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    <pre class="nfo">&#9484;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9472;&#9488;
&#9474; THE.2020.WEB.AND.WEBRIP.SD.HD.X264.UHD.X265.RULESET.v2.0-WDX                 &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; High Definition x264/H264 and Ultra High Definition x265/H265 WEB and WEBRip &#9474;
&#9474; Standards                                                                    &#9474;
&#9474; Version 2.0 - 2020-05-13                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Intro ]                                                                    &#9474;
&#9474; The landscape of the WEB scene has changed in the last four years.           &#9474;
&#9474; Subsequently, the ability to defeat DRM has become ubiquitous.               &#9474;
&#9474; What were once rules written around the assumption that capturing and        &#9474;
&#9474; transcoding would be more commonplace than lossless downloading have         &#9474;
&#9474; naturally become increasingly out of date.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; HDTV is still slowly, but surely, being replaced by WEB. Not just in         &#9474;
&#9474; quality, but with more and more providers transitioning to streaming at      &#9474;
&#9474; airtime, and some even putting entire seasons up days/weeks before airtime.  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; Transcoding only for crop has become a burden, and only serves to damage the &#9474;
&#9474; section.                                                                     &#9474;
&#9474; Internals have been abused with rampant technical flaws, lesser quality and  &#9474;
&#9474; identical files.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474; While UHD and HDR streams were but an afterthought four years ago, they have &#9474;
&#9474; now become a daily occurrence with groups left unsure of how to release      &#9474;
&#9474; them.                                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; Worst of all, with an almost endless array of web sources available          &#9474;
&#9474; simultaneously, groups continuously pick the first to appear, which, more    &#9474;
&#9474; often than not, is the worst possible quality.                               &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; This update will address all these issues and more, by taking one large leap &#9474;
&#9474; forward and no steps back.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; Compliance with this document is optional as of its pre date, and mandatory  &#9474;
&#9474; as of 2020-05-20 00:00:00 UTC (1589932800 Unix time).                        &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Recommended ]                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; It is recommended to view the unformatted version of this ruleset bundled    &#9474;
&#9474; within this release.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Ruleset Structure ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474; Rules listed under untouched or transcoded labelled sections only apply to   &#9474;
&#9474; releases of that type and supersede any similar rule mentioned elsewhere.    &#9474;
&#9474; e.g. Rule 8.1 defines SD as resolutions with a maximum horizontal display of &#9474;
&#9474; 720 pixels, unless the release is considered untouched, in which case rule   &#9474;
&#9474; 1.6 applies.                                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 1) [ Untouched: WEB.H264 / WEB.H265 ]                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     1.1) Untouched releases must be considered as anything that has been     &#9474;
&#9474;          losslessly downloaded by official (offered) or unofficial           &#9474;
&#9474;          (backdoor) methods.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         1.1.1) Untouched video streams must be in the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or    &#9474;
&#9474;                H.265/HEVC codec. See exception in 1.5.1.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     1.2) Source video and audio streams must be left as obtained from the    &#9474;
&#9474;          source.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;     1.3) Untouched video streams with, and without, x264/x265 headers must   &#9474;
&#9474;          be tagged as WEB.H264 and WEB.H265 respectively.                    &#9474;
&#9474;         1.3.1) HEVC/H265 may only be used when the source does not offer a   &#9474;
&#9474;                H264 stream in situations it is used any untouched sections   &#9474;
&#9474;                referring to H264/x264 must be considered as H265/x265.       &#9474;
&#9474;     1.4) Transcoding untouched files must only occur if files do not meet    &#9474;
&#9474;          the standards and specifications listed in this section, and must   &#9474;
&#9474;          only be a last resort.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;         1.4.1) Any transcoding of untouched files must follow the            &#9474;
&#9474;                transcoding standards - see sections marked as &#39;Transcoded&#39;.  &#9474;
&#9474;         1.4.2) Transcoding must be done from files of the highest resolution &#9474;
&#9474;                and bitrate offered.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;    720p/1080p and 1080p/2160p streams are considered of    &#9474;
&#9474;                      equal value, unless DRM protection levels of            &#9474;
&#9474;                      1080p/2160p are laxed to 720p levels.                   &#9474;
&#9474;                          e.g. 2160p is protected at the same laxed level as  &#9474;
&#9474;                          720p.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;                              e.g. 1080p is protected at the same laxed level &#9474;
&#9474;                              as 720p.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         1.4.3) Transcoding may occur when correcting a technical flaw.       &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Decimating a source with duplicates every 5th frame. &#9474;
&#9474;         1.4.4) In situations where a target resolution is not offered by any &#9474;
&#9474;                lossless source, or the resolution offered by any source does &#9474;
&#9474;                not meet the minimum resolution requirements, transcoding     &#9474;
&#9474;                from the highest resolution and bitrate offered is allowed.   &#9474;
&#9474;                However, if at least one source can provide the correct       &#9474;
&#9474;                resolution, transcoding is not allowed.                       &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. If 1080p and 720p can be retrieved from multiple     &#9474;
&#9474;                    sources, but SD cannot be retrieved from any source,      &#9474;
&#9474;                    transcoding the 1080p to SD is allowed.                   &#9474;
&#9474;         1.4.5) If the untouched file does not contain any technical flaws    &#9474;
&#9474;                and meets the minimum standards required, transcoding to      &#9474;
&#9474;                create any WEBRip is not allowed.                             &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. 1080p.WEB.H264 -> 720p.WEBRip.x264.                  &#9474;
&#9474;    When transcoding video for a valid reason, audio must   &#9474;
&#9474;                      not be transcoded unless necessary and be included as   &#9474;
&#9474;                      is and vice versa.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;                          e.g. Video contains dupes and must be decimated,    &#9474;
&#9474;                          audio is fine. Video must be re-encoded but the     &#9474;
&#9474;                          audio must be included as is.                       &#9474;
&#9474;        Except for SD audio which must either be an       &#9474;
&#9474;                            untouched track respecting rule 2.2 or a          &#9474;
&#9474;                            transcoded track from the highest quality audio   &#9474;
&#9474;                            track respecting rule 5.6.2.                      &#9474;
&#9474;     1.5) Untouched video streams which do not use an AVC or HEVC codec must  &#9474;
&#9474;          be transcoded and follow the transcoding standards, see section 3.  &#9474;
&#9474;         1.5.1) Except in very rare cases VP9/AV1 may be used, only when the  &#9474;
&#9474;                source does not offer a H264/H265 stream.                     &#9474;
&#9474;    Any untouched sections referring to H264/x264 must be   &#9474;
&#9474;                      considered as VP9 or AV1.                               &#9474;
&#9474;    Transcoding from either of these codecs, except when    &#9474;
&#9474;                      correcting technical flaws, is not allowed.             &#9474;
&#9474;     1.6) Standard definition (SD) refers to a resolution with a horizontal   &#9474;
&#9474;          minimum of 720 pixels, or a resolution which does not exceed the    &#9474;
&#9474;          specifications of 720p, see rule 8.2.                               &#9474;
&#9474;         1.6.1) If all sources provide standard definition resolutions which  &#9474;
&#9474;                fall below the above minimum, transcoding from the highest    &#9474;
&#9474;                available resolution is allowed, see rule 1.4.4.              &#9474;
&#9474;         1.6.2) Except in situations where only one source has the file on    &#9474;
&#9474;                offer at a specific resolution. If the resolution of the file &#9474;
&#9474;                falls below the above minimum, the file may still be          &#9474;
&#9474;                released. However, the NFO must state why the resolution does &#9474;
&#9474;                not meet the minimum.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;     1.7) In rare cases, a resolution exceeding the specifications outlined   &#9474;
&#9474;          in rules 1.6, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 is allowed when the only available   &#9474;
&#9474;          stream offered for the target resolution exceeds limitations due to &#9474;
&#9474;          a reasonable circumstance.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Streaming provider offers 720p only at 1392x660 due        &#9474;
&#9474;              maintaining AR while offering a cropped stream.                 &#9474;
&#9474;         1.7.1) The NFO must state why the resolution exceeds the maximum.    &#9474;
&#9474;     1.8) Must use the highest available bitrate offered by the source for    &#9474;
&#9474;          that resolution.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Releasing a 720p at 4,000 Kbps bitrate, when a 720p at     &#9474;
&#9474;              8,000 Kbps bitrate is offered is not allowed.                   &#9474;
&#9474;     1.9) Retaining black borders (i.e. needs cropping) is not a technical    &#9474;
&#9474;          flaw. Transcoding only to perform cropping is not allowed.          &#9474;
&#9474;         1.9.1) Container level cropping is not allowed.                      &#9474;
&#9474;         1.9.2) When transcoding to fix another valid technical flaw (e.g.    &#9474;
&#9474;                decimating duplicates), cropping must be applied if           &#9474;
&#9474;                necessary.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     1.10) VFR (Variable Frame Rate) methods are allowed only if present in   &#9474;
&#9474;           the original source.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         1.10.1) If CFR (Constant Frame Rate) can be used when remuxing and   &#9474;
&#9474;                 does not result in playback issue, CFR must be used.         &#9474;
&#9474;    FPS values stored in the video bitstream must be       &#9474;
&#9474;                       corrected when remuxing. MKVToolnix with &#39;--fix-       &#9474;
&#9474;                       bitstream-timing-information&#39; enabled is the           &#9474;
&#9474;                       recommended method.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     1.11) Trimming unrelated footage (see rule 7.7) must be done losslessly  &#9474;
&#9474;           via keyframe intervals (GOP). MKVToolnix is the recommended tool.  &#9474;
&#9474;         1.11.1) If unrelated footage cannot be removed via this method,      &#9474;
&#9474;                 transcoding a maximum of one GOP per cut point is allowed    &#9474;
&#9474;                 and the release must still be tagged WEB. VideoRedo is the   &#9474;
&#9474;                 recommended tool.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     1.12) Incorrect pixel aspect ratio (PAR), or a non-square sample aspect  &#9474;
&#9474;           ratio (SAR), must be fixed using the correct display aspect ratio  &#9474;
&#9474;           (DAR) set at a container level (--aspect-ratio). MKVToolnix is the &#9474;
&#9474;           recommended tool.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. A video stream with a non-square SAR must specify the     &#9474;
&#9474;               correct DAR when muxing.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     1.13) Releases with a non-square SAR are not considered technically      &#9474;
&#9474;           flawed.                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;         1.13.1) However, a source which provides files with a square SAR     &#9474;
&#9474;                 will trump an equivalent file with a non-square SAR. It is   &#9474;
&#9474;                 recommended to use a source which provides files with a      &#9474;
&#9474;                 square SAR.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         1.13.2) In situations where a source initially provides a non-square &#9474;
&#9474;                 SAR file and later updates with a square SAR file, the       &#9474;
&#9474;                 initial release with a non-square SAR is considered of lower &#9474;
&#9474;                 quality and a technical flaw.                                &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Release A: 960x720, SAR: 4:3, DAR: 16:9.            &#9474;
&#9474;                     Release B: 1280x720, SAR: 1:1, DAR: 16:9.                &#9474;
&#9474;                     Both releases are considered as 720p.                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     If Release A is first: Release A remains unnuked and is  &#9474;
&#9474;                     a valid release until Release B is released. Release B   &#9474;
&#9474;                     then propers Release A.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                     If Release B is first: Release A dupes Release B.        &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 2) [ Untouched: Audio ]                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;     2.1) Must use the original audio track offered by the source.            &#9474;
&#9474;     2.2) Standard definition releases must only contain an audio track with  &#9474;
&#9474;          a maximum of 2.0 channels.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         2.2.1) Except where the only available audio track on offer contains &#9474;
&#9474;                more than 2.0 channels. The NFO must mention why an audio     &#9474;
&#9474;                track with more than 2.0 channels was used.                   &#9474;
&#9474;         2.2.2) In situations where a source provides two audio tracks, a 2.0 &#9474;
&#9474;                and 5.1 track, the 2.0 audio track must be used.              &#9474;
&#9474;         2.2.3) If a source provides identical channel audio tracks using two &#9474;
&#9474;                different codecs, it is at the discretion of the group which  &#9474;
&#9474;                track is used. It is recommended to use the smaller file.     &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. A source offers AC3 2.0 and AAC 2.0, the group may   &#9474;
&#9474;                    choose to remux the AC3 or AAC.                           &#9474;
&#9474;     2.3) High Definition releases must use the highest available audio       &#9474;
&#9474;          format and quality offered by the source.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         2.3.1) Highest quality must determined by all characteristics of an  &#9474;
&#9474;                audio track in this order: positional metadata (e.g. Atmos),  &#9474;
&#9474;                channel count, codec and bitrate.                             &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. 576 Kbps, 5.1 E-AC3 w/ Atmos > 640 Kbps, 5.1 AC3 >   &#9474;
&#9474;                    2.0 E-AC3.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;                        e.g. 385 Kbps, 5.1 AC3 > 128 Kbps, 5.1 E-AC3          &#9474;
&#9474;                            e.g. 445 Kbps 5.1 AAC > 384 Kbps, 5.1 E-AC3       &#9474;
&#9474;         2.3.2) In situations where a lesser audio format is offered for      &#9474;
&#9474;                larger resolutions in comparison to lower resolutions, groups &#9474;
&#9474;                must use the highest available audio format from all          &#9474;
&#9474;                resolutions.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. A source provides an AC3 5.1 track for SD            &#9474;
&#9474;                    resolutions, but an AAC 2.0 track for 720p/1080p. The AC3 &#9474;
&#9474;                    5.1 track must be used for 720p/1080p resolutions.        &#9474;
&#9474;         2.3.3) If using the highest available audio format results in a      &#9474;
&#9474;                technical flaw (e.g. sync issues or glitches), minor          &#9474;
&#9474;                adjustments to the audio track may be applied. If groups are  &#9474;
&#9474;                unable to correct any flaws, the original audio track must be &#9474;
