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[ 29MAR2K9 ]
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G1) Release size must be between 22888 MB and 23866 MB unless source is BD25.
G2) Group watermarks within the Bluray are strictly forbidden.
G3) Releases must be made region free.
G4) Any new unmentioned copy protection that comes out must be stripped.
G5) If for any reason any standards cannot be met it a brief explantion
should be written in the nfo.
P1) Sample, nfo and sfv are required for each release.
P2) NFO should contain at least:
- IMDB link
- Bluray Region
- Audio streams
- Subtitle streams
- Video status: encoded or untouched
- In case of encoding: average bitrate
- HD audio status: transcoded or untouched
- Menu: stripped or maintained
P3) Rar's must be split into 250 mb archives.
P4) Recovery record of 1% must be used.
P5) Passwords or encryption is not tolerated.
P6) Compression is not allowed.
T1) Acceptable characters are as follows:
0123456789 . -
T2) Suggestion for tagging:
T3) All releases are to include production year, except for TV series.
T4) COMPLETE is for BD25 source only.
T5) Sub directories are to be labeled as DiSC1, DiSC2, etc.
EXTRA and CD1, CD2 dirs are not allowed.
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V1) An x264 build within 20 builds of latest must be used for encoding.
V2) One-click apps that re-encode BD50->BD25 rips are strictly forbidden.
V3) All movies must be at their original framerate.
V4) Must use 2 passes.
V5) Minimum average bitrate allowed is 19000 kbit/s. If minimum
average bitrate cannot be achieved, a valid explanation is
required in the NFO. The minimum average bitrate for animation
movies is 17000 kbit/s.
V6) Some Bluray movies also contain 720p or 480p, next to the default 1080p.
These lower resolutions are an added value but are not needed.
If the movie needs to be re-encoded, these need to be stripped.
V7) A minimum of 3, and a maximum of 4 reference frames must be used (--ref 3/4).
V8) Must insert access unit delimiters (--aud).
V9) Must use square pixels (--sar 1:1).
V10) Must use at least subpixel refinement level 6 (--subme 6).
V11) Must be compliant to level 4.1 high profile (--level 4.1).
V12) Bitrate peak limit must not exceed 40 mbps (--vbv-bufsize 30000 --vbv-maxrate 40000).
V13) Must use bframes level 3 (--bframes 3).
V14) Trellis rd quantization should be level 1 (--trellis 1).
V15) Should check all partition search types (--analyse x).
V16) Must use level uhm or esa for the motion estimation method (--me uhm/esa).
V17) CABAC must be used.
A1) Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS, and their equivalent HD audio stream
are considered the standard audio formats.
A2) Blurays that only contain DD2.0 or PCM audio are allowed and
should be noted in the NFO.
A3) Superior audio tracks need to be kept. e.g. If a Bluray contains
DD5.1 and DTS-HD audio, DD5.1 would be stripped in favor to DTS-HD.
A4) Though, you'll sometimes find it necessary to strip HD audio to
make the Bluray fit on BD-R, as HD-audio is much larger. In this
case, True-HD and DTS-HD audio can be transcoded to their
equivalent non-HD audio stream (eac3to -core).
Transcoding of a HD audio stream is up to the ripper's discretion.
A5) It is not allowed to downsample the bitrate of DD 5.1, DTS, and
HD streams to a bitrate lower than 640 Kbit/s.
A6) For non-English movies, the movie's original language audio
stream must be kept unless it is not contained in the retail.
In this case you can use other language track but release must be
tagged DUBBED. In the circumstances that a reissue/new edition
Bluray contains an original language audio stream, a re-release
of the movie is valid.
A7) For all English movies, the English audio stream must be kept.
A8) The inclusion of other audio streams will be based upon the
ripper's discretion, whether they are foreign or commentary.
M1) Menus must be included. In cases when it is not possible to
maintain the menu, a valid reason must be explained in the nfo.
In cases where the retail does not contain a menu, it must
be mentioned in the NFO.
M2) The English menu must always be kept. Foreign menus may be
stripped, if this is required to make the release fit on BD-R.
If there is no English menu, but only foreign, at least one of
those should be kept.
M3) If all else is stripped and you want to avoid reencoding the
main movie, or you can't get the minimum bitrate, then the menu
may be re-encoded at a minimum average bitrate of 10000 kbit/s.
E1) Extras are an added value but are not needed. Extras are
allowed to be re-encoded at ripper's discretion.
E2) All subtitles must be kept.
E3) Extras may be encoded at a lower bitrate. Mimimum bitrate for
extras is 3000 kbps.
E4) When an extra is stripped, it should be replaced by a dummy
so that the Bluray-player won't crash.
E5) Warnings and intros should be blanked, or even better, stripped.
S1) A sample of 1 minute, to a maximum size of 250mb, cut from the
release is required in a 'Sample' directory. A .m2ts file must
be cut and used as sample. You cannot rename a rar and use it as
the sample.
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R1) Propers may only be released if previous had technical flaws
such as bad quality, undersized, errors, etc.
R2) Propers based on previous releases having stripped the menu
are allowed.
R3) It is not allowed to release a proper with HD audio, when a
previous release has transcoded the HD audio to non-HD audio.
R4) Just because a previous release was not COMPLETE does not
provide a legitimate reason to proper/dupe.
R5) Propers based on previous releases having improper dir names
will not be tolerated.
R6) PPF patches should be used for fixing releases with simple
problems. REPACKS/PROPERS should be avoided if a PPF patch is
R7) Blurays with different audio or subtitle streams do not
dupe eachother.
N1) Limitations
The authoring possibilities for bluray aren't that advanced yet
to make some rules explicitly mandatory at this stage. Knowledge
and software are developing rapidly though and we are confident
this will improve soon. The rules in question are related to
editting the menu's, editing & disabling menu buttons and the
complete removal of intro movies. Although we can't make hese rules
mandatory at this stage, we strongly encourage the usage of them.
N2) Applicability
These rules apply from 2009-06-01 00:00:00 GMT (1243814400 unixtime).
Released pre'd before this time are not allowed to be nuked based
on these rules.
N3) Minimum size
We are aware of the fact that the minimum size is rather low. Again,
this is because at this time target size calculation is still very dodgy.
When tools and technique improve, the error margin of 4% will most likely
be lowered to about 1-2%.
N4) Nuking
Nukes can be based on the code assigned to each rule.
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The BDR releasing standards originally written
and organized by (listed alphabetically):