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<pre class="nfo"> ___ ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ ____ ___ _
___| __| __(_)/ __(_)__ _| | | _ \ _ \ / _ \ _ _ _ _| |___ ___
/ _ \ _|| _|| | (__| / _` | |__ | _/ |_) | _ | '_| || | / -_|_-<
\___/_| |_| |_|\___|_\__,_|____| |_| |____/|_| |_|_| \_,_|_\___/__/
cREATION dATE : [14]-[APR]-[2002]
|___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___> <___|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
<program name>.vX.xx.<optional Language>.PalmOS.<cracktype>-<groupname>
<program name>.vX.xx.<optional Language>.Machine-Type.SymbianOS.<cracktype>-<groupname>
Machine-Type : e.g. N9210 or N9210i (Nokia Communikator)
<program name>.vX.xx.<optional Language>.CPU.OP-SYS.<cracktype>-<groupname>
OP-SYS can be
CE that is CE 2.0
PPC that is for WinCE 3.0 but its not called CE, 99runs also on new ARM
machines with PPC2002
HPC2000 that is a HandheldPC with keyboard (no pen) only ONE from HP existing
PPC2002 that is successor of PPC now most common and runs only on ARM machines
CPU types can be
SH3 is SH3 CPU
IPAQ is NOT a cpu but runs ARM , there are progs that run only on IPAQ so IPAQ has
to be named as CPU
For future extensions :
If there is a program version for a special machine then name the machine type
instead of the cpu ( see the IPAQ example above ! )
or use underscores if you like:
<program name>_vX.xx_<optional Language>_PalmOS_<cracktype>-<groupname>
<program name>_vX.xx_<optional Language>_ALL_OP-SYS_<cracktype>-<groupname>
<program name>_vX.xx_<optional Language>_SymbianOS_<cracktype>-<groupname>
<groupname> has to be <name>pda to part the pda section !!
Examples: WOMAN.v1.4.JAPANESE.PalmOS.Regged-GROUPpda
optional language tag should only be used on NON english releases...
<ebook name>.<Edition>.<optional Language>.OP-SYS.-<groupname>
Edition : Bookversion or Edition
OP-SYS : OperatingSystems eg. PalmOS, PPC
can be :
Regged serial data is included in nfo
Cracked the program file has been altered to register the
proggy. The program is then "Preregistered", "any
name and/or serial can be entered" or "nags/trials
Incl.Keymaker if keymaker is included in package
Incl.Keymaker.Patch if program is patched and shows correct
serial relating to the hotsyncname(palmos,ppc) after
program start or after entering any serial
Incl.PalmOS.Keymaker if keymaker for PalmOS is in the package (if you wanna
use some kind of plugin system for your keygen you HAVE
to incl. the plugin-proggy too (not only the plugin))
Incl.WinCE.Keymaker if keymaker for WinCE is in the package (if you wanna
use some kind of plugin system for your keygen you HAVE
to incl. the plugin-proggy too (not only the plugin))
Incl.Java.Keymaker if keymaker comes via java applet, the java applet has
to be delivered with a name.html file that loads the
java app.
if a Keymaker is only in the package then a url to get the prg has to be
included in nfo !
if a Serial (HOTSYNC independent!) is only in the package then a url to get the prg
has to be included in nfo !
Allowed are :
OPL.Keymaker.Only (Epoc16)
OP32.Keymaker.Only (Epoc32)
Keymakers can be written in :
Dos, Win32, PalmOS, WinCE, Java ( with start.html )
Release format/size :
If a release is bigger than 1.44 mb then it has to be parted in 1.44/2.88 MB
packages ( ISO can be packed with rar (most common) )
Keygens: A keymaker is allowed to be only (re-)released
1) when a major version hop of the application occurs i.e.
1.xx -> 2.xx
2) when the key algo changes. An algo-change has to be announced
by including READ.NFO in dirname AND a short
description in the nfo (for example: "Keygenalgo changed ...")
3) when there has not been a re-release within a 1 year.
Example(1) : Keymaker released first time for v1.43 .
The first time it can be replaced for not being a dupe is when
the version changes to v2.xx or if the keyalgo changes. So also
in v1.44 ;)
Example(2): Prog.v1.1.incl.Keymaker-GRP released 01/01/2000
the next allowed release date for Prog.v1.11.incl.Keymaker-GRP
would be 01/01/2001. Its (of course) not allowed to release the
SAME version again after a 1 year :P
Keymaker.Only releases are allowed, but then include the url where
where to download the program in the nfo.
Keygenpatch: A Keygenpatch is a patch that alters the program that it shows the
right serial for the actual hotsync (and which regs it of course).
Keygenpatches are like Keygens (same rules here) with one difference:
Its allowed to release a Keygen after a Keygenpatch
(even for the same version)
Cracks: Cracks in form of patched programs can be released for every
version UNTIL they got keygened or a serial is released.
If a keygen or serial gets invalid for some reason a new crack
can be released.
Regged: Can be a serial or name + serial. (hotsync id independent)
(Serial) Same rules as for keygens apply here (major version hops, serial
change, 1 year rule...)
Retail: A retail is treated like a crack with these exceptions:
- You are allowed to release a retail after
a serial/crack/keygen/keygenpatch IF (!) there's something special
added (some kind of extra stuff that you dont have in the shareware/
demo version). If thats the case you have to add a READ.NFO to the
dirname and list whats the additional stuff.
Normally retails should be released when its not possible to download
an uncrippled version which can be regged/keygenned.
All releases must be (zip-)packed with the necessary files for the release and
a .nfo and .diz from the group.
As we have seen in the past, there are some rules which prevent groups
releases being nuked on an affiliate site. We think that if a valid nuke
reason applies to any release, it should be nuked on all sites - affil or
APR 2002 -- COREpda
APR 2002 -- UFCpda
APR 2002 -- BLZpda
APR 2002 -- NLPDA</pre>