in self.result as an int. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.IntegerFormField value.prompt = self.prompt def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.intResult = self.result def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.intResult
[docs]class AddressField(object): """ ``AddressField`` prompts the user for an address. By passing the optional view and current_address parameters offsets can be used instead of just an address. The result is stored as in int in self.result. Note: This API currently functions differently on the command-line, as the view and current_address are disregarded. Additionally where as in the UI the result defaults to hexadecimal on the command-line 0x must be specified. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt, view=None, current_address=0): self.prompt = prompt self.view = view self.current_address = current_address self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.AddressFormField value.prompt = self.prompt value.view = None if self.view is not None: value.view = self.view.handle value.currentAddress = self.current_address def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.addressResult = self.result def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.addressResult
[docs]class ChoiceField(object): """ ``ChoiceField`` prompts the user to choose from the list of strings provided in ``choices``. Result is stored in self.result as an index in to the choices array. :attr str prompt: prompt to be presented to the user :attr list(str) choices: list of choices to choose from """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt, choices): self.prompt = prompt self.choices = choices self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.ChoiceFormField value.prompt = self.prompt choice_buf = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(self.choices))() for i in range(0, len(self.choices)): choice_buf[i] = self.choices[i].encode('charmap') value.choices = choice_buf value.count = len(self.choices) def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.indexResult = self.result def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.indexResult
[docs]class OpenFileNameField(object): """ ``OpenFileNameField`` prompts the user to specify a file name to open. Result is stored in self.result as a string. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt, ext=""): self.prompt = prompt self.ext = ext self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.OpenFileNameFormField value.prompt = self.prompt value.ext = self.ext def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.stringResult = core.BNAllocString(str(self.result)) def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.stringResult
[docs]class SaveFileNameField(object): """ ``SaveFileNameField`` prompts the user to specify a file name to save. Result is stored in self.result as a string. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt, ext="", default_name=""): self.prompt = prompt self.ext = ext self.default_name = default_name self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.SaveFileNameFormField value.prompt = self.prompt value.ext = self.ext value.defaultName = self.default_name def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.stringResult = core.BNAllocString(str(self.result)) def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.stringResult
[docs]class DirectoryNameField(object): """ ``DirectoryNameField`` prompts the user to specify a directory name to open. Result is stored in self.result as a string. """
[docs] def __init__(self, prompt, default_name=""): self.prompt = prompt self.default_name = default_name self.result = None
def _fill_core_struct(self, value): value.type = FormInputFieldType.DirectoryNameFormField value.prompt = self.prompt value.defaultName = self.default_name def _fill_core_result(self, value): value.stringResult = core.BNAllocString(str(self.result)) def _get_result(self, value): self.result = value.stringResult
[docs]class InteractionHandler(object): _interaction_handler = None
[docs] def __init__(self): self._cb = core.BNInteractionHandlerCallbacks() self._cb.context = 0 self._cb.showPlainTextReport = self._cb.showPlainTextReport.__class__(self._show_plain_text_report) self._cb.showMarkdownReport = self._cb.showMarkdownReport.__class__(self._show_markdown_report) self._cb.showHTMLReport = self._cb.showHTMLReport.__class__(self._show_html_report) self._cb.showGraphReport = self._cb.showGraphReport.__class__(self._show_graph_report) self._cb.showReportCollection = self._cb.showReportCollection.__class__(self._show_report_collection) self._cb.getTextLineInput = self._cb.getTextLineInput.__class__(self._get_text_line_input) self._cb.getIntegerInput = self._cb.getIntegerInput.__class__(self._get_int_input) self._cb.getAddressInput = self._cb.getAddressInput.__class__(self._get_address_input) self._cb.getChoiceInput = self._cb.getChoiceInput.__class__(self._get_choice_input) self._cb.getOpenFileNameInput = self._cb.getOpenFileNameInput.__class__(self._get_open_filename_input) self._cb.getSaveFileNameInput = self._cb.getSaveFileNameInput.__class__(self._get_save_filename_input) self._cb.getDirectoryNameInput = self._cb.getDirectoryNameInput.__class__(self._get_directory_name_input) self._cb.getFormInput = self._cb.getFormInput.__class__(self._get_form_input) self._cb.showMessageBox = self._cb.showMessageBox.__class__(self._show_message_box)