&#9474;                used.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 3) [ Transcoded: WEBRip.x264 / WEBRip.x265 ]                                 &#9474;
&#9474;     3.1) Transcoded releases should be considered as anything that has been  &#9474;
&#9474;          captured or encoded by a group to a lesser format or quality        &#9474;
&#9474;          (lossy).                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     3.2) Transcoded releases must be tagged as WEBRip.x264/x265.             &#9474;
&#9474;     3.3) Streams must be captured at the highest available resolution and    &#9474;
&#9474;          bitrate offered.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Source offers 2160p, 1080p and 720p streams. Using         &#9474;
&#9474;              anything but the 2160p stream is not allowed.                   &#9474;
&#9474;         3.3.1) Streams must not have any degradation in quality throughout   &#9474;
&#9474;                the capture, and releases with drops to a lower resolution or &#9474;
&#9474;                bitrate is considered a technical flaw.                       &#9474;
&#9474;         3.3.2) Audio must be captured in the highest format offered by the   &#9474;
&#9474;                source stream, not what the capturing device is capable of.   &#9474;
&#9474;                This includes channel count and bitrate offered.              &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. If a Netflix show lists a 5.1 track, the resultant   &#9474;
&#9474;                    capture and release should also contain a 5.1 audio       &#9474;
&#9474;                    track.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     3.4) Captures should be done at the native broadcast framerate of the    &#9474;
&#9474;          source.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         3.4.1) Captures from devices which are unable to output a native     &#9474;
&#9474;                format must be restored to the original framerate.            &#9474;
&#9474;         3.4.2) If captures cannot be completely restored to their native     &#9474;
&#9474;                framerate, it is considered a technical flaw.                 &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. A single dupe frame every 1000 or blended/ghost      &#9474;
&#9474;                    frames due to mangling from the streaming device.         &#9474;
&#9474;     3.5) Captures should be done at the native colour space of the source    &#9474;
&#9474;          (e.g. YUV or RGB), and manual corrections should be made to achieve &#9474;
&#9474;          an output near-identical to the source.                             &#9474;
&#9474;     3.6) Capture software and hardware which introduces video cropping       &#9474;
&#9474;          greater than 2 pixels on any side is not allowed, and is considered &#9474;
&#9474;          a technical flaw.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     3.7) Final resolution must maintain the same aspect ratio as the source  &#9474;
&#9474;          after cropping and kept at mod 2.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         3.7.1) Sources must have all black borders cropped to the widest     &#9474;
&#9474;                frame.                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         3.7.2) The same aspect ratio as calculated from the source must be   &#9474;
&#9474;                used, see rule 8.12.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     3.8) If the video is being transcoded from an untouched source (rule     &#9474;
&#9474;          1.4.4 and 1.4.5), the NFO must state the reason for transcoding.    &#9474;
&#9474;         3.8.1) If a technical flaw is present that is being rectified by     &#9474;
&#9474;                transcoding (rule 1.4.3), the flaw must also be included with &#9474;
&#9474;                the reason for transcoding.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. A file from 2 lossless providers both have the same  &#9474;
&#9474;                    interlacing flaw.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;                    The flaw: Interlaced video.                               &#9474;
&#9474;                    The reason: No other WEB.H264 provider has a correctly    &#9474;
&#9474;                    deinterlaced file.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 4) [ Transcoded: Video Codec ]                                               &#9474;
&#9474;     4.1) Video must be:                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         4.1.1) H.265/MPEG-H HEVC encoded with x265 10-bit for SD/720p/1080p  &#9474;
&#9474;                HDR and 2160p SDR/HDR content.                                &#9474;
&#9474;         4.1.2) H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoded with x264 8-bit for SD, 720p and     &#9474;
&#9474;                1080p SDR content.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;         4.1.3) Custom builds of x264/x265 are allowed and must be based off  &#9474;
&#9474;                the current x264/x265 codebase. e.g. tMod, kMod.              &#9474;
&#9474;     4.2) x264/x265 headers must remain intact and must not be modified or    &#9474;
&#9474;          removed.                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     4.3) x264/x265 must be kept up to date, with a maximum allowance, or     &#9474;
&#9474;          grace period, of 60 days before groups are required to update to    &#9474;
&#9474;          the latest revision.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         4.3.1) The official x264 git repository is the only reference for    &#9474;
&#9474;                determining the current revision:                             &#9474;
&#9474;                https://code.videolan.org/videolan/x264/tree/stable           &#9474;
&#9474;         4.3.2) The official x265 git repository is the only reference for    &#9474;
&#9474;                determining the current revision:                             &#9474;
&#9474;                https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/wiki/Home            &#9474;
&#9474;    Until such a time as MulticoreWare implement official   &#9474;
&#9474;                      revisional building, 3rd party builds (e.g. self-       &#9474;
&#9474;                      compiles, http://msystem.waw.pl/x265 or                 &#9474;
&#9474;                      https://builds.x265.eu) can be used and must be kept up &#9474;
&#9474;                      to date respecting 4.3.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         4.3.3) The 60 day grace period must only be applied at pre time, not &#9474;
&#9474;                the tagged encoded date.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         4.3.4) The grace period is only applicable to the revision preceding &#9474;
&#9474;                the latest update and does not reset active grace periods of  &#9474;
&#9474;                preceding revisions.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. 2016-01-01: Revision A is used.                      &#9474;
&#9474;                    2016-01-02: Revision B is committed, 60-day grace period  &#9474;
&#9474;                    begins for revision A.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                    2016-01-05: Revision C is committed, 60-day grace period  &#9474;
&#9474;                    begins for revision B.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                    2016-03-02: Revision A is no longer allowed, Revision B   &#9474;
&#9474;                    or C may be used.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;                    2016-03-05: Revision B is no longer allowed, Revision C   &#9474;
&#9474;                    must be used.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;     4.4) Segmented encoding is not allowed.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     4.5) Constant Rate Factor (--crf) must be used.                          &#9474;
&#9474;         4.5.1) Decimal values may be used.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         4.5.2) Starting with an initial value of 16 or 14 (for especially    &#9474;
&#9474;                compressible sources) for 2160p, 17 for 720p/1080p and 19 for &#9474;
&#9474;                SD is recommended.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     4.6) While the encoded video stream bitrate exceeds x percent (where x   &#9474;
&#9474;          is defined below) of the y (where y is defined below) resolution    &#9474;
&#9474;          source video stream bitrate, the CRF value must be incremented by 1 &#9474;
&#9474;          or 0.1, until it does not.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         4.6.1) 2160p                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;    20% for SD.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;    40% for 720p.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;    60% for 1080p.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;    98% for 2160p.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         4.6.2) 1080p                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;    40% for SD.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;    70% for 720p.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;    98% for 1080p.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         4.6.3) 720p                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;    60% for SD.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;    98% for 720p.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         4.6.4) SD                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;    98% for SD.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         4.6.5) When the source codec is HEVC is being transcoded to AVC, 40% &#9474;
&#9474;                of the source bitrate must be added to the video stream       &#9474;
&#9474;                bitrate, to account for HEVC&#39;s 40-50% improvement over AVC.   &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Transcoding 2160p SDR with a bitrate of 15,000 Kbps  &#9474;
&#9474;                    to WEBRiP.1080p SDR - in this case, 40% of 15,000 Kbps is &#9474;
&#9474;                    6,000. The bitrate used for calculations is now 21,000    &#9474;
&#9474;                    Kbps.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     4.7) Use of 2-pass is accepted for all resolutions. However, this method &#9474;
&#9474;          should be used only in extreme cases and not as a primary           &#9474;
&#9474;          replacement for CRF methods. e.g. If the source contains an         &#9474;
&#9474;          excessive amount of grain or black and white scenes.                &#9474;
&#9474;         4.7.1) The NFO must provide sufficient detailed evidence of 2-pass   &#9474;
&#9474;                producing a visual improvement, bitrate or file size          &#9474;
&#9474;                advantage over CRF in regards to the source used.             &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Source has heavy grain throughout, which required    &#9474;
&#9474;                    the use of 2-pass to remain transparent at a reasonable   &#9474;
&#9474;                    bitrate. Included in the proof directory is test encodes  &#9474;
&#9474;                    of some troublesome areas at CRF and 2-pass showing a     &#9474;
&#9474;                    substantial improvement in quality at a more reasonable   &#9474;
&#9474;                    bitrate. CRF needs 6.5GB to stay transparent 2-pass only  &#9474;
&#9474;                    needed 4GB is detailed evidence.                          &#9474;
&#9474;                        e.g. The source was grainy so 2-pass was used is NOT  &#9474;
&#9474;                        detailed evidence.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         4.7.2) Exceeding CRF 24 on any resolution is a good indication to    &#9474;
&#9474;                consider the use of 2-pass.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         4.7.3) 2-pass encodes must follow the percentage values in 4.6, it   &#9474;
&#9474;                is recommended to target the maximum value allotted and work  &#9474;
&#9474;                down.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;     4.8) Exceeding the percentage values in 4.6 is allowed, but very         &#9474;
&#9474;          detailed justification must be included in the NFO.                 &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. 720p encoded at CRF 13 resulting in an encode 80% of the   &#9474;
&#9474;              source, this value was picked as the sourced content had a lot  &#9474;
&#9474;              of strobing effects (e.g. 1m10s-15m30s) and confetti scenes     &#9474;
&#9474;              (e.g. 20m55s-50m60s) which compressed poorly and required a     &#9474;
&#9474;              higher bitrate to maintain transparency. Proof directory        &#9474;
&#9474;              contains samples of these troublesome scenes at 30% and 50%     &#9474;
&#9474;              showing a substantial picture improvement.                      &#9474;
&#9474;     4.9) Using unreasonably high CRF values or low target bitrates with      &#9474;
&#9474;          2-pass for the source content is considered a technical flaw.       &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Producing a 1080p encode at 40% of the source bitrate,     &#9474;
&#9474;              offering no justification in the NFO and having poor            &#9474;
&#9474;              transparency to the source IS a technical flaw.                 &#9474;
&#9474;                  e.g. Producing a 1080p encode at 20% of the source bitrate  &#9474;
&#9474;                  (This may occur on animation content to avoid a bloated     &#9474;
&#9474;                  encode), offering justification in the NFO and having good  &#9474;
&#9474;                  transparency to the source is NOT a technical flaw.         &#9474;
&#9474;     4.10) Encoded video bitrate must not exceed the source video bitrate.    &#9474;
&#9474;         4.10.1) Video bitrate refers only to the bitrate for the video       &#9474;
&#9474;                 stream, and not the overall muxed bitrate of all streams     &#9474;
&#9474;                 within the container or the bitrate of a captured file.      &#9474;
&#9474;    Original video stream bitrate can be determined by     &#9474;
&#9474;                       observing network traffic during playback, or          &#9474;
&#9474;                       examining manifests/metadata of the encrypted video    &#9474;
&#9474;                       when capturing.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         4.10.2) The following algorithm can also be used to estimate a CRF   &#9474;
&#9474;                 value if the value originally used results in a bitrate      &#9474;
&#9474;                 which exceeds the source&#39;s.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                 ValidCRF = [-6 * (DestinationBitrate - ExcessiveBitrate) /   &#9474;
&#9474;                 ExcessiveBitrate] + CRFUsed                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Source bitrate: 4,500Kbps                           &#9474;
&#9474;                     Target bitrate: ~3,400Kbps                               &#9474;
&#9474;                     Encoded bitrate @ CRF17: 5,900Kbps                       &#9474;
&#9474;                     ValidCRF = (-6 * (3400 - 5900) / 5900) + 17              &#9474;
&#9474;     4.11) Settings cannot go below what is specified for preset (--preset)   &#9474;
&#9474;           &#39;slower&#39; for x264 or &#39;slow&#39; for x265 by the revision used.         &#9474;
&#9474;     4.12) Level (x264: --level, x265: --level-idc) must be:                  &#9474;
&#9474;         4.12.1) &#39;3.1&#39; for SD                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         4.12.2) &#39;4.1&#39; for 720p                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         4.12.3) &#39;4.1&#39; for 1080p, &#39;4.2&#39; for 1080p above 30fps                 &#9474;
&#9474;         4.12.4) &#39;5.1&#39; for 2160p, &#39;5.2&#39; for 2160p above 30fps.                &#9474;
&#9474;     4.13) Custom matrices are not allowed.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     4.14) Zones (--zones) may be used, but should be used sparingly with a   &#9474;
&#9474;           high degree of caution, the NFO must provide sufficient detailed   &#9474;
&#9474;           evidence for each zone used.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Used a zone at CRF 13 between frames 1634-5343 due to     &#9474;
&#9474;               confetti spam and heavy motion resulting in very poor          &#9474;
&#9474;               compressibility. Proof directory contains two samples of this  &#9474;
&#9474;               scene with and without the use of the zone showing a drastic   &#9474;
&#9474;               improvement in quality while still keeping a reasonable file   &#9474;
&#9474;               size.                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     4.15) GPU offloading or any other forms of acceleration (e.g. --opencl,  &#9474;
&#9474;           nvenc) is not allowed.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;     4.16) Optional tuning (--tune) parameters allowed are: &#39;film&#39;, &#39;grain&#39;,  &#9474;
&#9474;           or &#39;animation&#39;.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     4.17) Optional settings recommended for tuning per source, see           &#9474;
&#9474;           forum.doom9.org for further information:                           &#9474;
&#9474;         4.17.1) For complex video, --preset veryslow is encouraged.          &#9474;
&#9474;         4.17.2) --aq-mode 3 --aq-strength x.x                                &#9474;
