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            [ ::::::: Nuclear MP3 Releasing Standards 2005 ::::::: ]
          |                                            Version 0.22a |
 1. SFVs

    1.1. An .SFV file must be included to verify file integrity in every

 2. NFOs

    2.1. An .NFO file must be included with every release.

    2.2. The NFO file must feature at least:
         - Album Title
         - Artist Name
         - Release Date (Recommended format: YYYY-MM-DD)
         - Tracks &#38; Playtime
         - Genre
         - Source
         - Encoding Bitrate
         - Encoder Used

         We suggest including:
         - Label

         Note: The NFO must contain as much information about the release as
               possible. It is recommended that you place a &#39;Release Notes&#39;
               section in your NFO file for any other information pertinent to
               the release.

 3. Directory Naming and Labeling Specifications

    3.1. The following are the standards for directory naming:

         - Directories must only contain characters of type a-Z 0-9 _ . - ( )
           Example: Artist_-_Title-Promo-CDS-2005-Group

         - The first and last characters must be of type a-Z 0-9
           Examples: Artist-Title-EP-REPACK-2005-Group

    3.2. Parenthesis are allowed in the directory name.

    3.3. Directory naming will follow this format (spaces are used solely to
         clearly illustrate the format):

         Artist Name - Title - Additional Info - Published Year - Group Name

         Example: Artist_-_Title-4CD-Retail-2000-Group

    3.4. All release data will be held within the single release directory. No
         CD1, CD2 directories.

    3.5. Various Artist album releases must be prefixed with &#34;VA-&#34;. Soundtrack
         Album releases must be prefixed with &#34;OST-&#34;.

    3.6. Underscores and singular periods will be used. No double periods are
         to be used.

         Example: ..

    3.7. Directory names can be up to 64 characters in length. It is acceptable
         to use abbreviations/selftitled/etc to achieve this. This is enforced
         to ensure wide device filesystem compatibility.

    3.8. Additional Tagging Information (mandatory if applicable):

         VLS     - Vinyl Single (1-2 tracks)
         EP      - Vinyl Maxi-single (2-5 tracks)
         LP      - Vinyl Full-length Album
         CDS     - CD Single (1-2 tracks)
         CDM     - CD Maxi-single (2-5 tracks)
         CDR     - CD-Recordable (CD-R)
         DVDA    - DVD-Audio
         MD      - MiniDisk
         Promo   - Promotional
         Mixtape - Mixtape, Pressed or promotional from a real artist or
                   one of their representatives
         Bootleg - Any release not produced by real artists or their

         XX      - Import
         RETAIL  - Retail
         Liveset - DAB/SAT/CABLE/TAPE/etc, full date needed, e.g. -YYYY-MM-DD-
                   Example: -2005-12-31-

         TLD     - Non-English dialect lang. by Top Level Domain (TLD)
                   Examples: -DE- -FR- -SE- -UK- -NL- -CN- -JP- -KR- -MX- -BR-
                   Reference: http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm

 4. File Naming and Labeling Specifications

    4.1. Files must only contain characters; a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - ()

    4.2. Periods are not allowed as replacement for spaces in filenames.

    4.3. The use of periods is restricted to abbreviations only.

    4.4. File names can be up to 64 characters in length. It is acceptable
         to use abbreviations/selftitled/etc to achieve this. This is enforced
         to ensure wide device filesystem compatibility.

    4.5. Parenthesis are allowed in the filenames when:

         - They are part of the track title
           Example: 01-usher_-_i_want_to_pee_on_you_(girl)-group.mp3

         - They are needed to specify a featured artist
           Example: 01-artist_-_title-(feat_blah)-group.mp3

         - They specify the producers of the track when groupname isnt given
           Example: 01-artist_-_title-(produced_by_name)-group.mp3

         - They specify unique track properties
           Example: 01-artist_-_title-(remix)-group.mp3

        Parenthesis are not allowed in any circumstances except those outlined

    4.6. All filenames must be lowercase.

    4.7. File naming will follow this format (spaces are used to display the
         format better):

         Track Number - Artist - Song Title - Additional Info - Group.mp3

         If Group name is chosen to not be used, the producer(s) of each track
         must be included so that each track has an original filename.

         Track numbering example:
         Single CD Release, or non CD and less than 2 sides, cds, etc...
         01-... (track 1)
         02-... (track 2)

         Multi CD Release, or non CD and more than 1 side, cd, etc...
         101-... (track 1 from cd 1)
         102-... (track 2 from cd 1)
         201-... (track 1 from cd 2)
         202-... (track 2 from cd 2)

         For vinyl releases you may also use the naming scheme a1, a2, b1, b2,
         etc.  Labeling with &#39;a&#39; would indicate side-a, &#39;b&#39; would indicate
         side-b, and so forth.

 5. Encoding

    5.1. Encoder

         The following encoder
         Lame 3.90.3

         Note: As new significantly improved final builds of codecs are
               released, this document will be updated by NUCLEAR.

    5.2. Encoding Method:

         Use Lame&#39;s --alt-preset standard (APS)
         URL: http://hqscene.fatty.dk

    5.3. Re-Encoding is strictly forbidden.

 6. No dupes!

    6.1. You are not allowed to create a duplicate release from a source of
         lower quality if the original CD has already been released.

         - Not Allowed : Vinyl after CD release
         - Allowed     : CD after vinyl release

    6.2. A release is a dupe if the complete release (all tracks) is included
         in ONE previous release.  Futhermore, if a release is different
         because it has fewer tracks, it is not a valid release if a previous
         release contains all of the tracks.

 7. Mixes

    7.1. Mixes must include track listing in NFO and a .CUE file (N/A for

    7.2. No selfmade or homemade compilations.  Real DJ Mixes are allowed.
         No, IRC DJs are NOT real DJs.

 8. ID3 Tags

    8.1. All ID3 tags must be generated correctly and all available information
         must be used (appropriate information in the correct fields).

    8.2. Both ID3.v1 and ID3.v2 must be used.

 9. No Partials!

    9.1. The entire CD, Vinyl etc. must be released (no individual tracks).

10. Broadcast Sources

    10.1. Live recordings (from radio etc.) must contain a date when they were
          broadcast in the directory name.
          Note: See rule 3.8 for additional info

    10.2. All commercials must be removed.

11. Additional Specifications

    11.1. Including covers in a release is optional, but strongly advised when
          possible. This can be done with a scanner, digital camera, or some
          other image capturing device. If, for whatever reason, you are unable
          to provide proof, you should include a concise and clearly written
          explanation in your NFO file. This will save you and everyone else
          grief and reduce the likelihood of a nuke.

This Document was signed &#38; approved in March 2005 by the following entities
representing their respective groups:

2005-03-10 : v0.21a Written and Reviewed by:

laiso mC Jnc7 pinky t0i sJ
