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█ █
█ High Definition x264 Standards for Anime █
█ █
█ Revision 1.0 :: 12-08-2009 █
█ Revision 1.1 :: 13-12-2014 █
█ █
█ [ Rev 1.1 :: Changelog ] █
█ █
█ - Encoding settings updated. █
█ - Rars with 1% recovery record allowed. █
█ - DVD sizes removed. █
█ - Sample sizes for series and movies defined. █
█ - .srt sub not required anymore. █
█ - Updated info for muxing files. █
█ - Chapter files required. █
█ - Keeping 8Bit encoding. █
█ █
█ [ Intro ] █
█ █
█ The standard described here is solely for Anime Blu-Ray and its purpose is █
█ to improve quality over the current HDX standard. It is a recommendation and ppl who █
█ like it can contact us and sign it. Anime was always something special for our █
█ video codec experts at doom9. Remember without Anime there wouldn't be any VirtualDub █
█ or many other video related things at all, http://www.virtualdub.org/virtualdub_history.html █
█ so we decided to put out this new standard to enjoy almost lossless Anime quality! █
█ █
█ [ General ] █
█ █
█ 1.1 Release must be packed in RAR. SFV and NFO must be included. █
█ 1.2 Rars should be in multiples of 50 MB, no more than 99 files. 100MB for 1080p movies. █
█ 1.3 Compressed rars are not allowed. Recovery record may be used up to 1%. █
█ 1.4 Directory format: █
█ Series: Anime.Title.<E01/S01.E01>.<720p/1080p>.BluRay.x264.<PROPER/READ.NFO/REPACK>-GROUP █
█ Movies: Anime.Title.<Year>.<720p/1080p>.BluRay.x264.<PROPER/READ.NFO/REPACK>-GROUP █
█ Season Tag "S<xx>" can be removed if there is only one "Season". █
█ █
█ 1.5 Sample size should not exceed 30M for series and 70MB for movies and must be put in █
█ separate /Sample folder. █
█ 1.6 Latest x264 revision should be used. Older than 100 revisions from latest can be propered. █
█ 1.7 If you wish for hardcoded karaoke you have to link it with extra .mkv file █
█ █
█ [ Foreign dub Scene ] █
█ █
█ 2.1 Subtitles are not required for foreign dubbed Anime (German/French etc.). █
█ 2.2 Foreign dubbed Anime must have language tag ".German./.English.Dubbed." in releasename. █
█ █
█ █
█ [ Subtitles ] █
█ █
█ 3.1 First subtitle track must be english .ass (Advanced Substation Alpha V4+). █
█ Additional foreign subtitle tracks are always welcome. █
█ 3.2 Easy readable fonts should be used as typeset. █
█ Don't try to use RGB 0:0:255 or such as font color or outline! █
█ 3.3 Translation can be based on retail or decent fansub group check anidb rating. █
█ If its based on a fansub the releasename must contain ".Fansub./.Fansubbed.". █
█ If you take someone elses work you have to mention the group in the nfo or in the █
█ muxed mkv subtitletrackname. █
█ 3.4 Horrible english translations or timing can be propered. Don't use speedsub translations! █
█ 3.5 English subtitles by Crunchyroll.com are considered as retail subs and can be taken █
█ without worries. █
█ 3.6 Translation notes allowed but they shouldn't be there too often. █
█ 3.7 Signs can only be done by softsub no hardcoded signs! Classic way to show on top allowed. █
█ Karaoke effects with .ass shouldn't be too CPU intensive. Check it after muxing! █
█ 3.8 Opening and Ending Song translations/karaoke is welcome but not required. █
█ █
█ [ Muxing ] █
█ █
█ 1.1 Latest mkvtoolnix must be used. Max 3 revisions back. █
█ 1.2 All video and audiotracks have to be defined in the tool. (Language and Trackname) █
█ 1.3 File Title under General settings must contain releasename title. █