[docs] def register(self): self.__class__._interaction_handler = self core.BNRegisterInteractionHandler(self._cb)
def _show_plain_text_report(self, ctxt, view, title, contents): try: if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(view)) else: view = None self.show_plain_text_report(view, title, contents) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _show_markdown_report(self, ctxt, view, title, contents, plaintext): try: if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(view)) else: view = None self.show_markdown_report(view, title, contents, plaintext) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _show_html_report(self, ctxt, view, title, contents, plaintext): try: if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(view)) else: view = None self.show_html_report(view, title, contents, plaintext) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _show_graph_report(self, ctxt, view, title, graph): try: if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(view)) else: view = None self.show_graph_report(view, title, flowgraph.CoreFlowGraph(core.BNNewFlowGraphReference(graph))) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _show_report_collection(self, ctxt, title, reports): try: self.show_report_collection(title, ReportCollection(core.BNNewReportCollectionReference(reports))) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_text_line_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, title): try: value = self.get_text_line_input(prompt, title) if value is None: return False result[0] = core.BNAllocString(str(value)) return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_int_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, title): try: value = self.get_int_input(prompt, title) if value is None: return False result[0] = value return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_address_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, title, view, current_address): try: if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(view)) else: view = None value = self.get_address_input(prompt, title, view, current_address) if value is None: return False result[0] = value return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_choice_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, title, choice_buf, count): try: choices = [] for i in range(0, count): choices.append(choice_buf[i]) value = self.get_choice_input(prompt, title, choices) if value is None: return False result[0] = value return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_open_filename_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, ext): try: value = self.get_open_filename_input(prompt, ext) if value is None: return False result[0] = core.BNAllocString(str(value)) return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_save_filename_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, ext, default_name): try: value = self.get_save_filename_input(prompt, ext, default_name) if value is None: return False result[0] = core.BNAllocString(str(value)) return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_directory_name_input(self, ctxt, result, prompt, default_name): try: value = self.get_directory_name_input(prompt, default_name) if value is None: return False result[0] = core.BNAllocString(str(value)) return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _get_form_input(self, ctxt, fields, count, title): try: field_objs = [] for i in range(0, count): if fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.LabelFormField: field_objs.append(LabelField(fields[i].prompt)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.SeparatorFormField: field_objs.append(SeparatorField()) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.TextLineFormField: field_objs.append(TextLineField(fields[i].prompt)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.MultilineTextFormField: field_objs.append(MultilineTextField(fields[i].prompt)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.IntegerFormField: field_objs.append(IntegerField(fields[i].prompt)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.AddressFormField: view = None if fields[i].view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = core.BNNewViewReference(fields[i].view)) field_objs.append(AddressField(fields[i].prompt, view, fields[i].currentAddress)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.ChoiceFormField: choices = [] for j in range(0, fields[i].count): choices.append(fields[i].choices[j]) field_objs.append(ChoiceField(fields[i].prompt, choices)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.OpenFileNameFormField: field_objs.append(OpenFileNameField(fields[i].prompt, fields[i].ext)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.SaveFileNameFormField: field_objs.append(SaveFileNameField(fields[i].prompt, fields[i].ext, fields[i].defaultName)) elif fields[i].type == FormInputFieldType.DirectoryNameFormField: field_objs.append(DirectoryNameField(fields[i].prompt, fields[i].defaultName)) else: field_objs.append(LabelField(fields[i].prompt)) if not self.get_form_input(field_objs, title): return False for i in range(0, count): field_objs[i]._fill_core_result(fields[i]) return True except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def _show_message_box(self, ctxt, title, text, buttons, icon): try: return self.show_message_box(title, text, buttons, icon) except: log.log_error(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def show_plain_text_report(self, view, title, contents): pass
