2022-01-24 19:24:31 +00:00

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<pre class="nfo"> ______ _______ ______ _______ _____ _____ _______
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/ __ )__\ \\ \\ \ / _ / / _/____ PS4 Scene Rules 2018
/ /_ \ \ \ \\ -\____\---\___ \ [28 June 2018]
/ \ . \ . . _/ . :/ \
\______:\______\___________\ \___________\___________/. ----------------+
. /_______/ . &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; PS4 Release Standards v1.1 2018 &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 1) Packing: &#9474;
&#9474; 1.1) Releases must be packed in RAR. SFV and NFO must be included. &#9474;
&#9474; 1.2) Rars must be in multiples of 50.000.000 bytes but no larger than &#9474;
&#9474; 500.000.000 bytes. &#9474;
&#9474; 1.3) Rars must be RAR4 compressed with M1 (fastest) or better. &#9474;
&#9474; 1.4) Rars must use &#34;Old Style volume names&#34;. &#9474;
&#9474; 1.5) Password protected archives are not allowed. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 2) NFO: &#9474;
&#9474; 2.1) The release must include a .NFO. The file must be a plain-text &#9474;
&#9474; document and at least include the name of the title. &#9474;
&#9474; 2.2) NFO must include GAMEID and version. &#9474;
&#9474; 2.3) The required firmware must be included in the nfo. &#9474;
&#9474; 2.4) Patchlevel/Installed updates must be included in the nfo. &#9474;
&#9474; 2.5) All game languages is encouraged to be included in nfo. &#9474;
&#9474; 2.6) A short description of release is encouraged to be in the nfo. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 3) Image format: &#9474;
&#9474; 3.1) Only PKG Format releases are acceptable. &#9474;
&#9474; 3.2) PKG trumps ISO releases. &#9474;
&#9474; 3.3) The game dump needs to be a full working &#34;dump&#34;. &#9474;
&#9474; 3.4) All groups are encouraged to patch the PKG to the highest &#9474;
&#9474; compatible patchlevel. This is not mandatory. &#9474;
&#9474; 3.5) Source of game disc origin must be included in nfo. &#9474;
&#9474; 3.6) All previous ISO File Format releases can be re-released as PKG. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 4) Proof: &#9474;
&#9474; 4.1) The groups are encouraged to include a proof picture with disc &#9474;
&#9474; and a group tag, for &#34;new&#34; groups which pred less then 50 &#34;working&#34; &#9474;
&#9474; releases this is mandatory. &#9474;
&#9474; 4.2) You have 24 hours AFTER NUKE to release a Prooffix. &#9474;
&#9474; After this 24 hours grace period, any other group is allowed to &#9474;
&#9474; release a PROPER with scans/photos. &#9474;
&#9474; 4.3) Proof picture can be scanned and must be in JPEG format. &#9474;
&#9474; 4.4) Proof picture must not be blurry. Disc/Cart Code must be clearly &#9474;
&#9474; visible. &#9474;
&#9474; 4.5) If the medium or cover/booklet contain anything that may expose &#9474;
&#9474; your identity, then that part of the image can be blurred or &#9474;
&#9474; blackened. Additional scans may be added but these DO NOT count &#9474;
&#9474; as sufficient proof! &#9474;
&#9474; 4.6) PSN releases will be exempt from proof requirements as they are &#9474;
&#9474; downloadable. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; NOTE: We STRONGLY recommend the removal of all Exif data! Uniquely &#9474;
&#9474; identifying information such as the camera serial number and GPS &#9474;
&#9474; coordinates can pose a security threat if not removed. &#9474;
&#9474; Use tools such as jhead, PureJPG, EXIF Cleaner... &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 5) Updates Patches DLC: &#9474;
&#9474; 5.1) Updates/DLC for releases must also be in PKG format. &#9474;
&#9474; 5.2) Update/patch/DLC must say in nfo what release it is intended for. &#9474;
&#9474; 5.3) If Update/patch/DLC is for an iNTERNAL release, &#9474;
&#9474; Update/patch/DLC must be tagged iNTERNAL too. &#9474;
&#9474; 5.4) Suggested directory format (if the Update/patch/DLC is pred alone): &#9474;
&#9474; Game_Name_&#60;PROPER/READ_NFO/REPACK>_v1.00_PATCH_PS4-GRPNAME &#9474;
&#9474; Game.Name.&#60;PROPER/READ.NFO/REPACK>.DLC.PS4-GRPNAME &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 6) Region and Languages: &#9474;
&#9474; 6.1) If a game does not include the English language, this must be &#9474;
&#9474; specified in the dir name (with use of language tag). &#9474;
&#9474; - If the game has only one foreign language an appropriate tag &#9474;
&#9474; should be used in the directory for example JPN/KOR/etc. &#9474;
&#9474; - If the game includes multiple languages MULTI tag should be &#9474;
&#9474; used, and the nfo must specify which languages are included. &#9474;
&#9474; 6.2) If a game is re-released for having additional foreign languages, &#9474;
&#9474; the release must be tagged as MULTI and the nfo must specify &#9474;
&#9474; which additional languages are included. &#9474;
&#9474; 6.3) Due to releases being region free, region tag EURO, USA and ASIA &#9474;
&#9474; is NOT ALLOWED. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 7) Other: &#9474;
&#9474; 7.1) The dirname must only contain the game name, allowed tags, &#9474;
&#9474; platform name and groupname. &#9474;
&#9474; 7.2) the &#39;online only&#39; games must state in nfo that game is for online &#9474;
&#9474; only, as those cant be played with the currently known methods. &#9474;
&#9474; 7.3) Homebrew software, emulators will not be released unless its &#9474;
&#9474; official retail or from PSN. &#9474;
&#9474; 7.4) Virtual Reality releases must be tagged &#39;VR&#39;. &#9474;
&#9474; 7.5) If the release is an unlocker or trainer compatible with more than &#9474;
&#9474; one version/update of a game, the highest compatible version number &#9474;
&#9474; must be included in the dirname. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 8) Only these characters are allowed in dirname and filenames: &#9474;
&#9474; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.-_ &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; 9) Suggested directory formats: &#9474;
&#9474; Game.Name.MULTI.&#60;PROPER/READ.NFO/REPACK>.PS4-GRPNAME &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; Game.Name.&#60;PROPER/READ.NFO/REPACK>.VR.PS4-GRPNAME &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; NOTE: To nukers/nukenets if something is unclear, ask your resident &#9474;
&#9474; groupadmin that signed rules for interpretation and implementing &#9474;
&#9474; of above rules. &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; Signed: &#9474;
&#9474; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &#9474;
&#9474; &#729; DarKmooN &#729; DUPLEX &#729; Googlecus &#729; LaKiTu &#729; LiGHTFORCE &#729; PACT &#729; &#9474;
&#9474; &#729; Playable &#729; PROTOCOL &#729; RESPAWN &#729; TRSI &#729; UNLiMiTED &#729; WaLMaRT &#729; &#9474;
&#9474; &#9474;
&#9474; Refused to Sign: &#9474;
&#9474; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &#9474;
&#9474; &#729; GCMR &#729; &#9474;
&#9474; Compliance with this document is mandatory as of 2018-07-02 00:00:01 UTC &#9474;
&#34;make good releases. break all rules - we are pirates afterall&#34; </pre>