&#9474;                 0.5-0.7 for grainy films.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                 0.6-0.9 for digital films.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                 0.9-1.1 for animation.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         4.17.3) --psy-rd x.x:0.0                                             &#9474;
&#9474;                 0.8-1.2 for films.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;                 0.5-0.8 for animation.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         4.17.4) --deblock x:x                                                &#9474;
&#9474;                 -3:-3 for films.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;                 1:1 for animation.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;     4.18) Sample Aspect Ratio (--sar) must be &#39;1:1&#39; (square).                &#9474;
&#9474;     4.19) Disabling deblocking (--no-deblock) is not allowed.                &#9474;
&#9474;     4.20) Frame rate must be passed to x264/x265 such that the keyframe      &#9474;
&#9474;           interval (--keyint) and minimum GOP length (--min-keyint) can be   &#9474;
&#9474;           correctly set by the encoder. Changing these values is not         &#9474;
&#9474;           allowed.                                                           &#9474;
&#9474;     4.21) Color space must be 4:2:0.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;     4.22) Color matrix (--colormatrix) may be optionally set to &#39;bt709&#39; for  &#9474;
&#9474;           HD SDR content, but is not required.                               &#9474;
&#9474;         4.22.1) However color matrix must be set for all all SD SDR          &#9474;
&#9474;                 resolutions.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    &#39;bt709&#39; must be used for encodes from high definition  &#9474;
&#9474;                       sources.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;    Source specification must be used for standard         &#9474;
&#9474;                       definition sources.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;    &#39;undef&#39; must be used if not specified by the source    &#9474;
&#9474;                       for standard definition sources.                       &#9474;
&#9474;     4.23) x265 specifics:                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         4.23.1) Range (--range), color primaries (--colorprim), transfer     &#9474;
&#9474;                 (--transfer), color matrix (--colormatrix) and chroma sample &#9474;
&#9474;                 location (--chromaloc) must be set to the same value as the  &#9474;
&#9474;                 source, or omitted if the source value is undefined.         &#9474;
&#9474;         4.23.2) Ultra-HD Bluray support (--uhd-bd) is not allowed.           &#9474;
&#9474;         4.23.3) High tier (--high-tier), repeat headers (--repeat-headers),  &#9474;
&#9474;                 access unit delimiter (--aud) and HRD signalling (--hrd)     &#9474;
&#9474;                 must be enabled.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         4.23.4) HDR releases must be encoded with:                           &#9474;
&#9474;    HDR10 signalling (--hdr10) and HDR10 optimization      &#9474;
&#9474;                       (--hdr10-opt) enabled.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    Master Display (--master-display) and Max CL (--max-   &#9474;
&#9474;                       cll) set to the same value as the source, or omitted   &#9474;
&#9474;                       if the source value is undefined.                      &#9474;
&#9474;        Master Display and Max CL values must be taken   &#9474;
&#9474;                             from the whole concatenated source, not a        &#9474;
&#9474;                             partial source. e.g. the first m2ts file.        &#9474;
&#9474;     4.24) Any form of tone-mapping (e.g. HDR to SDR, DV to SDR, HDR10Plus to &#9474;
&#9474;           SDR) is not allowed.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;     4.25) Suggested command line:                                            &#9474;
&#9474;         4.25.1) x264 --preset slower --level ## --crf ##                     &#9474;
&#9474;    Optional tweaks: --no-mbtree --no-fast-pskip --no-dct- &#9474;
&#9474;                       decimate                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         4.25.2) x265 --high-tier --repeat-headers --aud --hrd --preset slow  &#9474;
&#9474;                 --level-idc ## --crf ## --range ## --colorprim ## --transfer &#9474;
&#9474;                 ## --colormatrix ## --chromaloc ##                           &#9474;
&#9474;    If HDR append: --hdr10 --hdr10-opt --master-display ## &#9474;
&#9474;                       --max-cll ##                                           &#9474;
&#9474;    Optional tweaks: --no-cutree --no-open-gop --no-sao    &#9474;
&#9474;                       --pmode --aq-mode 4                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 5) [ Transcoded: Audio ]                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     5.1) Segmented encoding is not allowed.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     5.2) Audio must not be resampled and must be kept in the original format &#9474;
&#9474;          of the source.                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. 48 kHz for 48 kHz sources, 24 bit for 24 bit sources.      &#9474;
&#9474;         5.2.1) Except when resampling due to codec limitations.              &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Source is TrueHD 192 KHz being transcoded to AC3 for &#9474;
&#9474;                    a 720p release, AC3 is limited to 48 KHz. Resampling is   &#9474;
&#9474;                    accepted.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;     5.3) Audio must not have gain levels (normalization) adjusted and must   &#9474;
&#9474;          be kept at the same levels as the source.                           &#9474;
&#9474;     5.4) Audio must not have channels altered or removed and must be kept at &#9474;
&#9474;          the same channel count and layout as the source.                    &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. dual mono stays dual mono, mono stays mono, stereo stays   &#9474;
&#9474;              stereo, 5.1 stays 5.1                                           &#9474;
&#9474;     5.5) Lossy tracks include, but are not limited to: DTS-HD HR, E-AC3,     &#9474;
&#9474;          DTS-ES, DTS, AC3, AAC, MP2.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;     5.6) Audio tracks must be:                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         5.6.1) For 720p and above:                                           &#9474;
&#9474;    Audio tracks already in a lossy format must not be      &#9474;
&#9474;                      transcoded, but kept in the original format.            &#9474;
&#9474;    In cases when no lossy format is available or           &#9474;
&#9474;                      transcoding audio to correct technical flaws in the     &#9474;
&#9474;                      audio track, AC3 or E-AC3 must be used.                 &#9474;
&#9474;    AC3 or E-AC3 bitrate must target 640 Kbps without       &#9474;
&#9474;                      upscaling bitrate. Only the following methods are       &#9474;
&#9474;                      allowed (in order of preference):                       &#9474;
&#9474;        Dolby Media Encoder                               &#9474;
&#9474;        eac3to: -640                                      &#9474;
&#9474;        FFmpeg: -b:a 640k                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    When transcoding, positional audio metadata (e.g.       &#9474;
&#9474;                      DTS:X, TrueHD Atmos) and channels above 5.1 (e.g. 7.1)  &#9474;
&#9474;                      can be retained at the discretion of the group.         &#9474;
&#9474;         5.6.2) VBR AAC LC (Low Complexity) for SD and commentary audio.      &#9474;
&#9474;    Apple/QAAC, FDK-AAC or Nero must be used.               &#9474;
&#9474;    Audio with more than two channels must be down-mixed to &#9474;
&#9474;                      stereo. Only the following methods are allowed (in      &#9474;
&#9474;                      order of preference):                                   &#9474;
&#9474;        eac3to: -downStereo                               &#9474;
&#9474;        FFMpeg: -ac 2                                     &#9474;
&#9474;    Quality based VBR encoding must be used; targeted or    &#9474;
&#9474;                      constrained VBR must not be used. Only the following    &#9474;
&#9474;                      methods are allowed (in order of preference):           &#9474;
&#9474;        QAAC: --tvbr 82 --quality 2                       &#9474;
&#9474;        FDK-AAC: --bitrate-mode 4 --profile 2             &#9474;
&#9474;        Nero: -q 0.4                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         5.6.3) FLAC must be used for lossless mono and lossless stereo       &#9474;
&#9474;                tracks, as well as multi-channel LPCM tracks. For all HD      &#9474;
&#9474;                resolutions from a retail source.                             &#9474;
&#9474;    The best compression (level 8, --compression-level-8)   &#9474;
&#9474;                      must be used.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;    Replay-gain values (--replay-gain) must not be applied. &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 6) [ Transcoded: Filters ]                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     6.1) Inverse telecine (IVTC), de-interlacing, or decimation must be      &#9474;
&#9474;          applied as required.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;     6.2) Only the following smart deinterlacers can be used: QTGMC (with     &#9474;
&#9474;          preset slow or better) or Nnedi3.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     6.3) Only the following accurate field matching filters may be used:     &#9474;
&#9474;          TIVTC or Decomb.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     6.4) Only the following sharp resizers can be used: Spline36Resize,      &#9474;
&#9474;          Spline64Resize or BlackmanResize.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     6.5) Only frame accurate input source plugins can be used such as:       &#9474;
&#9474;          DGIndex, DGDecNV or LSMASHSource. Use of frame inaccurate input     &#9474;
&#9474;          source filters (e.g. DirectShowSource) is not allowed.              &#9474;
&#9474;     6.6) Use of destructive and effects filters including, but not limited   &#9474;
&#9474;          to: RemoveGrain, GrainFactory3, MedianBlur, FineSharp are not       &#9474;
&#9474;          allowed.                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     6.7) Optional recommended filtering methods:                             &#9474;
&#9474;         6.7.1) Sources that require crop, and are not mod2 on opposing       &#9474;
&#9474;                sides, can be avoided by moving the video by one pixel.       &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. 139 pixels can be cropped from the top and bottom of &#9474;
&#9474;                    a source.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                    source = LSMASHVideoSource(&#34;source.mkv&#34;)                  &#9474;
&#9474;                    Overlay(source, source, 0, -1)                            &#9474;
&#9474;                    Crop(0, 138, 0, -140)                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         6.7.2) Use of SelectRangeEvery() as a quick method to test whether a &#9474;
&#9474;                higher or lower CRF value should be used.                     &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. SelectRangeEvery(3000, 150).                         &#9474;
&#9474;         6.7.3) Selective debanding with f3kdb on scenes that require it is   &#9474;
&#9474;                recommended, high attention to detail and caution must be     &#9474;
&#9474;                observed.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 7) [ Common: Video ]                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;     7.1) Multiple video tracks are not allowed.                              &#9474;
&#9474;     7.2) HDR, DV and HDR10Plus must only be released at the highest          &#9474;
&#9474;          resolution offered by the source, except in cases when 8.6.3        &#9474;
&#9474;          applies.                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Source offers 2160p, 1080p and 720p HDR streams HDR may    &#9474;
&#9474;              only be released at 2160p, not 1080p or 720p.                   &#9474;
&#9474;     7.3) Must be free from technical flaws.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         7.3.1) Technical flaws include, but are not limited to: sync issues, &#9474;
&#9474;                interlacing, lack of IVTC, bad aspect ratio, invalid          &#9474;
&#9474;                resolution, unrelated footage, warnings, glitches not present &#9474;
&#9474;                on source, under-crop, over-crop and DRM.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     7.4) Dupes based on source are not allowed, use INTERNAL.                &#9474;
&#9474;     7.5) Single features must not be split across multiple files.            &#9474;
&#9474;         7.5.1) Sources with opening and closing credits spanning across      &#9474;
&#9474;                multiple files must be released as a single release.          &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. File 1: Opening credits                              &#9474;
&#9474;                    File 2: Feature                                           &#9474;
&#9474;                    File 3: Closing credits                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                    Release: A single file with opening credits, feature and  &#9474;
&#9474;                    closing credits. Muxed together or encoded as a single    &#9474;
&#9474;                    file.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         7.5.2) Sources with multiple episodes, parts etc., that are in a     &#9474;
&#9474;                single video file, must be split into individual releases if  &#9474;
&#9474;                there is a clear delineation between them, such as credits.   &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Source contains 10 episodes in a single stream with  &#9474;
&#9474;                    all episodes strung together with credits between every   &#9474;
&#9474;                    episode, each episode must be released separately.        &#9474;
&#9474;     7.6) Non-feature footage including, but not limited to: credits,         &#9474;
&#9474;          previously on, intertitles must not be removed or encoded           &#9474;
&#9474;          separately.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         7.6.1) In situations of a progressive feature containing interlaced  &#9474;
&#9474;                non-feature footage, the interlaced footage may be left       &#9474;
&#9474;                interlaced, or only that footage must be deinterlaced.        &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Only the credits are interlaced, you may leave them  &#9474;
&#9474;                    interlaced or only apply a deinterlacer to the credits,   &#9474;
&#9474;                    not the entire video.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     7.7) Unrelated footage must be removed.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         7.7.1) Unrelated footage includes, but is not limited to:            &#9474;
&#9474;                commercials, content warnings, studio worksheets, test        &#9474;
&#9474;                screens, piracy warnings.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     7.8) English-spoken features must not contain foreign overlays for       &#9474;
&#9474;          relevant on-screen information.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         7.8.1) Relevant on-screen information includes, but is not limited   &#9474;
&#9474;                to: location titles, hardcoded subtitles, introduction text,  &#9474;
&#9474;                or any other information essential to the plot of the         &#9474;
&#9474;                feature.                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         7.8.2) Non-relevant on-screen information includes: opening credits, &#9474;
&#9474;                movie title, closing credits.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         7.8.3) For sources where relevant on-screen information is included  &#9474;
&#9474;                in the form of English subtitles instead of overlays, these   &#9474;
&#9474;                subtitles must be included as a forced track (see 11.2). If   &#9474;
&#9474;                the source does not include them in English, it is not        &#9474;
&#9474;                allowed to omit them and release the feature without them, as &#9474;
&#9474;                it is still considered relevant information.                  &#9474;
&#9474;     7.9) Using multiple web based video sources of the same feature is       &#9474;
&#9474;          allowed and must not be encoded separately. Each source and what    &#9474;
&#9474;          content came from which must be noted in the NFO.                   &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. Feature from a German streaming service with credits from  &#9474;
&#9474;              an American streaming service to avoid German translated        &#9474;
&#9474;              credits, as the German streaming service had better quality for &#9474;
&#9474;              the feature.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 8) [ Common: Resolution / Aspect Ratio ]                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     8.1) Standard definition (SD) refers to a maximum horizontal display     &#9474;