[docs] def show_markdown_report(self, view, title, contents, plaintext): self.show_html_report(view, title, markdown_to_html(contents), plaintext)
[docs] def show_html_report(self, view, title, contents, plaintext): if len(plaintext) != 0: self.show_plain_text_report(view, title, plaintext)
[docs] def show_graph_report(self, view, title, graph): pass
[docs] def show_report_collection(self, title, reports): pass
[docs] def get_text_line_input(self, prompt, title): return None
[docs] def get_int_input(self, prompt, title): while True: text = self.get_text_line_input(prompt, title) if len(text) == 0: return False try: return int(text) except: continue
[docs] def get_address_input(self, prompt, title, view, current_address): return get_int_input(prompt, title)
[docs] def get_choice_input(self, prompt, title, choices): return None
[docs] def get_open_filename_input(self, prompt, ext): return get_text_line_input(prompt, "Open File")
[docs] def get_save_filename_input(self, prompt, ext, default_name): return get_text_line_input(prompt, "Save File")
[docs] def get_directory_name_input(self, prompt, default_name): return get_text_line_input(prompt, "Select Directory")
[docs] def get_form_input(self, fields, title): return False
[docs] def show_message_box(self, title, text, buttons, icon): return MessageBoxButtonResult.CancelButton
[docs]class PlainTextReport(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, contents, view = None): self.view = view self.title = title self.contents = contents
def __repr__(self): return "<plaintext report: %s>" % self.title def __str__(self): return self.contents
[docs]class MarkdownReport(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, contents, plaintext = "", view = None): self.view = view self.title = title self.contents = contents self.plaintext = plaintext
def __repr__(self): return "<markdown report: %s>" % self.title def __str__(self): return self.contents
[docs]class HTMLReport(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, contents, plaintext = "", view = None): self.view = view self.title = title self.contents = contents self.plaintext = plaintext
def __repr__(self): return "<html report: %s>" % self.title def __str__(self): return self.contents
[docs]class FlowGraphReport(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, graph, view = None): self.view = view self.title = title self.graph = graph
def __repr__(self): return "<graph report: %s>" % self.title
[docs]class ReportCollection(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, handle = None): if handle is None: self.handle = core.BNCreateReportCollection() else: self.handle = handle
def __len__(self): return core.BNGetReportCollectionCount(self.handle) def _report_from_index(self, i): report_type = core.BNGetReportType(self.handle, i) title = core.BNGetReportTitle(self.handle, i) view = core.BNGetReportView(self.handle, i) if view: view = binaryview.BinaryView(handle = view) else: view = None if report_type == ReportType.PlainTextReportType: contents = core.BNGetReportContents(self.handle, i) return PlainTextReport(title, contents, view) elif report_type == ReportType.MarkdownReportType: contents = core.BNGetReportContents(self.handle, i) plaintext = core.BNGetReportPlainText(self.handle, i) return MarkdownReport(title, contents, plaintext, view) elif report_type == ReportType.HTMLReportType: contents = core.BNGetReportContents(self.handle, i) plaintext = core.BNGetReportPlainText(self.handle, i) return HTMLReport(title, contents, plaintext, view) elif report_type == ReportType.FlowGraphReportType: graph = flowgraph.CoreFlowGraph(core.BNGetReportFlowGraph(self.handle, i)) return FlowGraphReport(title, graph, view) raise TypeError("invalid report type %s" % repr(report_type)) def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, slice) or isinstance(i, tuple): raise IndexError("expected integer report index") if (i < 0) or (i >= len(self)): raise IndexError("index out of range") return self._report_from_index(i) def __iter__(self): count = len(self) for i in range(0, count): yield self._report_from_index(i) def __repr__(self): return "<reports: %s>" % repr(list(self))
[docs] def append(self, report): if report.view is None: view = None else: view = report.view.handle if isinstance(report, PlainTextReport): core.BNAddPlainTextReportToCollection(self.handle, view, report.title, report.contents) elif isinstance(report, MarkdownReport): core.BNAddMarkdownReportToCollection(self.handle, view, report.title, report.contents, report.plaintext) elif isinstance(report, HTMLReport): core.BNAddHTMLReportToCollection(self.handle, view, report.title, report.contents, report.plaintext) elif isinstance(report, FlowGraphReport): core.BNAddGraphReportToCollection(self.handle, view, report.title, report.graph.handle) else: raise TypeError("expected report object")
