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<pre class="nfo">ISOs
1) Use blindwrite to make your images.. Doesn't matter if you haven't used it before, figure it out and use it.. It
makes perfect bins almost ALWAYS.. There's also CD-RWin. It works well, but can make corrupted bins and is worthless
if you have yours cracked.
The basic idea is the bin. A bin is basically a CD image of sector size 2352, usually mode 1 for apps and mode2 for
multimedia. If you receive a cd image in any other format (2048 or 2356) use CDMage to extract to 2352. The .cue
file can be generated manually in this format
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
as an example.
1) If there is a crack to include, you must extract all the files from the CD to a folder using winimage or
isobuster, and make sure to write down the proper cd-label . Add the crack to the appropriate folder. Some people
try and slip one in using WinonCD but this is highly discouraged. Now Burn the result and make a new bin from that
using the appropriate cd-label.
To make an image from HD collection without a burner you need to make the image using CDRWin (build and save iso9660
image) and use CDMage to convert to 2352.
2) Take the resulting cue file and make sure to edit out the path, IE: "c:\cdready\newdisk.bin" becomes just
3) Use binchunker 1.60 to verify the bin file (CDMage scan for corruption is also acceptable) to make sure it's a
valid bin.. ANY errors and you need to start again. The binchunker included in fireburner is ver. 1.70 and can often
miss errors.
4) Use winrar to rar up the bin and cue files, using the options: Best compression, dictionary size 1024K, solid
archive. The filenames MUST be 8.3 format, thats 8 chars , period, rar extension. Files should be 15MB in size. Use
the old winar (pre 3.0) as consideration.
5) Create an sfv table using Winsfv32.exe or pdsfv32.exe. Make sure you only include the rars in the .sfv, and not
any other files, like a text file or anything else in that folder.
6) The rars and the sfv need to be in the same folder.
7) UnRar (Unpack) the rars to get the new bin/cue file. Why? We've got to test it! Open it up to another box or get
someone else to. Scan for corruption the extracted bin. Test the compression by checking any of the rar files with
rar.exe from a command line: rar -vt myisorls.r42 . This returns an m#e rating, where m0e is lowest compression and
m5e is highest. If this was a cracked ISO where you added files, install the program on a clean system. All the way
to actually running it. No cheating! Releasing something that doesn't work is useless to everyone ;)
8) Upload it, and test it under glftpd, where it will check that all the files sfv OK.
1) Make sure you know these things,
How many CD's,
the packaged size,
when it is due for release,
2) Include a description and a webpage resource for the cd
3) Include the system requirements for the cd including OS and hardware.
4) Always ask about a serial number or crack. If it needs either be VERY specific on how to use it. If there is a
crack, you almost need to do it once yourself or at least have the person using the crack explain it very
5) In the title of the proggy at the top of the NFO make sure there is A VERSION NUMBER
Rips must be packaged in this way
1) RAR files, best compression, solid archive, 1024K dictionary size. Prefer 2.88 Mb files, up to a maximum of 150Mb
(some sites allow more). 8.3 naming convention again. No sfv is needed.
2) Unrar the file and make sure the original program is not installed in your machine.. try and install the ripped
3) Make a file_id.diz which is a text file with this on it [XX/00] where 00 represents the number of files.. if it
is less than ten (ie: 5) then it would look like this [XX/05]. DO NOT place individual numbers on each file.. ie
[01/16] as that screws up the zipscripts. No other info goes on the file_id.diz save maybe a very small and very
simple graphic with no funny ascii chars.
4) Package every rar up into a zip accompanied by a file_id.diz . the zip must be named 6 to 7 characters as close
to the rar names as possible. ie: crdoracl.rar becomes crdora01.zip or letters of the alphabet are also acceptable
ie: crdoraca.zip, crdoracb.zip etc.
5) Inside of the first zip goes an NFO file. the nfo must contain the exact same info that an ISO does, but with all
the ISO extensions gone. It is neccessary to include the system req. to run the file or if the file needs additional
other files IE: plugins needs photoshop to run. It must also have relevant serial and crack information.
6) Folder names fall under the same category as the ones for ISO. No spaces, version number must be there and end
with -RiP ie: Bigtalk.kickapp.v1.0-RiP. If you dont have a "-" before the groupname you will be nuked for no
groupname. No version is also a nuke.
7) When uploading to topsites, keep the nfo handy in case their zipscript does not extract the nfo from the first
zip but dont upload it. Be careful with rips.. they travel around the world insanely fast.. so you don't want to
have anything messed up.
1)If you forgot a serial or CDkey then release an
2) If you did a bin error CD
3) If you packed it wrong
File_id.diz fixes are placed in a zip, ISO sfv fixes in an rar, with a new sfv for that rar.
To do a
Bigtalk.Kickapp.v1.0.NFO.FIX is complicated..
Upload an new new nfo in a folder named as such.
1) SINGLE rar have all three covers, preferably jpg's. Try and keep it down to a couple megs or so, make the
appropriate SFV and NFO
2) Package it all in a folder called Covers.
1) Make sure the name of the folder is dead on what it is.
1b) The OS is labelled. default is 2K/XP. Win98 should be labelled if its not 2K compliant.
2) No spaces, always do it like this This.Is.A.Sample.File_V1.0-MYiSO taking care to make sure of three things.
a) No spaces
c) Dash before MyISO (the group name)
3) For multi-CD releases, don't put the full release name on the CD1, CD2 folders.
It looks like this
- CD1 (no spaces in CD1)
-files and sfv
- CD2
-files and sfv
- nfo
The CD# folders are subfolders of the Full.Title folder. The nfo goes outside the seperate cd's not inside.. Just
put the rar files and .sfv inside the CD# directories. Upload one nfo per release in the main folder. And please
remember to make sure the CD1 is capitalized, no spaces. Some script auto rename the Cd to CD and then it creates
all hell in racing it around.