&#9474;          resolution of 720 pixels.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;     8.2) 720p refers to a maximum display resolution of 1280x720.            &#9474;
&#9474;         8.2.1) For aspect ratios greater than or equal to 1.78:1, horizontal &#9474;
&#9474;                pixel width must be 1280 pixels.                              &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Source aspect ratio of 2.40:1 will resize to         &#9474;
&#9474;                    1280x534.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         8.2.2) For aspect ratios less than or equal to 1.78:1, vertical      &#9474;
&#9474;                pixel height must be 720 pixels.                              &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. Source aspect ratio of 1.33:1 will resize to         &#9474;
&#9474;                    960x720.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     8.3) 1080p refers to a maximum display resolution of 1920x1080.          &#9474;
&#9474;     8.4) 2160p refers to a maximum display resolution of 3840x2160.          &#9474;
&#9474;     8.5) Resolution must be mod2.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     8.6) Upscaling is not allowed.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         8.6.1) 1080p from a 1080p source and 2160p from a 2160p source       &#9474;
&#9474;                encodes must only be cropped, no resizing is allowed.         &#9474;
&#9474;         8.6.2) In situations where cropping is needed vertically and/or      &#9474;
&#9474;                horizontally, resolutions are allowed to be under the max     &#9474;
&#9474;                height or width.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. 1080p at 1916x1072 is acceptable.                    &#9474;
&#9474;         8.6.3) In situations where the source video stream does not meet the &#9474;
&#9474;                minimum requirements for 720p/1080p/2160p, the video must be  &#9474;
&#9474;                resized down to SD/720p/1080p and a source sample must be     &#9474;
&#9474;                included.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     8.7) Dupes based on resolution are not allowed, use INTERNAL.            &#9474;
&#9474;         8.7.1) Releases with an AR difference of at least 5% to the previous &#9474;
&#9474;                release are not considered a dupe. These releases must be     &#9474;
&#9474;                tagged as WS, FS or OM (open matte), not PROPER, and the      &#9474;
&#9474;                original release must not be nuked. Original aspect ratio     &#9474;
&#9474;                (OAR) releases are always allowed.                            &#9474;
&#9474;    AR difference example:                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                      Old release resolution (after crop) is 1920x1040        &#9474;
&#9474;                      New release resolution (after crop) is 1440x1080        &#9474;
&#9474;                      OldReleaseAR = 1920 / 1040 = 1.846                      &#9474;
&#9474;                      NewReleaseAR = 1440 / 1080 = 1.333                      &#9474;
&#9474;                      (OldReleaseAR - NewReleaseAR) / [(OldReleaseAR +        &#9474;
&#9474;                      NewReleaseAR) / 2] = AR difference                      &#9474;
&#9474;                      |AR difference * 100| = AR difference (%)               &#9474;
&#9474;                      (1.846 - 1.333) / [(1.846 + 1.333) / 2] = 0.322         &#9474;
&#9474;                      |0.322 * 100| = 32.2%                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                      32.2% is greater than the 5% minimum, therefore the new &#9474;
&#9474;                      release is not considered a dupe.                       &#9474;
&#9474;     8.8) Black borders, and anything that is not part of the feature, must   &#9474;
&#9474;          be cropped.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         8.8.1) Black borders include, but are not limited to: black or       &#9474;
&#9474;                colored borders, duplicate lines, dirty lines or pixels.      &#9474;
&#9474;         8.8.2) Retention or removal of faded edges is left to the discretion &#9474;
&#9474;                of the group. Inclusion of faded edges is not considered a    &#9474;
&#9474;                technical flaw.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;    Faded edges refers to a line of pixels which are of     &#9474;
&#9474;                      similar appearance to pixels parallel to the video      &#9474;
&#9474;                      frame.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;    Releases which include faded edges must consider faded  &#9474;
&#9474;                      edges as a valid part of the video frame and do not     &#9474;
&#9474;                      count as black borders.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                          e.g. A release cannot be propered if 1 pixel of     &#9474;
&#9474;                          faded edges and 1 pixel of black exists.            &#9474;
&#9474;         8.8.3) In the case of varying aspect ratios throughout the feature,  &#9474;
&#9474;                video must be cropped to the widest frame.                    &#9474;
&#9474;    Studio logos and credits must be disregarded when       &#9474;
&#9474;                      determining the widest frame.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         8.8.4) Situations where video cropping of the same content varies    &#9474;
&#9474;                between sources are not considered a technical flaw, and may  &#9474;
&#9474;                not be propered.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     8.9) Video can be over or under-cropped by a maximum of 1 pixel per      &#9474;
&#9474;          side. Over or under-cropping by more than 1 pixel per side is       &#9474;
&#9474;          considered a technical flaw.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         8.9.1) Under-crop refers to portions of the video frame which is not &#9474;
&#9474;                part of the feature.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     8.10) Resolution must be within 0.2% of the original aspect ratio.       &#9474;
&#9474;         8.10.1) The original aspect ratio must only be calculated from the   &#9474;
&#9474;                 source after cropping.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         8.10.2) In situations where the source aspect ratio is incorrect as  &#9474;
&#9474;                 a result of bad mastering, a source sample and comparison    &#9474;
&#9474;                 screenshot of the final aspect ratio must be included.       &#9474;
&#9474;     8.11) Sample aspect ratio (SAR):                                         &#9474;
&#9474;           SAR = (PixelHeight / PixelWidth) / (DARHeight / DARWidth)          &#9474;
&#9474;     8.12) Display aspect ratio (DAR):                                        &#9474;
&#9474;           DAR = (PixelWidth * DARWidth) / (PixelHeight * DARHeight)          &#9474;
&#9474;     8.13) Display resolution:                                                &#9474;
&#9474;           DisplayWidth = PixelWidth * (SARWidth / SARHeight)                 &#9474;
&#9474;     8.14) Aspect ratio (AR) error:                                           &#9474;
&#9474;           Original AR = (SourceWidth - [CropLeft + CropRight]) /             &#9474;
&#9474;           (SourceHeight - [CropTop + CropBottom])                            &#9474;
&#9474;           Release AR = EncodeWidth / EncodedHeight                           &#9474;
&#9474;           AR Error % = [(Original AR - Release AR) / Original AR] * 100      &#9474;
&#9474;     8.15) Target resolution when resizing to maintain mod2 and reduce AR     &#9474;
&#9474;           error:                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;           TargetHeight = TargetWidth / [(SourceWidth - [CropLeft +           &#9474;
&#9474;           CropRight]) / (SourceHeight - [CropTop + CropBottom])]             &#9474;
&#9474;           The correct mod2 value can also be calculated from the ceiling of  &#9474;
&#9474;           TargetHeight if the value is odd, and the floor of TargetHeight if &#9474;
&#9474;           the value is even.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         8.15.1) Alternatively, the following can be used to confirm the      &#9474;
&#9474;                 correct resolution is used from the above method by          &#9474;
&#9474;                 calculating the upper and lower integer limit of             &#9474;
&#9474;                 TargetHeight:                                                &#9474;
&#9474;                 HeightA = floor(TargetHeight + (TargetHeight mod2))          &#9474;
&#9474;                 HeightB = floor(TargetHeight - (TargetHeight mod2))          &#9474;
&#9474;                 The TargetHeight value (HeightA or HeightB) which results in &#9474;
&#9474;                 an aspect ratio error which tends to zero must be used.      &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. TargetWidth: 1280.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                     SourceWidth: 1920, SourceHeight: 1080.                   &#9474;
&#9474;                     CropLeft + CropRight = 0, CropTop + CropBottom = 4.      &#9474;
&#9474;                     TargetHeight = 1280 / ((1920 - 0) / (1080 - 4)) or       &#9474;
&#9474;                     717.33.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                     HeightA = floor(717.33 + (717.33 mod2)) or 718.          &#9474;
&#9474;                     HeightB = floor(717.33 - (717.33 mod2)) or 716.          &#9474;
&#9474;                     TargetWidth x HeightA = 1280x718 with -0.09% AR error.   &#9474;
&#9474;                     TargetWidth x HeightB = 1280x716 with 0.19% AR error.    &#9474;
&#9474;                     -0.09% tends closer to zero than 0.19% does (0.09 &#60;      &#9474;
&#9474;                     0.19), therefore, HeightA must be used.                  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 9) [ Common: Framerate ]                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     9.1) Constant frame rate (CFR) must be used.                             &#9474;
&#9474;         9.1.1) Variable frame rate (VFR) methods are not allowed.            &#9474;
&#9474;     9.2) Dupes based on frame rate are not allowed, use INTERNAL.            &#9474;
&#9474;     9.3) Features which contain a constant dupe sequence must be decimated.  &#9474;
&#9474;              e.g. A silent movie at 1080p24 with a dupe sequence of 1-in-6   &#9474;
&#9474;              must be decimated to 20 fps.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     9.4) For sources which contain footage at varying frames per second      &#9474;
&#9474;          throughout (hybrid sources), applying an inverse telecine is left   &#9474;
&#9474;          to the discretion of the group. The NFO must list a reason as per   &#9474;
&#9474;          the final decision chosen.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         9.4.1) It is assumed that the majority of the feature contains       &#9474;
&#9474;                enough unique frames to not require an inverse telecine       &#9474;
&#9474;                filter. If it can be proven an inverse telecine or decimating &#9474;
&#9474;                filter does not result in any loss of unique frames, this is  &#9474;
&#9474;                considered a technical flaw.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                    e.g. The feature is filmed at 29.970 fps, but contains    &#9474;
&#9474;                    some footage filmed at 23.976 fps. Choosing to encode the &#9474;
&#9474;                    entire release at 29.970 is valid.                        &#9474;
&#9474;     9.5) Native and converted frame rates refer to the standard in which the &#9474;
&#9474;          feature was produced.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         9.5.1) NTSC produced content is native to NTSC.                      &#9474;
&#9474;         9.5.2) PAL produced content is native to PAL.                        &#9474;
&#9474;         9.5.3) NTSC produced content that is mastered in PAL is considered   &#9474;
&#9474;                as converted video.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         9.5.4) PAL produced content that is mastered in NTSC is considered   &#9474;
&#9474;                as converted video.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;     9.6) Sources which contain converted video must be restored to the       &#9474;
&#9474;          original frame rate.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         9.6.1) Converted video includes, but is not limited to: ghosted,     &#9474;
&#9474;                blended, or duplicate frames.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         9.6.2) Converted video does not include NTSC to PAL or PAL to NTSC   &#9474;
&#9474;                sources which are sped up or slowed down.                     &#9474;
&#9474;    NTSC slow down or PAL speed up must be corrected by     &#9474;
&#9474;                      muxing video to the correct fps and slowing down or     &#9474;
&#9474;                      speeding up audio. eac3to is the recommended tool.      &#9474;
&#9474;                          e.g. Source is PAL sped up, therefore it must be    &#9474;
&#9474;                          slowed down back to NTSC.                           &#9474;
&#9474;                          Video: Mux with --default-duration 24000/1001p - to &#9474;
&#9474;                          force NTSC fps                                      &#9474;
&#9474;                          Audio: eac3to input.ac3 output.ac3 -slowdown        &#9474;
&#9474;                          -keepDialnorm - to slow audio down to NTSC          &#9474;
&#9474;    Relevant rules from section 5 must be respected when    &#9474;
&#9474;                      transcoding audio.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;    WEB releases must still be tagged as such, when only    &#9474;
&#9474;                      correcting slow down or speed up.                       &#9474;
&#9474;    24 fps must be considered a valid frame rate and not    &#9474;
&#9474;                      corrected, if it is only sped up or slowed down with no &#9474;
&#9474;                      other issues.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         9.6.3) If the restoration process is successful in restoring the     &#9474;
&#9474;                footage to the native format without significant issues or    &#9474;
&#9474;                artifacts, the CONVERT tag must not be used.                  &#9474;
&#9474;         9.6.4) In situations where the footage cannot be restored to the     &#9474;
&#9474;                native format or results in significant issues or artifacts,  &#9474;
&#9474;                the CONVERT tag must be used.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;     9.7) True 50 / 59.940 fps video must be released at 50 / 59.940 fps.     &#9474;
&#9474;          True 25 / 29.970 fps video released at 50 / 59.940 fps is not       &#9474;
&#9474;          allowed and considered a technical flaw.                            &#9474;
&#9474;         9.7.1) In cases of varying framerates of 25 / 29.970 fps and true 50 &#9474;
&#9474;                / 59.940 fps, the framerate of the main feature must be used. &#9474;
&#9474;                e.g. studio for talk shows, game coverage for sports.         &#9474;
&#9474;         9.7.2) In rare situations, 25 / 50 fps sources must be restored to   &#9474;
&#9474;                23.976 or 29.97 fps.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;         9.7.3) In rare situations, 29.97 / 59.940 fps sources must be        &#9474;
&#9474;                restored to 25 fps.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 10) [ Common: Audio ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     10.1) Sync must not drift during the entire release.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     10.2) Glitching or unrelated audio that occurs in any audio channel      &#9474;
&#9474;           present (e.g. L, R, C) is considered a technical flaw.             &#9474;
&#9474;         10.2.1) Glitching is defined as, but not limited to: an audible      &#9474;
&#9474;                 glitch, missing audio, pops or clicks as a result of         &#9474;
&#9474;                 encoding, unintended gaps within playback, missing dialogue, &#9474;
&#9474;                 muted or muffled audio.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;     10.3) An English spoken release must only contain a single English       &#9474;
&#9474;           dialogue track.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         10.3.1) Except in situations of a remastered/restored source,        &#9474;
&#9474;                 whereby both original and remastered/restored audio track    &#9474;
&#9474;                 may be muxed in. It is at the discretion of the group which  &#9474;
&#9474;                 track is chosen as the primary dialogue track.               &#9474;
&#9474;     10.4) A non-English spoken release may contain a secondary dialogue      &#9474;
&#9474;           track.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         10.4.1) The original audio track must be used and forced English     &#9474;
&#9474;                 subtitles must be present, see 11.2.                         &#9474;
&#9474;         10.4.2) Secondary dubbed tracks must only be different dialects or   &#9474;
&#9474;                 varieties of the original language or an English dub.        &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Original Spanish with secondary Latin Spanish.      &#9474;
&#9474;                         e.g. Original French with secondary English dub.     &#9474;
&#9474;         10.4.3) In rare cases, a third dubbed track may be included for      &#9474;