[docs]def markdown_to_html(contents): """ ``markdown_to_html`` converts the provided markdown to HTML. :param string contents: Markdown contents to convert to HTML. :rtype: string :Example: >>> markdown_to_html("##Yay") '<h2>Yay</h2>' """ return core.BNMarkdownToHTML(contents)
[docs]def show_plain_text_report(title, contents): """ ``show_plain_text_report`` displays contents to the user in the UI or on the command-line. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str title: title to display in the UI pop-up. :param str contents: plaintext contents to display :rtype: None :Example: >>> show_plain_text_report("title", "contents") contents """ core.BNShowPlainTextReport(None, title, contents)
[docs]def show_markdown_report(title, contents, plaintext=""): """ ``show_markdown_report`` displays the markdown contents in UI applications and plaintext in command-line applications. This API doesn't support hyperlinking into the BinaryView, use the BinaryView.show_markdown_report if hyperlinking is needed. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str contents: markdown contents to display :param str plaintext: Plain text version to display (used on the command-line) :rtype: None :Example: >>> show_markdown_report("title", "##Contents", "Plain text contents") Plain text contents """ core.BNShowMarkdownReport(None, title, contents, plaintext)
[docs]def show_html_report(title, contents, plaintext=""): """ ``show_html_report`` displays the HTML contents in UI applications and plaintext in command-line applications. This API doesn't support hyperlinking into the BinaryView, use the BinaryView.show_html_report if hyperlinking is needed. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str contents: HTML contents to display :param str plaintext: Plain text version to display (used on the command-line) :rtype: None :Example: >>> show_html_report("title", "<h1>Contents</h1>", "Plain text contents") Plain text contents """ core.BNShowHTMLReport(None, title, contents, plaintext)
[docs]def show_graph_report(title, graph): """ ``show_graph_report`` displays a flow graph in UI applications. Note: This API function will have no effect outside the UI. :param FlowGraph graph: Flow graph to display :rtype: None """ func = graph.function if func is None: core.BNShowGraphReport(None, title, graph.handle) else: core.BNShowGraphReport(func.view.handle, title, graph.handle)
[docs]def show_report_collection(title, reports): """ ``show_report_collection`` displays multiple reports in UI applications. Note: This API function will have no effect outside the UI. :param ReportCollection reports: Reports to display :rtype: None """ core.BNShowReportCollection(title, reports.handle)
[docs]def get_text_line_input(prompt, title): """ ``get_text_line_input`` prompts the user to input a string with the given prompt and title. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str prompt: String to prompt with. :param str title: Title of the window when executed in the UI. :rtype: string containing the input without trailing newline character. :Example: >>> get_text_line_input("PROMPT>", "getinfo") PROMPT> Input! 'Input!' """ value = ctypes.c_char_p() if not core.BNGetTextLineInput(value, prompt, title): return None result = value.value core.BNFreeString(ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte))) return result
[docs]def get_int_input(prompt, title): """ ``get_int_input`` prompts the user to input a integer with the given prompt and title. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str prompt: String to prompt with. :param str title: Title of the window when executed in the UI. :rtype: integer value input by the user. :Example: >>> get_int_input("PROMPT>", "getinfo") PROMPT> 10 10 """ value = ctypes.c_longlong() if not core.BNGetIntegerInput(value, prompt, title): return None return value.value
[docs]def get_address_input(prompt, title): """ ``get_address_input`` prompts the user for an address with the given prompt and title. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. :param str prompt: String to prompt with. :param str title: Title of the window when executed in the UI. :rtype: integer value input by the user. :Example: >>> get_address_input("PROMPT>", "getinfo") PROMPT> 10 10L """ value = ctypes.c_ulonglong() if not core.BNGetAddressInput(value, prompt, title, None, 0): return None return value.value
[docs]def get_choice_input(prompt, title, choices): """ ``get_choice_input`` prompts the user to select the one of the provided choices. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. The UI uses a combo box. :param str prompt: String to prompt with. :param str title: Title of the window when executed in the UI. :param list choices: A list of strings for the user to choose from. :rtype: integer array index of the selected option :Example: >>> get_choice_input("PROMPT>", "choices", ["Yes", "No", "Maybe"]) choices 1) Yes 2) No 3) Maybe PROMPT> 1 0L """ choice_buf = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(choices))() for i in range(0, len(choices)): choice_buf[i] = str(choices[i]).encode('charmap') value = ctypes.c_ulonglong() if not core.BNGetChoiceInput(value, prompt, title, choice_buf, len(choices)): return None return value.value