█ 1.4 Chapters must be there and muxed over a chapter file taken from bluray. █
█ 1.5 Default track flag must be defined for first audio and subtitle track. █
█ 1.6 Video/Audio/Subtitles/Fonts/Chapter files must be muxed into the mkv container. █
█ Missing embedded fonts are a proper reason! █
█ █
█ [ Audio ] █
█ █
█ 4.1 If Blu-Ray source is 2.0 or 5.1 LPCM audio FLAC (level 5) must be applied to them. █
█ 4.2 If Blu-Ray source is 2.0 and 5.1 audio both should be muxed with 5.1 as primary track. █
█ 4.3 Only one additional foreign audio track is allowed either DTS or AC3. █
█ 4.4 Foreign tracks must be mentioned within the nfo. █
█ 4.5 For True-HD source: AC3-Core must be extracted. █
█ 4.6 For DTS-HD source: DTS-Core must be extracted. █
█ 4.7 The original dub must be always there! Are there licensing issues etc. eng dub allowed █
█ but it can be rereleased with jap dub later again. (Example: Afro Samurai) █
█ █
█ [ Video ] █
█ █
█ 5.1 If required, appropriate De-interlacing and IVTC must be applied. █
█ 5.2 Width of the video must be mod 16. Height of the video must be mod 8. █
█ 5.3 Video has to be cropped and resized to 720p/1080p if there are problems with the source. █
█ 5.4 Movies with 2.35:1 aspected ratio must be cropped to 1280x540 or 1920x816. █
█ Anime with 4:3 must be 960x720 or 1440x1080 resolution. █
█ 5.5 Filters like Limitedsharpen/FastLineDarken/Deen etc. can be applied, █
█ if you know how to improve quality for real. Check with screen comparisons first! █
█ 2008+ usually doesn't require any filtering at all. █
█ 5.6 Resize must be done with Spline36. █
█ 5.7 No hardcoded karaoke, Credits, Signs, Logos, Tags etc. █
█ 5.8 No linked .mkv containers to reduce file size with Opening/Ending. █
█ 5.9 Is the video size of a series/movie over 2.5GiB/h 2pass encode has to be applied. █
█ Should the source be an old unclean noisy anime 2pass encode recommended. █
█ 5.10 Deblock strength must be between -1:-2 up to default (0:0) █
█ and psyrd of 0.6:0.1 up to default (0:0). Decide by comparing output. █
█ 5.11 8Bit encodes for now. 10Bit will be standard on HEVC. █
█ 5.12 CRF value must be between 16 and 19 and not exceed 2.5GiB/h video filesize. █
█ 5.13 2-Pass Bitrate must be between 3000 and 4000 kbit/s. █
█ █
█ [ Profiles ] █
█ █
█ To keep up with todays standards a CRF of 16 to 19 is allowed to use. █
█ Most default settings today are fine, so we only have to adjust deblock/psyrd and motion █
█ estimation method. 10Bit encodes won't be used since devices with HW-acceleration █
█ are still rare and its only saving a little bit of space on CRF. █
█ 10Bit will be standard on future HEVC devices. █
█ The encoder must decide which CRF or bitrate he will use. The best shot is to go with CRF17 █
█ first and try not to hit 2.5GB/h limit. █
█ █
█ █
█ X264 Profile Anime CRF [16-19] 720p/1080p 8Bit █
█ █
█ --crf <xx> --deblock -1:-2 --keyint 240 --no-weightb --ref 4 --qpmax 51 --aq-mode 0 --me umh █
█ --direct auto --psy-rd 0.6:0.1 --output "output" "input" █
█ █
█ █
█ X264 Profile Anime [3000-4000] kbit/s Automated 2pass 720p/1080p 8Bit █
█ █
█ --pass 2 --bitrate <xx> --stats ".stats" --keyint 240 --no-weightb --ref 4 --qpmax 51 █
█ --aq-mode 0 --deblock -1:-2 --me umh --direct auto --psy-rd 0.6:0.1 --output "output" "input" █
█ █
█ AVS Option for resize: █
█ Spline36Resize(1280,720) # Spline36 (Neutral) █
█ █
█ [ Signed By (in alphabetic order) ] █
█ █
█ FaNSuB █
█ █
█ [ The Standard applies from 13-12-2014 00:00:00 GMT (1418425200 unixtime) ] █
█ █
█ [ Contact: fansub@linknet] █
█ █