&#9474;                 another dialect or variety of the original language,         &#9474;
&#9474;                 accompanied with an English dubbed track.                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Chinese original language, English dubbed track and &#9474;
&#9474;                     a Cantonese dubbed track.                                &#9474;
&#9474;     10.5) Non-English spoken releases which use only a dubbed track must be  &#9474;
&#9474;           tagged as DUBBED.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     10.6) Commentary audio may be included.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     10.7) Audio tracks must only be included once at the highest level of    &#9474;
&#9474;           quality allowed for that resolution. e.g. Including an English     &#9474;
&#9474;           dialogue track at lossless DTS-HD and lossy AC3 is not allowed.    &#9474;
&#9474;         10.7.1) This does not apply to embedded cores in lossless tracks,    &#9474;
&#9474;                 which are broken out by muxers as additional tracks.         &#9474;
&#9474;     10.8) Including additional special audio tracks (e.g. isolated scores,   &#9474;
&#9474;           original mixes, different narrators) is allowed.                   &#9474;
&#9474;     10.9) Supplementary audio tracks must have the title field set to a      &#9474;
&#9474;           descriptive name. e.g. original, remastered, commentary with       &#9474;
&#9474;           director.                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     10.10) The correct ISO 639 language code supported by MKVToolnix must be &#9474;
&#9474;            set for all audio tracks.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         10.10.1) In situations where the language is not supported by        &#9474;
&#9474;                  MKVToolnix, &#39;und&#39; must be used.                             &#9474;
&#9474;     10.11) Dupes based on multiple audio tracks, audio format, different     &#9474;
&#9474;            narrators or remastered audio are not allowed, use INTERNAL.      &#9474;
&#9474;     10.12) Retail audio may be used in place of audio tracks extracted from  &#9474;
&#9474;            the source. Each source and what content came from which must be  &#9474;
&#9474;            noted in the NFO.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                e.g. Video from Netflix, dubbed track from DVD.               &#9474;
&#9474;         10.12.1) Lossless tracks include, but are not limited to: DTS:X,     &#9474;
&#9474;                  TrueHD Atmos, DTS-HD MA and TrueHD.                         &#9474;
&#9474;         10.12.2) Use of the highest quality retail lossless track in the     &#9474;
&#9474;                  order of preference specified in 10.12.1 is accepted for    &#9474;
&#9474;                  resolutions above 720p.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         10.12.3) 720p must respect 5.6.1 by first attempting to extract an   &#9474;
&#9474;                  AC3 or E-AC3 core at or above 640 Kbps or transcoding from  &#9474;
&#9474;                  the best lossless/lossy retail track.                       &#9474;
&#9474;         10.12.4) SD and commentary audio must respect 5.6.2, by transcoding  &#9474;
&#9474;                  from the best lossless/lossy retail track.                  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 11) [ Common: Subtitles ]                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     11.1) All subtitles present on the source must be converted to SubRip    &#9474;
&#9474;           format and included in the release.                                &#9474;
&#9474;         11.1.1) It is at the discretion of the group to include forced       &#9474;
&#9474;                 subtitles for dubbed audio tracks not included in the        &#9474;
&#9474;                 release.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         11.1.2) Except in cases when 11.2.2 applies for non-forced tracks,   &#9474;
&#9474;                 PGS or ASS format must be used instead.                      &#9474;
&#9474;         11.1.3) Except when capturing non-forced subtitles are optional, but &#9474;
&#9474;                 it is strongly recommend to find a way to extract them from  &#9474;
&#9474;                 the source.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     11.2) Features with foreign dialogue or overlays must include a separate &#9474;
&#9474;           SubRip subtitle (.srt) track for forced English subtitles set as   &#9474;
&#9474;           forced and default.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         11.2.1) Except in situations where the source video stream contains  &#9474;
&#9474;                 hardcoded subtitles for non-English dialogue and overlays.   &#9474;
&#9474;         11.2.2) Except for features with excessive positional subtitles      &#9474;
&#9474;                 (e.g. Anime) which cannot be presented well in SubRip        &#9474;
&#9474;                 format. PGS or ASS subtitles must be used instead and set as &#9474;
&#9474;                 forced and default.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     11.3) Forced SubRip subtitles must be free of technical flaws.           &#9474;
&#9474;           Including, but not limited to: sync issues, spelling, incorrect    &#9474;
&#9474;           OCR.                                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         11.3.1) SubRip subtitles must be carefully OCR&#39;d.                    &#9474;
&#9474;         11.3.2) Minor errors in grammar or punctuation which do not change   &#9474;
&#9474;                 the meaning of the sentence are tolerated. However, it is    &#9474;
&#9474;                 recommended all errors be corrected.                         &#9474;
&#9474;     11.4) Subtitles from an officially licenced (e.g. HBO TV, Starz TV) HDTV &#9474;
&#9474;           source or retail discs of the same feature are allowed.            &#9474;
&#9474;         11.4.1) Subtitles included from another source must be noted in the  &#9474;
&#9474;                 NFO. The source and which subtitle tracks used must be       &#9474;
&#9474;                 mentioned.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         11.4.2) Fan-made or custom subtitles are not allowed.                &#9474;
&#9474;    This does not included stripped SDH subtitles, which   &#9474;
&#9474;                       may be optionally made by groups from a valid SDH      &#9474;
&#9474;                       subtitle.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     11.5) Hardcoded subtitles which are only present in the source video     &#9474;
&#9474;           stream are allowed, with the exception of non-English hardcoded    &#9474;
&#9474;           subtitles in English features.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         11.5.1) When hardcoded subtitles extend over the entire feature, it  &#9474;
&#9474;                 must be tagged as SUBBED.                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. English hardcoded subtitles throughout entire       &#9474;
&#9474;                     feature = Tag SUBBED                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                         e.g. English hardcoded subtitles for foreign         &#9474;
&#9474;                         dialogue only = Do not tag SUBBED                    &#9474;
&#9474;         11.5.2) Subtitles which are only present within the letterboxed      &#9474;
&#9474;                 matte (i.e. the black borders) of a video frame must be      &#9474;
&#9474;                 cropped and OCR&#39;d to SubRip format.                          &#9474;
&#9474;         11.5.3) In situations where subtitles overlay active video and       &#9474;
&#9474;                 letterbox matte, cropping must be to the widest frame where  &#9474;
&#9474;                 the subtitles are present and applied equally to the         &#9474;
&#9474;                 relevant sides of the video frame.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         11.5.4) 11.5.2 and 11.5.3 do not apply to WEB releases.              &#9474;
&#9474;     11.6) Subtitles, unless otherwise stated, are not subject to propers or  &#9474;
&#9474;           nukes for any technical flaws that may be present in the track.    &#9474;
&#9474;     11.7) Dupes based on subtitles are not allowed, use INTERNAL.            &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 12) [ Common: Subtitle Format ]                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     12.1) Allowed formats are PGS (.sup), SubStation Alpha (.ass) and SubRip &#9474;
&#9474;           (.srt).                                                            &#9474;
&#9474;         12.1.1) Compression must only be used when muxing PGS subtitles,     &#9474;
&#9474;                 zlib is the only allowed compression algorithm.              &#9474;
&#9474;         12.1.2) PGS subtitles must not be resized and must be muxed as is.   &#9474;
&#9474;         12.1.3) UTF-8 encoding must be used for SubStation Alpha and SubRip  &#9474;
&#9474;                 subtitle tracks.                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         12.1.4) When converting to SubStation Alpha format, subtitles must   &#9474;
&#9474;                 be cleanly converted without any unnecessary modifications   &#9474;
&#9474;                 to display format. e.g. position, font, color. Subtitle Edit &#9474;
&#9474;                 is the recommended tool.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         12.1.5) Closed captions (e.g. CEA-708) embedded in video bitstreams  &#9474;
&#9474;                 must be left as is and not stripped.                         &#9474;
&#9474;    Retaining closed captions when transcoding is optional &#9474;
&#9474;                       but strongly recommend.                                &#9474;
&#9474;    Extracting closed captions to create SubRip or when    &#9474;
&#9474;                       appropriate SubStation Alpha formatted subtitles is    &#9474;
&#9474;                       optional but strongly recommend.                       &#9474;
&#9474;     12.2) Subtitles must:                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         12.2.1) Have the correct ISO 639 language code supported by          &#9474;
&#9474;                 MKVToolNix set                                               &#9474;
&#9474;    In situations where the language is not supported by   &#9474;
&#9474;                       MKVToolNix, &#39;und&#39; must be used.                        &#9474;
&#9474;         12.2.2) Not be set as default or forced, unless otherwise stated in  &#9474;
&#9474;                 section 11.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         12.2.3) Have the correct sync offset set during muxing.              &#9474;
&#9474;         12.2.4) Be converted correctly without creating new flaws. Groups    &#9474;
&#9474;                 are not responsible for any flaws already present in non-    &#9474;
&#9474;                 forced subtitle tracks.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Subtitle is out of sync on the source in a non-     &#9474;
&#9474;                     forced track, when converted it is still out of sync.    &#9474;
&#9474;                     This is not a technical flaw.                            &#9474;
&#9474;                         e.g. Subtitle is in sync on the source and converted &#9474;
&#9474;                         to SubRip format incorrectly by the group resulting  &#9474;
&#9474;                         in sync issues. This is a technical flaw.            &#9474;
&#9474;     12.3) It is strongly recommended to have descriptive names set on the    &#9474;
&#9474;           title field.                                                       &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Director&#39;s Commentary, English (Forced), English (SDH).   &#9474;
&#9474;     12.4) Burning-in subtitles to the video stream is not allowed.           &#9474;
&#9474;     12.5) External subtitles located in &#39;Subs&#39; directories are not allowed.  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 13) [ Common: Container ]                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     13.1) Container must be Matroska (.mkv). MKVToolnix is the recommended   &#9474;
&#9474;           muxer.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;         13.1.1) Custom muxing tools are allowed. However, the output must    &#9474;
&#9474;                 adhere to the Matroska specifications and must retain        &#9474;
&#9474;                 identical compatibility with demuxers as files created with  &#9474;
&#9474;                 MKVToolnix.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     13.2) Support for file streaming and playback from RAR is mandatory.     &#9474;
&#9474;     13.3) Matroska header compression must not be enabled.                   &#9474;
&#9474;     13.4) Chapters are allowed and strongly recommended.                     &#9474;
&#9474;         13.4.1) Chapter names are optional, but any chapter names including  &#9474;
&#9474;                 those auto-generated by muxers must be in English.           &#9474;
&#9474;     13.5) Watermarks, intros, outros or any other forms of defacement in any &#9474;
&#9474;           track (e.g. video, audio, subtitles, chapters) are not allowed.    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 14) [ Common: Packaging ]                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     14.1) Releases must be packed with RAR files and broken into a maximum   &#9474;
&#9474;           of 101 volumes.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         14.1.1) The old style extension-based naming scheme must be used.    &#9474;
&#9474;                 i.e. .rar to .r99.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         14.1.2) The extension of the first volume in the archive set must be &#9474;
&#9474;                 .rar.                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     14.2) RAR5/RARv5.0 is not allowed. RAR3/v2.0 or RAR4/v2.9 must be used.  &#9474;
&#9474;         14.2.1) Custom RAR tools can be used. Files produced from custom     &#9474;
&#9474;                 tools must adhere to the RAR3/v2.0 or RAR4/v2.9 archive      &#9474;
&#9474;                 specification and retain identical compatibility with        &#9474;
&#9474;                 extractors and demuxers as file created with WinRAR/rar.     &#9474;
&#9474;     14.3) The following archive sizes are allowed:                           &#9474;
&#9474;         14.3.1) 15,000,000 bytes or 20,000,000 bytes for SD. Multiples of    &#9474;
&#9474;                 these values are not allowed.                                &#9474;
&#9474;         14.3.2) Positive integer multiples of 50,000,000 bytes for all       &#9474;
&#9474;                 resolutions.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. (50 * 10^6) * n bytes, where n > 0.                 &#9474;
&#9474;                     (50 * 10^6) * 4 bytes, 100,000,000 bytes, 400,000,000    &#9474;
&#9474;                     bytes.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         14.3.3) Releases must have a minimum of 10 volumes before the next   &#9474;
&#9474;                 multiple of 50,000,000 bytes is used.                        &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. 10 volumes at 50,000,000 bytes can be repackaged to &#9474;
&#9474;                     5 volumes at 100,000,000 bytes.                          &#9474;
&#9474;                     5 volumes at 100,000,000 bytes cannot be repacked to 4   &#9474;
&#9474;                     volumes at 150,000,000 bytes.                            &#9474;
&#9474;     14.4) A single SFV must be present for the primary archives and contain  &#9474;
&#9474;           the entire archive set.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     14.5) NFO, RAR, SFV, Proof, Sample files must have unique, lower-case    &#9474;
&#9474;           filenames with the group tag.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         14.5.1) Group tags must be unique to each group, and may be an       &#9474;
&#9474;                 abbreviated variation of the group name.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     14.6) Preing a release with missing RAR(s) or SFV on all sites is        &#9474;
&#9474;           considered a technical flaw.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     14.7) Corrupt RAR(s) (errors upon extraction) is considered a technical  &#9474;
&#9474;           flaw.                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     14.8) RAR compression and recovery records are not allowed.              &#9474;
&#9474;     14.9) Encryption or password protection is not allowed.                  &#9474;
&#9474;     14.10) RAR archive set must only contain a single mkv file, any other    &#9474;
&#9474;            files (e.g. multiple mkv files, txt files) are not allowed.       &#9474;
&#9474;         14.10.1) Except for extras releases, multiple mkv files are allowed  &#9474;
&#9474;                  and filenames must be unique and descriptive.               &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                      The.Big.Bang.Theory.S01.EXTRAS.1080p.WEB.H264-GROUP     &#9474;
&#9474;                      contains:                                               &#9474;
&#9474;                      - Interview.with.the.Cast.mkv                           &#9474;
&#9474;                      - S01E01.Bloopers.mkv                                   &#9474;
&#9474;    All extras of the resolution tagged must be included. &#9474;
&#9474;    External extras located in &#39;Extras&#39; directories are   &#9474;