[docs]def get_open_filename_input(prompt, ext=""): """ ``get_open_filename_input`` prompts the user for a file name to open. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. The UI uses the native window pop-up for file selection. :param str prompt: Prompt to display. :param str ext: Optional, file extension :Example: >>> get_open_filename_input("filename:", "exe") filename: foo.exe 'foo.exe' """ value = ctypes.c_char_p() if not core.BNGetOpenFileNameInput(value, prompt, ext): return None result = value.value core.BNFreeString(ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte))) return result
[docs]def get_save_filename_input(prompt, ext="", default_name=""): """ ``get_save_filename_input`` prompts the user for a file name to save as, optionally providing a file extension and default_name. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. The UI uses the native window pop-up for file selection. :param str prompt: Prompt to display. :param str ext: Optional, file extension :param str default_name: Optional, default file name. :Example: >>> get_save_filename_input("filename:", "exe", "foo.exe") filename: foo.exe 'foo.exe' """ value = ctypes.c_char_p() if not core.BNGetSaveFileNameInput(value, prompt, ext, default_name): return None result = value.value core.BNFreeString(ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte))) return result
[docs]def get_directory_name_input(prompt, default_name=""): """ ``get_directory_name_input`` prompts the user for a directory name to save as, optionally providing a default_name. Note: This API function differently on the command-line vs the UI. In the UI a pop-up is used. On the command-line a simple text prompt is used. The UI uses the native window pop-up for file selection. :param str prompt: Prompt to display. :param str default_name: Optional, default directory name. :rtype: str :Example: >>> get_directory_name_input("prompt") prompt dirname 'dirname' """ value = ctypes.c_char_p() if not core.BNGetDirectoryNameInput(value, prompt, default_name): return None result = value.value core.BNFreeString(ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte))) return result
[docs]def get_form_input(fields, title): """ ``get_from_input`` Prompts the user for a set of inputs specified in ``fields`` with given title. The fields parameter is a list which can contain the following types: - str - an alias for LabelField - None - an alias for SeparatorField - LabelField - Text output - SeparatorField - Vertical spacing - TextLineField - Prompt for a string value - MultilineTextField - Prompt for multi-line string value - IntegerField - Prompt for an integer - AddressField - Prompt for an address - ChoiceField - Prompt for a choice from provided options - OpenFileNameField - Prompt for file to open - SaveFileNameField - Prompt for file to save to - DirectoryNameField - Prompt for directory name This API is flexible and works both in the UI via a pop-up dialog and on the command-line. :params list fields: A list containing of the above specified classes, strings or None :params str title: The title of the pop-up dialog. :Example: >>> int_f = IntegerField("Specify Integer") >>> tex_f = TextLineField("Specify name") >>> choice_f = ChoiceField("Options", ["Yes", "No", "Maybe"]) >>> get_form_input(["Get Data", None, int_f, tex_f, choice_f], "The options") Get Data Specify Integer 1337 Specify name Peter The options 1) Yes 2) No 3) Maybe Options 1 >>> True >>> print(tex_f.result, int_f.result, choice_f.result) Peter 1337 0 """ value = (core.BNFormInputField * len(fields))() for i in range(0, len(fields)): if isinstance(fields[i], str): LabelField(fields[i])._fill_core_struct(value[i]) elif fields[i] is None: SeparatorField()._fill_core_struct(value[i]) else: fields[i]._fill_core_struct(value[i]) if not core.BNGetFormInput(value, len(fields), title): return False for i in range(0, len(fields)): if not (isinstance(fields[i], str) or (fields[i] is None)): fields[i]._get_result(value[i]) core.BNFreeFormInputResults(value, len(fields)) return True
[docs]def show_message_box(title, text, buttons=MessageBoxButtonSet.OKButtonSet, icon=MessageBoxIcon.InformationIcon): """ ``show_message_box`` Displays a configurable message box in the UI, or prompts on the console as appropriate retrieves a list of all Symbol objects of the provided symbol type in the optionally provided range. :param str title: Text title for the message box. :param str text: Text for the main body of the message box. :param MessageBoxButtonSet buttons: One of :py:class:`MessageBoxButtonSet` :param MessageBoxIcon icon: One of :py:class:`MessageBoxIcon` :return: Which button was selected :rtype: MessageBoxButtonResult """ return core.BNShowMessageBox(title, text, buttons, icon)