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A lone single track identical to that found on an existing scene release is not accepted as a single new release. A new release is not a dupe of an old release if the new release has different or more tracks; this holds true even if some of the individual tracks are identical between the two releases. Examples of relevant differences include, but are not limited to: remixes, refixes, edits, and remastered versions of tracks. Examples: This is not a dupe... AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDM-2015-GROUP 01-ac_dc-suey_radio-group.mp3 02-ac_dc-suey_remix-group.mp3 03-ac_dc-suey_instrumental-group.mp3 04-ac_dc-suey_hardcoremix-group.mp3 05-ac_dc-suey_vocal-group.mp3 ...Even if these two similar releases were already pred: AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDS-2015-GROUP1 01-ac_dc-suey_radio-group1.mp3 02-ac_dc-suey_vocal-group1.mp3 03-ac_dc-suey_instrumental-group1.mp3 AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDS_REMIX-2015-GROUP2 01-ac_dc-suey_remix-group2.mp3 02-ac_dc-suey_hardcoremix-group2.mp3 03-ac_dc-suey_housemix-group2.mp3 Similarly, a release that is a superset of previous releases is not a dupe. Therefore you can release this... Burial--Street_Halo_Kindred_(BRC320)-CD-2012-CMC 01-burial-street_halo-cmc.mp3 06:47 02-burial-nyc-cmc.mp3 07:40 03-burial-stolen_dog-cmc.mp3 06:23 04-burial-kindred-cmc.mp3 11:28 05-burial-loner-cmc.mp3 07:30 06-burial-ashtray_wasp-cmc.mp3 11:45 ...Even if those two were already released : Burial-Street_Halo_EP-(HDB013)-WEB-2011-MPX 01-burial-street_halo-mpx.mp3 06:44 02-burial-nyc-mpx.mp3 07:38 03-burial-stolen_dog-mpx.mp3 07:15 Burial_-_Kindred_EP-(HDB059)-WEB-2012-LiR 04-burial-kindred-lir.mp3 11:28 05-burial-loner-lir.mp3 07:30 06-burial-ashtray_wasp-lir.mp3 11:45 This is a dupe... AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDS-2015-GROUP1 01-ac_dc-suey_radio-group1.mp3 02-ac_dc-suey_vocal-group1.mp3 03-ac_dc-suey_instrumental-group1.mp3 ...if this was already released : AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDM-2015-GROUP2 01-ac_dc-suey_radio-group2.mp3 02-ac_dc-suey_remix-group2.mp3 03-ac_dc-suey_instrumental-group2.mp3 04-ac_dc-suey_hardcoremix-group2.mp3 05-ac_dc-suey_vocal-group2.mp3 1.02.You are only allowed to create a higher quality duplicate release for an existing release that had a source of lower quality. The priority is: Data Format > Medium. Data Format priority: LPCM stereo > DD+ stereo or E-AC3 stereo > LPCM 3+ channels > AC3 (dolby digital) stereo or DTS stereo > Dolby TrueHD > AC3 (dolby digital) 3+ channels or DTS 3+ channels (DTS-HD) > MPG Medium priority : BD or DVD or DVDA or DVDS or HDVD or SACD > HDDVDR or BDR or DVDR > CDA or CD or CDS or CDM or CDA or CDEP > CDR > VL > WEB > CD BOOTLEG > TAPE Example: If an LPCM stereo source becomes available where the previous rip only had an AC3 source, you may create a duplicate release from the LPCM source. Keep in mind that although the original AC3 source may have been a Bluray or other advanced format, a LPCM stereo CD source will take priority. 1.03.Depending of the stage of creation of a medium, it can be called either RETAIL, ADVANCE or PROMO. The appropriate Extra dirtag is determined based upon such factors as the track numbering scheme, the physical package and comparison of the MP3 bitrate with that obtained for previous iterations of the release. Advances are mastered versions of studio album that resemble the final store version but that may have a slightly different sound or even different tracks included. A promotional recording, or -PROMO-, is typically given away free to broadcasters, DJs and journalists prior to the commercial release of the music being promoted. Promos rarely have detailed tracklists, liner notes or graphic packaging. Proof scans for promos need not contain tracklists if they are not present. Promos may yield lower bitrates upon compression than a -ADVANCE- or a -RETAIL- version of the same tracks. It is also possible that all tracks may not have the same sound amplitude (See 