&#9474;                        not allowed.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 15) [ Common: Proof ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     15.1) Proof must be provided for every release that contains retail      &#9474;
&#9474;           elements. e.g. subtitles and audio.                                &#9474;
&#9474;         15.1.1) A photograph of reasonable high quality of the printed side  &#9474;
&#9474;                 of the physical disc with the group name clearly visible     &#9474;
&#9474;                 must be used.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         15.1.2) Photographs must be at least 640x480px in resolution. Disc   &#9474;
&#9474;                 details must be clear and legible.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         15.1.3) Small identifiable or sensitive information may be redacted. &#9474;
&#9474;         15.1.4) Photographs must be of the actual disc used for the final    &#9474;
&#9474;                 encode.                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         15.1.5) Cover scans or m2ts samples may be included, but do not      &#9474;
&#9474;                 count as the required proof.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;     15.2) Proof must be placed in a separate directory named &#39;Proof&#39;.        &#9474;
&#9474;         15.2.1) Proof must be in JPEG or PNG format and must not be          &#9474;
&#9474;                 archived.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     15.3) When video, audio or subtitles are taken from multiple retail      &#9474;
&#9474;           sources, proof must be provided for all sources used.              &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Video from Source A and audio from Source B are used.     &#9474;
&#9474;               Proof of Source A and B is required.                           &#9474;
&#9474;     15.4) All EXIF data (especially any personally identifiable such as      &#9474;
&#9474;           geolocation) must be stripped.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         15.4.1) Drawing attention (e.g. nuking, propering, mentioning in     &#9474;
&#9474;                 nfo) to proof which has not stripped EXIF data is strictly   &#9474;
&#9474;                 not allowed.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;     15.5) A release which fails to pre with the required proof is considered &#9474;
&#9474;           technically flawed and can be propered.                            &#9474;
&#9474;         15.5.1) Proof fixes must be pred within 24 hours of the original     &#9474;
&#9474;                 pre.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         15.5.2) Fixes provided after a proper has been released, or after 24 &#9474;
&#9474;                 hours has elapsed from the original pre will not be          &#9474;
&#9474;                 accepted.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 16) [ Common: Samples / Source Samples ]                                     &#9474;
&#9474;     16.1) Releases must include a 50-70 second sample for each release,      &#9474;
&#9474;           samples must:                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         16.1.1) Be placed in a separate directory named &#39;Sample&#39;.            &#9474;
&#9474;         16.1.2) Be cut from the final video, not encoded separately and not  &#9474;
&#9474;                 be archived.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         16.1.3) Not contain opening (e.g. studio titles) or closing (e.g.    &#9474;
&#9474;                 credits) footage when possible. e.g. cut samples from at     &#9474;
&#9474;                 least 2m in or the middle to avoid this.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     16.2) Source samples are required for any release where the validity of  &#9474;
&#9474;           the source may be brought into question.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.1) Included source samples must have a unique filename and be   &#9474;
&#9474;                 placed within the &#39;Proof&#39; directory.                         &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.2) If there is a question as to the validity of a source,       &#9474;
&#9474;                 encoding methods, or filters used; the release may be nuked  &#9474;
&#9474;                 within 24 hours of pre requesting a source sample and must   &#9474;
&#9474;                 include the initial suspicion or reason.                     &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                     source.sample.requested_suspicion.of.invalid.decimation. &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.3) Requests may mention a specific timecode to verify the       &#9474;
&#9474;                 sample provided is the same source used for the encode in    &#9474;
&#9474;                 question.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. include.ghosting.at.2m22s.                          &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.4) The group has 48 hours from the first nuke to pre a source   &#9474;
&#9474;                 sample that is at least 30 seconds and no more than minutes  &#9474;
&#9474;                 in length. If no specific timestamp is requested, source     &#9474;
&#9474;                 samples must be of the main feature and not the starting or  &#9474;
&#9474;                 ending credits.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.5) Source samples must be packed as per section 14 and use the  &#9474;
&#9474;                 SOURCE.SAMPLE tag.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         16.2.6) Failing to provide source proof, or providing insufficient   &#9474;
&#9474;                 proof to disprove any claims, the original release must      &#9474;
&#9474;                 remain nuked and can be considered technically flawed.       &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 17) [ Common: NFO ]                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     17.1) A single NFO file must be present, and must contain the following  &#9474;
&#9474;           information:                                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         17.1.1) Transcoded content: Source video stream bitrate.             &#9474;
&#9474;    Must be retrieved using an accurate method, such as:   &#9474;
&#9474;                       MediaInfo (using --parsespeed=1), ffprobe, etc.        &#9474;
&#9474;     17.2) The following information is optional, but recommended:            &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.1) Release name and group.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.2) Release date.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.3) Runtime.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.4) Resolution and aspect ratio.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.5) Frame rate.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.6) Audio format.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.7) File size.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.8) Archive information.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.9) List of included subtitles.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         17.2.10) CRF value.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 18) [ Common: Tagging ]                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;     18.1) The following source tags are allowed:                             &#9474;
&#9474;           WEB, WEBRIP                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     18.2) Only the following additional tags are allowed:                    &#9474;
&#9474;           ALTERNATIVE.CUT, BW, CHRONO, COLORIZED, CONVERT, DC, DIRFIX,       &#9474;
&#9474;           DUBBED, DV, EXTENDED, EXTRAS, FS, HDR, HDR10Plus, HR, INTERNAL,    &#9474;
&#9474;           LINE, NFOFIX, OAR, OM, PROOFFIX, PROPER, PURE, RATED, READNFO,     &#9474;
&#9474;           REAL, REMASTERED, REPACK, RERIP, RESTORED, SAMPLEFIX,              &#9474;
&#9474;         18.2.1) &#60;VERSION / CUT TITLE> may be used when a tag from 18.2 does  &#9474;
&#9474;                 not fit.                                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Deadpool 2: The Super Duper Cut may be tagged as    &#9474;
&#9474;                     Deadpool.2.2018.The.Super.Duper.Cut                      &#9474;
&#9474;         18.2.2) Proof must be provided for all remastered/restored releases  &#9474;
&#9474;                 to prove it is in fact a remaster/restore. Acceptable proof  &#9474;
&#9474;                 is:                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;    At least 3 screenshots comparing the new and old       &#9474;
&#9474;                       sources or encodes, depicting a stark difference       &#9474;
&#9474;                       included in the &#39;Proof&#39; directory.                     &#9474;
&#9474;    Link in the NFO to a comparison website (e.g. caps-a-  &#9474;
&#9474;                       holic.com) which has already performed comparisons.    &#9474;
&#9474;    Subsequent releases from the same remastered/restored  &#9474;
&#9474;                       source may refer back to the first release in the NFO  &#9474;
&#9474;                       in lieu of including proof again.                      &#9474;
&#9474;                           e.g. 1080p released first with proof, 720p can     &#9474;
&#9474;                           refer back to the proof in the 1080p.              &#9474;
&#9474;         18.2.3) HR may only be used when 21.5.3 applies.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     18.3) Variations of any additional tag are not allowed.                  &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. READ.NFO or RNFO is not allowed, READNFO must be used.    &#9474;
&#9474;     18.4) READNFO should be used sparingly. Discretion is recommended.       &#9474;
&#9474;         18.4.1) The READNFO tag must not be used with PROPER, REPACK, or     &#9474;
&#9474;                 RERIP.                                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     18.5) Tags must be grouped together, period-delimited, and follow the    &#9474;
&#9474;           mandatory directory format, see rule 19.4.                         &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. EXTENDED.RERIP, REMASTERED.REPACK.                        &#9474;
&#9474;     18.6) Tags must only be used once, but the order is left to the          &#9474;
&#9474;           discretion of the group.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         18.6.1) Except in situations where the REAL tag is required to be    &#9474;
&#9474;                 stacked to differentiate between multiple invalid releases.  &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. A REAL.REAL.PROPER is required for a REAL.PROPER    &#9474;
&#9474;                     and PROPER.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     18.7) All HDR content must be tagged as such.                            &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 19) [ Common: Directory Nomenclature ]                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     19.1) Acceptable characters allowed for directories are:                 &#9474;
&#9474;           ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ                                         &#9474;
&#9474;           abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                                         &#9474;
&#9474;           0123456789._-                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;     19.2) Single punctuation must be used. Consecutive punctuation is not    &#9474;
&#9474;           allowed.                                                           &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Show----Name.S01E01, Show.Name....S01E01                  &#9474;
&#9474;     19.3) Typos or spelling mistakes in the directory are not allowed.       &#9474;
&#9474;     19.4) Releases must match the following directory format:                &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.1)                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                 Feature.Title.&#60;YEAR>.&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUAGE].&#60;RESOLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT> &#9474;
&#9474;                 -GROUP                                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.2) Weekly.TV.Show.[COUNTRY_CODE].[YEAR].SXXEXX[Episode.Part].[E &#9474;
&#9474;                 pisode.Title].&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUAGE].&#60;RESOLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT>-GROUP  &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.3) Weekly.TV.Show.Special.SXXE00.Special.Title.&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUAGE &#9474;
&#9474;                 ].&#60;RESOLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT>-GROUP                                &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.4) Multiple.Episode.TV.Show.SXXEXX-EXX[Episode.Part].[Episode.T &#9474;
&#9474;                 itle].&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUAGE].&#60;RESOLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT>-GROUP          &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.5) Cross.Over.TV.Show.One.SXXEXX[Episode.Part].[Episode.Title]_ &#9474;
&#9474;                 Show.Two.SXXEXX[Episode.Part].[Episode.Title].&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUA &#9474;
&#9474;                 GE].&#60;RESOLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT>-GROUP                              &#9474;
&#9474;         19.4.6) Miniseries.Show.PartX.[Episode.Title].&#60;TAGS>.[LANGUAGE].&#60;RES &#9474;
&#9474;                 OLUTION>.&#60;FORMAT>-GROUP                                      &#9474;
&#9474;     19.5) Named directory arguments formatted inside &#60;> must be included.    &#9474;
&#9474;           Optional arguments formatted inside [] can be used  in some cases. &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.1) Mini-series parts must be at least 1 integer wide, and       &#9474;
&#9474;                 values used may extend past 9.                               &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Miniseries.Part.1, Miniseries.Part.10.              &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.2) Episode and seasonal numbering must be at least 2 integers   &#9474;
&#9474;                 wide, and values used may extend past 99.                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. S01E99, S01E100, S101E01.                           &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.3) Episode part refers to episodes, usually cartoons or         &#9474;
&#9474;                 animation, which split episodes into stories by different    &#9474;
&#9474;                 directors. Episode parts must be alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z,     &#9474;
&#9474;                 0-9).                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. The first episode from Season 2 of SpongeBob        &#9474;
&#9474;                     SquarePants is split into S02E01A/B, see:                &#9474;
&#9474;                     https://goo.gl/CVGXKu                                    &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.4) Season must be omitted if a series is not a mini-series and  &#9474;
&#9474;                 does not have seasons.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. One Piece must be tagged as One.Piece.E01.          &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.5) Episode title is optional.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.6) Tags refers to all permitted tags only, see section 18.      &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.7) Non-English releases must include the language tag. English  &#9474;
&#9474;                 releases must not include the language tag.                  &#9474;
&#9474;    Language tags must be the full name of the language.   &#9474;
&#9474;                       Abbreviations or language codes are not allowed.       &#9474;
&#9474;                           e.g. FRENCH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN.                      &#9474;
&#9474;         19.5.8) Format refers to whether the release is transcoded           &#9474;
&#9474;                 (WEBRip.x264/x265) or untouched (WEB.H264/WEB.H265).         &#9474;
&#9474;     19.6) Do not indicate the ripping, or encoding methods that were used.   &#9474;
&#9474;           Use the NFO for any technical details.                             &#9474;
&#9474;     19.7) Non-series releases (e.g. movies, documentaries) must include the  &#9474;
&#9474;           production year.                                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     19.8) Different shows with the same title produced in different          &#9474;
&#9474;           countries must have the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code in  the    &#9474;
&#9474;           show name.                                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         19.8.1) Except for UK shows, which must use UK, not GB.              &#9474;
&#9474;         19.8.2) This rule does not apply to an original show, only shows     &#9474;
&#9474;                 that succeed the original.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. The.Office.S01E01 and The.Office.US.S01E01.         &#9474;
&#9474;     19.9) Different shows with the same title produced in the same country   &#9474;
&#9474;           which begin in different years must have the year of the first     &#9474;
&#9474;           season in the directory.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         19.9.1) The year is not required for the show broadcasted first.     &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Second.Chance.S01E01 and Second.Chance.2016.S01E01. &#9474;
&#9474;     19.10) Different shows with the same titles produced in the same country &#9474;
&#9474;            which begin in different years must have the ISO-3166-1 alpha 2   &#9474;
&#9474;            country code followed by the year of the first season in the      &#9474;
&#9474;            directory.                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         19.10.1) See rules 19.8 and 19.9 for country code and year           &#9474;
&#9474;                  explanations.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. Wanted.S01E01 (2005), Wanted.AU.S01E01 (2013),     &#9474;
&#9474;                      Wanted.AU.2016.S01E01 (2016).                           &#9474;
&#9474;     19.11) Show names which are hyphenated or include punctuation must       &#9474;
&#9474;            follow the format shown in the title sequence or credits of the   &#9474;
&#9474;            first episode, limited to the list of acceptable characters.      &#9474;
&#9474;         19.11.1) If no title card exists, see rule 19.13.1.                  &#9474;
&#9474;         19.11.2) Additional titles and names given to an individual season   &#9474;
&#9474;                  must not be used.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. Archer.Vice.S05, Strike.Back.Legacy.S05.           &#9474;
&#9474;         19.11.3) Acronyms which show the ellipsis of letters with non-       &#9474;
&#9474;                  standard characters must be replaced with a period.         &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. M*A*S*H must be M.A.S.H.                           &#9474;
&#9474;                          e.g. George Carlin... It&#39;s Bad for Ya! must be      &#9474;
&#9474;                          George.Carlin.Its.Bad.For.Ya.                       &#9474;
&#9474;     19.12) Directory nomenclature and numbering must remain consistent       &#9474;
&#9474;            across the lifetime of an individual show or event.               &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.1) Shows which contain acronyms or secondary titles must       &#9474;
&#9474;                  follow the format used by the first release.                &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. Law.and.Order.SVU.S01E01 is the standard format    &#9474;
&#9474;                      that must be used for all following episodes,           &#9474;
&#9474;                      Law.and.Order.Special.Victims.Unit.S01E02 is not        &#9474;
&#9474;                      allowed.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;                      Shadowhunters.The.Mortal.Instruments.S01E01 is the      &#9474;
&#9474;                      standard format, Shadowhunters.S01E02 is not allowed.   &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.2) Shows which air with extended content under modified names  &#9474;
&#9474;                  must use the primary show name and numbering with the       &#9474;
&#9474;                  EXTENDED tag.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. QI.S06E01 and QI.XL.S01E01, must be tagged as      &#9474;
&#9474;                      QI.S06E01 and QI.S06E01.EXTENDED respectively.          &#9474;
&#9474;                      Room.101.S01E01 and Room.101.Extra.Storage.S01E01, must &#9474;
&#9474;                      be tagged as Room.101.S01E01 and                        &#9474;
&#9474;                      Room.101.S01E01.EXTENDED respectively.                  &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.3) Groups cannot change the directory format of a show after a &#9474;
&#9474;                  second release or episode with the same format exists.      &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. 2016-01-01: Law.and.Order.SVU.S01E01 sets the      &#9474;
&#9474;                      format.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                      2016-01-08: Law.and.Order.SVU.S01E02 continues the      &#9474;
&#9474;                      format.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                      2016-01-09:                                             &#9474;
&#9474;                      Law.and.Order.Special.Victims.Unit.S01E01.DIRFIX is not &#9474;
&#9474;                      valid as the second episode already exists and          &#9474;
&#9474;                      continues with the previously defined format.           &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.4) Except in situations where the show has an official change  &#9474;
&#9474;                  in its name, whereby all official references by the         &#9474;
&#9474;                  broadcaster or studio are of the new name. This change must &#9474;
&#9474;                  be mentioned in the first NFO with the new name with        &#9474;
&#9474;                  relevant references.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. Gold.Rush.Alaska.S01E01 changed to                 &#9474;
&#9474;                      Gold.Rush.S02E01.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.5) Official name changes for a show does not include the       &#9474;
&#9474;                  renaming of individual seasons. Seasonal name changes  must &#9474;
&#9474;                  be ignored.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. Power.Rangers.S01 and Power.Rangers.S07 must be    &#9474;
&#9474;                      used. Power.Rangers.Lost.Galaxy.S07 must not be used.   &#9474;
&#9474;                      Strike.Back.S03, Strike.Back.S05 must be used.          &#9474;
&#9474;                      Strike.Back.Vengeance.S03, Strike.Back.Legacy.S05 must  &#9474;
&#9474;                      not be used.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;         19.12.6) Any deviations or changes require sufficient evidence       &#9474;
&#9474;                  listed in the NFO as to the reason for change.              &#9474;
&#9474;     19.13) User-contributed services such as TVMaze or TheTVDB must not be   &#9474;
&#9474;            used as a reference when naming and numbering episodes. It may be &#9474;
&#9474;            used as a general guide; however, official guides must be used.   &#9474;
&#9474;         19.13.1) The following order must be used as the primary source for  &#9474;
&#9474;                  naming and numbering.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;    Official website of the show.                         &#9474;
&#9474;    Order and format listed by the original broadcaster.  &#9474;
&#9474;    Network guide.                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         19.13.2) In situations where official sources have inconsistent      &#9474;
&#9474;                  listings, or offer none at all, previously established      &#9474;
&#9474;                  numbering must be used.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                      e.g. MythBusters, National Geographic Special Episodes. &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 20) [ Common: Fixes ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     20.1) The following fixes are allowed:                                   &#9474;
&#9474;           DIRFIX, NFOFIX, PROOFFIX, SAMPLEFIX.                               &#9474;
&#9474;     20.2) Any other form of fix is not allowed.                              &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. RARFIX, SFVFIX, SUBFIX                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     20.3) All fixes require an NFO and must state which release is being     &#9474;
&#9474;           fixed.                                                             &#9474;
&#9474;     20.4) A proper may not be released for a flaw which can be fixed with    &#9474;
&#9474;           the above methods, with the exception of prooffixes, see 15.5.1.   &#9474;
&#9474;     20.5) If multiple releases from a single season require a DIRFIX, a      &#9474;
&#9474;           single DIRFIX per season is allowed and recommended.               &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Show.Name.S01.1080p.DIRFIX.WEB.H264-GROUP.                &#9474;
&#9474;         20.5.1) If a single DIRFIX is used, all relevant releases and        &#9474;
&#9474;                 corresponding fixes must be listed in the NFO.               &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. The NFO should contain the following:               &#9474;
&#9474;                     This is the correct order in which to watch the show;    &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E02.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP is actually E01     &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E01.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP is actually E02     &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E03.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP                     &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E05.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP is actually E04     &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E04.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP is actually E05     &#9474;
&#9474;                     Some.Show.S01E06.720p.WEB.H264-GROUP                     &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 21) [ Common: Dupes ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     21.1) Same second releases, with a maximum acceptable variance of two    &#9474;
&#9474;           seconds (+/- 2 seconds) between timestamps reported by a majority  &#9474;
&#9474;           of pre bots, are not considered dupes and should not be nuked.     &#9474;
&#9474;         21.1.1) Timestamps must be considered as whole integers and round    &#9474;
&#9474;                 half towards zero.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         21.1.2) The earliest timestamp must be used when considering dupes.  &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Release A: 1451572201.427158 -> 1451572201          &#9474;
&#9474;                     Release B: 1451572203.626645 -> 1451572203               &#9474;
&#9474;                     Release C: 1451572204.137665 -> 1451572204               &#9474;
&#9474;                     Release B does not dupe Release A: 1451572203 -          &#9474;
&#9474;                     1451572201 = 2, i.e. maximum variance allowed.           &#9474;
&#9474;                     Release C dupes Releases A and B: 1451572204 -           &#9474;
&#9474;                     1451572201 = 3, i.e. 3 > 2.                              &#9474;
&#9474;         21.1.3) In situations where a release is found to contain a          &#9474;
&#9474;                 technical flaw, same second dupes which do not exhibit any   &#9474;
&#9474;                 technical flaws must be considered the final release. Groups &#9474;
&#9474;                 may release a DIRFIX to PROPER for their original release,   &#9474;
&#9474;                 but it is not required.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Release A and Release B are released at the same    &#9474;
&#9474;                     time. Release A is nuked as containing glitches, Release &#9474;
&#9474;                     B then becomes the de facto release and a DIRFIX to      &#9474;
&#9474;                     PROPER may be released.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     21.2) WEBRip.x264/x265 dupes WEB.H264/H265.                              &#9474;
&#9474;     21.3) WEB.H264/H265 does not dupe WEBRip.x264/x265.                      &#9474;
&#9474;     21.4) WEB.H264/H265 and WEBRip.x264/x265 does not dupe                   &#9474;
&#9474;           DSR/PDTV/HR.PDTV/AHDTV/HDTV.                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     21.5) WEB.H264/H265 and WEBRip.x264/x265 dupes an equivalent Retail      &#9474;
&#9474;           release.                                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         21.5.1) Except in situations where the aspect ratio of the release   &#9474;
&#9474;                 exceeds that of its respective retail release.               &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. A 2.39:1 release will not dupe a 1.78:1 retail      &#9474;
&#9474;                     release, provided there is clearly more visible on-      &#9474;
&#9474;                     screen footage. Proof demonstrating this difference is   &#9474;
&#9474;                     recommended, but not mandatory.                          &#9474;
&#9474;         21.5.2) Except in situations where the release is a different        &#9474;
&#9474;                 version (e.g. ALTERNATIVE.CUT, COLORIZED) of its respective  &#9474;
&#9474;                 retail release, and is not censored after uncensored.        &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. An UNCENSORED.720p.WEB.H264 release does not dupe a &#9474;
&#9474;                     censored 720p.BluRay.x264.                               &#9474;
&#9474;         21.5.3) Except in situations where SD WEB has a width between, and   &#9474;
&#9474;                 including, 960 and 1024. In that case it may be released     &#9474;
&#9474;                 after SD retail, and only if no HD retail release exists.    &#9474;
&#9474;                 The release must be tagged as HR (High resolution).          &#9474;
&#9474;     21.6) Native video streams do not dupe converted video streams.          &#9474;
&#9474;     21.7) Converted video streams dupe native video streams.                 &#9474;
&#9474;     21.8) Releases with muxed-in subtitles do not dupe releases with         &#9474;
&#9474;           hardcoded subtitles.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;     21.9) Releases with hardcoded subtitles (i.e. SUBBED) dupe releases with &#9474;
&#9474;           muxed in subtitles.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;     21.10) HDR after SDR or vice versa does not dupe.                        &#9474;
&#9474;     21.11) Non-foreign tagged English release does not dupe a foreign tagged &#9474;
&#9474;            release.                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 22) [ Common: Propers / Rerips / Repacks ]                                   &#9474;
&#9474;     22.1) Detailed reasons must be included in the NFO for all repacks,      &#9474;
&#9474;           rerips, and propers.                                               &#9474;
&#9474;         22.1.1) Proper reasons must be clearly stated in the NFO, including  &#9474;
&#9474;                 timestamps and specifics in regards to the flaw when         &#9474;
&#9474;                 appropriate.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;         22.1.2) If a release is not globally nuked, a sample demonstrating   &#9474;
&#9474;                 the flaws in the original release is required and must be    &#9474;
&#9474;                 placed within the &#39;Proof&#39; directory.                         &#9474;
&#9474;     22.2) Propers are only permitted in the case of a technical flaw in the  &#9474;
&#9474;           original release.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         22.2.1) Except in cases of video and/or audio based qualitative      &#9474;
&#9474;                 propers, which are only allowed within 15 minutes of the     &#9474;
&#9474;                 original release&#39;s pre time.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    All qualitative propers must follow 23.1.1,   &#9474;
&#9474;                       and 23.1.3 to prove superior quality of video and/or   &#9474;
&#9474;                       audio.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    Mixing sources on qualitative based propers is not     &#9474;
&#9474;                       allowed, use INTERNAL.                                 &#9474;
&#9474;                           e.g. Video from Netflix, audio from retail. Video  &#9474;
&#9474;                           from Amazon, audio from Netflix.                   &#9474;
&#9474;    23.2, 23.2.1 and 23.2.2 must be respected              &#9474;
&#9474;                       (supplementing internal(led)/internalling with         &#9474;
&#9474;                       proper(ed)/propering) on all qualitative propers.      &#9474;
&#9474;         22.2.2) Transcoded releases cannot proper any untouched files.       &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. WEBRip.x264 cannot proper WEB.H264.                 &#9474;
&#9474;    Unless it is a transcode of a lossless stream          &#9474;
&#9474;                       correcting the technical flaw, see rule 1.4.           &#9474;
&#9474;    Unless it can be proven that all untouched sources are &#9474;
&#9474;                       flawed which cannot be repaired by transcoding, but a  &#9474;
&#9474;                       WEBRip does not exhibit the same technical flaw(s).    &#9474;
&#9474;                           e.g. iTunes, Amazon, and Netflix only offer the    &#9474;
&#9474;                           content. Amazon and iTunes sourced files cannot be &#9474;
&#9474;                           repaired by transcoding, however a Netflix WEBRip  &#9474;
&#9474;                           is fine.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         22.2.3) Untouched files can proper transcoded releases for any valid &#9474;
&#9474;                 technical flaw.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     22.3) Audio or visual glitches can be propered with a release which does &#9474;
&#9474;           not exhibit the same flaw.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;         22.3.1) In situations where mastering issues results in visual or    &#9474;
&#9474;                 audio glitches, a release must not be nuked until a valid    &#9474;
&#9474;                 proper, repack, or rerip using a glitch-free source or       &#9474;
&#9474;                 master is released.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;     22.4) Highest quality video and audio, and all subtitles present counts  &#9474;
&#9474;           at time of pre. Propering with higher quality video, audio, or     &#9474;
&#9474;           subtitles that may appear later on the source is not allowed, use  &#9474;
&#9474;           INTERNAL.                                                          &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Movie is posted to Netflix with 24 subtitles and 448      &#9474;
&#9474;               E-AC3 audio, released as is. Two hours later, five additional  &#9474;
&#9474;               subtitle tracks are added, and audio is upgraded to 640Kbps    &#9474;
&#9474;               E-AC3 audio and propered. That proper is invalid.              &#9474;
&#9474;         22.4.1) This does not apply when certain regions may have degraded   &#9474;
&#9474;                 video or audio quality, but another region on the source     &#9474;
&#9474;                 does not.                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Netflix has limited bitrates to 10Mbps in South     &#9474;
&#9474;                     America due to bandwidth limitations, but Europe has the &#9474;
&#9474;                     expected 25Mbps streams. Using the 10Mbps stream from    &#9474;
&#9474;                     South America is a technical flaw.                       &#9474;
&#9474;         22.4.2) Propers based on one region having more subtitles than       &#9474;
&#9474;                 another is not allowed, use INTERNAL.                        &#9474;
&#9474;                     e.g. Netflix in Japan has four more subtitle tracks at   &#9474;
&#9474;                     time of pre than Europe, group releases from Europe      &#9474;
&#9474;                     missing the extra 4 subtitles - propering from Japan is  &#9474;
&#9474;                     not allowed, use INTERNAL.                               &#9474;
&#9474;     22.5) RERIP must be used for ripping or encoding issues.                 &#9474;
&#9474;     22.6) REPACK must be used for packing or muxing issues.                  &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 23) [ Common: Internals ]                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;     23.1) Internals are only allowed when they provide superior quality to   &#9474;
&#9474;           the last internal/non-internal WEB/WEBRip or non-internal retail   &#9474;
&#9474;           release, when internaling over:                                    &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Feature is released as WEB, then released again as        &#9474;
&#9474;               INTERNAL with superior quality. To release another INTERNAL it &#9474;
&#9474;               must be superior to the last INTERNAL not the first release.   &#9474;
&#9474;                   e.g. Feature is released as WEB, then retail and then      &#9474;
&#9474;                   again as INTERNAL retail. To release INTERNAL it must be   &#9474;
&#9474;                   superior to the non-internal retail, not the internal      &#9474;
&#9474;                   retail or the first release (WEB).                         &#9474;
&#9474;         23.1.1) Video quality, a minimum of four B to B frame comparisons    &#9474;
&#9474;                 (INTERNAL vs last release) in PNG format spread throughout   &#9474;
&#9474;                 the feature, showing a stark improvement in video quality,   &#9474;
&#9474;                 must be included in the &#39;Proof&#39; directory.                   &#9474;
&#9474;    Comparison frame numbers must be included in the NFO   &#9474;
&#9474;                       file or embedded in comparisons. FFInfo is the         &#9474;
&#9474;                       recommend method.                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         23.1.2) Number of subtitle or audio tracks, the release must have    &#9474;
&#9474;                 all the tracks the previous release had plus new additional  &#9474;
&#9474;                 tracks.                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;    Inclusion or lacking of closed captions subtitles      &#9474;
&#9474;                       defined by rule 12.1.5 or stripped SDH subtitles       &#9474;
&#9474;                       defined by rule, must not be taken into       &#9474;
&#9474;                       consideration.                                         &#9474;
&#9474;                           e.g. Only improvement is inclusion of closed       &#9474;
&#9474;                           captions - internal is invalid.                    &#9474;
&#9474;         23.1.3) Audio quality must be better quality as defined by rule      &#9474;
&#9474;                 2.3.1.                                                       &#9474;
&#9474;     23.2) Any aspects (i.e. video, subtitles, audio) not being internalled   &#9474;
&#9474;           over better quality, must be of equal quality to the previous      &#9474;
&#9474;           release. As per closed captions and stripped SDH          &#9474;
&#9474;           subtitles must not be taken into consideration.                    &#9474;
&#9474;               e.g. Internalling over video quality, but not providing audio  &#9474;
&#9474;               of equal or better quality or lacking subtitles the previous   &#9474;
&#9474;               release had, is not allowed.                                   &#9474;
&#9474;                   e.g. Internalling over audio quality, but not providing    &#9474;
&#9474;                   video of equal or better quality or lacking subtitles the  &#9474;
&#9474;                   previous release had, is not allowed.                      &#9474;
&#9474;                       e.g. Internalling over video quality, having better    &#9474;
&#9474;                       audio, more/equal subtitles and lacking closed         &#9474;
&#9474;                       captions the original release had is allowed.          &#9474;
&#9474;         23.2.1) All improvements must be detailed within the NFO.            &#9474;
&#9474;         23.2.2) Proof of superior quality for a certain source need only be  &#9474;
&#9474;                 provided for the first release of a season. All other        &#9474;
&#9474;                 releases must refer back to the first release in the NFO.    &#9474;
&#9474;     23.3) Internals with equal files/quality are allowed after one year of   &#9474;
&#9474;           release and should be used sparingly only when a release has gone  &#9474;
&#9474;           missing from archives. The release that went missing must be       &#9474;
&#9474;           mentioned in the NFO.                                              &#9474;
&#9474;     23.4) Internals are required to follow all rules.                        &#9474;
&#9474;     23.5) Using DIRFIX.INTERNAL to avoid a nuke is not allowed, and must be  &#9474;
&#9474;           nuked fix.for.nuke.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 24) [ Common: Ruleset Specifics ]                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     24.1) This ruleset is to be considered the ONLY official ruleset for WEB &#9474;
&#9474;           and WEBRip releases. It supersedes all previous revisions,         &#9474;
&#9474;           rulesets and precedents.                                           &#9474;
&#9474;         24.1.1) Releasing under former rulesets or codecs is not allowed,    &#9474;
&#9474;                 and must be nuked defunct.ruleset or defunct.codec.          &#9474;
&#9474;         24.1.2) The naming standards listed in this document must only take  &#9474;
&#9474;                 effect once a current running season has ended. Any existing &#9474;
&#9474;                 naming schemes must be used in the event of missing          &#9474;
&#9474;                 episode(s) from older seasons being filled.                  &#9474;
&#9474;         24.1.3) This ruleset is not retroactive, and only applies to         &#9474;
&#9474;                 releases released under it.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     24.2) The following definition of keywords throughout this ruleset are   &#9474;
&#9474;           as follows:                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;         24.2.1) Must: the rule is explicit in the definition and is          &#9474;
&#9474;                 compulsory.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         24.2.2) Should: implies the rule is a suggestion, and is non-        &#9474;
&#9474;                 compulsory.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         24.2.3) Can or may: implies the rule is optional, and is non-        &#9474;
&#9474;                 compulsory.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         24.2.4) e.g: refers to common examples, elements listed should not   &#9474;
&#9474;                 be considered as all possibilities.                          &#9474;
&#9474;         24.2.5) i.e: refers to the only examples, elements listed will be    &#9474;
&#9474;                 considered as all valid possibilities.                       &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; 25) [ Common: Notes ]                                                        &#9474;
&#9474;     25.1) The inclusion of 2-pass in this ruleset should not be misconstrued &#9474;
&#9474;           as preferring it for every release, CRF must always be considered  &#9474;
&#9474;           the primary method. Instead, it is encouraged for groups to use    &#9474;
&#9474;           2-pass methods for rare cases when files provided are of extremely &#9474;
&#9474;           high quality.                                                      &#9474;
&#9474;         25.1.1) Video which contains an excessive amount of noise may often  &#9474;
&#9474;                 result in an unnecessary large bitrate. In such situations,  &#9474;
&#9474;                 encoding to a smaller bitrate using 2-pass can result in a   &#9474;
&#9474;                 file size improvement with negligible loss in video quality. &#9474;
&#9474;     25.2) Dolby Vision (DV) and HDR10+ (HDR10Plus) are considered out of     &#9474;
&#9474;           scope, due to lack of support and no standard workflow for         &#9474;
&#9474;           producing them, and must only be released as INTERNAL.             &#9474;
&#9474;         25.2.1) DV encodes must have DV Profile (--dolby-vision-profile) and &#9474;
&#9474;                 RPU metadata (--dolby-vision-rpu) set to the same values as  &#9474;
&#9474;                 the source.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;    Including the DV enhancement layer on a HDR or         &#9474;
&#9474;                       HDR10Plus encode is another option.                    &#9474;
&#9474;    Until such a time as Matroska gains support for Dolby  &#9474;
&#9474;                       Vision, MP4 may be used and dlb_mp4base or MP4Box are  &#9474;
&#9474;                       the only allowed muxers. It is fully at the group&#39;s    &#9474;
&#9474;                       discretion to work around any pitfalls of the MP4      &#9474;
&#9474;                       container (e.g. limited audio codec and subtitles      &#9474;
&#9474;                       support). Groups are exempt from any rules with        &#9474;
&#9474;                       regards to these pitfalls.                             &#9474;
&#9474;         25.2.2) HDR10Plus releases, in addition to HDR specifics (see        &#9474;
&#9474;                 4.23.4), must have SEI tone mapping metadata (--dhdr10-info) &#9474;
&#9474;                 set to the same values as the source. Tone mapping metadata  &#9474;
&#9474;                 optimisation (--dhdr10-opt) must be enabled.                 &#9474;
&#9474;         25.2.3) Any metadata must be extracted from the whole concatenated   &#9474;
&#9474;                 source, not a partial source. e.g. the first m2ts file.      &#9474;
&#9474;         25.2.4) Until such a time as mapping metadata to cropped encodes is  &#9474;
&#9474;                 possible, DV and HDR10Plus are exempt from cropping rules    &#9474;
&#9474;                 and must be left uncropped.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;         25.2.5) The rules below will apply in a hypothetical future when all &#9474;
&#9474;                 pitfalls and issues mentioned above are resolved, support    &#9474;
&#9474;                 has become widespread, does not result in any playback       &#9474;
&#9474;                 issues and at least three months have elapsed from support   &#9474;
&#9474;                 being added.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474;    If the source contains a DV enhancement layer, it must &#9474;
&#9474;                       be muxed in with the correct DV Profile set for the    &#9474;
&#9474;                       source during muxing.                                  &#9474;
&#9474;    If the source contains HDR10Plus SEI metadata, 25.2.2  &#9474;
&#9474;                       is mandatory.                                          &#9474;
&#9474;    25.2.3 must be respected.                              &#9474;
&#9474;    The HDR10Plus tag must not be used.                    &#9474;
&#9474;    DV single layer encodes (see 25.2.1) or untouched are  &#9474;
&#9474;                       only allowed when the source is single layer DV (i.e.  &#9474;
&#9474;                       No HDR, only DV). The DV tag must only be used in the  &#9474;
&#9474;                       case of single layer DV.                               &#9474;
&#9474;    Dolby Vision (DV) and HDR10+ (HDR10Plus) no longer     &#9474;
&#9474;                       need be released only as INTERNAL.                     &#9474;
&#9474;     25.3) YouTube may only be used as a source if geographical restrictions  &#9474;
&#9474;           apply to legitimate content uploaded by the rights holder or on a  &#9474;
&#9474;           verified channel.                                                  &#9474;
&#9474;     25.4) Re-releasing uncropped WEB which has already been released as      &#9474;
&#9474;           uncropped INTERNAL.WEB or cropped WEBRIP is not allowed and must   &#9474;
&#9474;           be considered dupe.                                                &#9474;
&#9474;         25.4.1) Any WEB release nuked solely for not being cropped and not   &#9474;
&#9474;                 reripped, repacked or propered may be unnuked and now be     &#9474;
&#9474;                 considered valid.                                            &#9474;
&#9474;     25.5) Re-releasing any INTERNAL WEB/WEBRips that duped                   &#9474;
&#9474;           DSR/PDTV/HR.PDTV/AHDTV/HDTV under v1.0 of this ruleset is not      &#9474;
&#9474;           allowed and must be considered dupe.                               &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Signed (in alphabetical order) - 92 Groups ]                               &#9474;
&#9474; 57CHAN, 707, aAF, ADMiT, ADRENALiNE, AMCON, AMRAP, ANiURL, APRiCiTY,         &#9474;
&#9474; BRAINFUEL, BREXiT, CAFFEiNE, CBFM, CookieMonster, CREED, CRiMSON, CROOKS,    &#9474;
&#9474; KOMPOST, KYR, LEiEFiLM, LEViTATE, LiGATE, LSDK, MenInTights, METCON, MoA,    &#9474;
&#9474; MTB, NCC1701D, NiXON, NORPiLT, NORUSH, OldSeasons, PETRiFiED, PLAYD,         &#9474;
&#9474; UNDERBELLY, VERUM, WALT, WATCHER, WATSON, WEBELL                             &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Refused to Sign ]                                                          &#9474;
&#9474; This refused to sign list consists of 31 groups, many of them sub-groups.    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; SLAUGHTER, STRiFE, TBS, TURBO, URANiME, W4F, XLF                             &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; These groups felt encouraging the use of high quality sources with           &#9474;
&#9474; qualitative based propers was &#34;anti-competitive&#34;.                            &#9474;
&#9474; They believe it&#39;s acceptable to use worse sources to win races instead of    &#9474;
&#9474; waiting mere seconds and picking the better ones.                            &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; They demanded that they be allowed to release internals that were either     &#9474;
&#9474; worse quality, technically flawed or same file dupes.                        &#9474;
&#9474; They feel that &#34;because it&#39;s always been that way&#34; no change should happen   &#9474;
&#9474; and are standing in the way of progress.                                     &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; They banded together and went against majority voting on changes made to the &#9474;
&#9474; rules below:                                                                 &#9474;
&#9474; Rule 22.2.1 (Qualitative based propers allowed within 15 min of pre time) -  &#9474;
&#9474; 19 for and 7 against.                                                        &#9474;
&#9474; Rule 23.1 (Internals only for better quality) - 27 for and 2 against.        &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; Every group present during drafting was given 1 vote and collectively        &#9474;
&#9474; decided on all changes made.                                                 &#9474;
&#9474; This egregious and unreasonable behaviour will not be tolerated in a         &#9474;
&#9474; democratic system.                                                           &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;
&#9474; [ Revisions ]                                                                &#9474;
&#9474; 2016-03-16 - v1.0 - Final commit and public release of ruleset.              &#9474;
&#9474; 2020-05-13 - v2.0 - Restructuring and hardening of all rules, UHD and HDR    &#9474;
&#9474; supported properly, qualitative based propers allowed, internals specificity &#9474;
&#9474; hardened.                                                                    &#9474;
&#9474;                                                                              &#9474;