3.17-3.23). Additional tags include -REMASTERED-, which reflects a sonically new or different version of a release which is thus not a dupe. -REMASTERED- should never be confused with -REISSUE-, which simply reflects a previously out-of-print or hard to find recording becoming available in a new edition. If the out of print recording has already had a release, then a release of the -REISSUE- count as a dupe, unless it features some real differences from the original version, like bonus tracks. The priority is REMASTERED > REISSUE or RETAIL >= ADVANCE > PROMO Exceptions: If a RETAIL album has been released and you have a different edition of the same album (foreign/promo/advance/preorder/..) then it's allowed to just release the different tracks and label it as -BONUS_TRACKS-. However you cannot re-release the entire recording 90 days after the initial scene release except if: A. It's a 1 disc release and more than 50% of the tracks of your version are not on the previous "retail" version. B. It's a multi disc release and either more than 50% of the tracks or at least 6 tracks of your version are not on the previous "retail" version. Example: The advance pressings of SpiritualizedÆs Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space album included some Elvis lyrics in the titular track. Due to legal threats, the retail version ended up with a remixed version with different lyrics. Advances are early drafts of final studio albums and can sometimes yield a very minor difference in bitrate upon compression, compared to the final retail version or other versions that may be available. If both -ADVANCE- and -RETAIL- prove to contain the same content and length and the only difference is the proof scan, then -ADVANCE- also counts as -RETAIL-. 1.04.The tracks of a release must all be from the same source and have the same quality/cbr-bitrate/vbr-setting/encoder/setting (Exception: FLASH releases and WEB with screenshots of purchase; these sources have repeatedly been shown to contain files created by multiple encoders). Taking tracks from other sources to release yourself is strictly forbidden. This prohibition explicitly includes non-purchased lossless sources; if you donÆt have access to the original media, then don't bother releasing it as you canÆt release a fix if needed, and thatÆs not acceptable. 1.05.Every scene releases must be allowed to be spread on scene sites and to get indexed in dupechecks. Groups that dont allow their affils to spread the releases are allowed to be duped without nuke.It is however not allowed to repackage the original site-restricted invalid release and claim it as yours. 1.06.Self-made(*) is not allowed. *=A self-made is when you select tracks from various different sources and release them as new. 2.00.TECHNICAL STANDARDS: 2.01.For ALL sources which need encoding you must use LAME v3.99.5 with preset V0 ("-V0") only. 2.02.A proper LAME header is required for retail mediums. Example: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org/mp3infotag.html 2.03.The source sampling rate must either be of 44.1KHz or 48KHz and no upsampling or downsampling is allowed. 2.04.ID3 headers shall have no images inserted in them. 2.05.All MP3 files need both an ID3 v1.1 and v2 tags. ID3 tags must include the Artist, the Title and the Album. It is not allowed to use "VA" as the Artist name. The fields "Year", "Genre" and "Tracknumber" must also be filled but a release may not be nuked if those are filled incorrectly. 2.06.Multi channel audio is not allowed and you need to downmix the source tracks to stereo (2 channels). It is good form, but not required, to give some details about the downmixing process in the releaseÆs .NFO. Groups are encouraged to release AC3 multichannel rips as INTs where there is a compelling musical interest to do so (for example, 5.1 mixed versions of albums from the Flaming Lips, Beatles, Meat Beat Manifesto or the live 5.1 mix from NINÆs Beside You In Time Blu-ray). 3.00.HOW TO PACKAGE: 3.01.Both an .SFV and an .NFO file are required for every release. 3.02.Maximum directory+filename-length is 255 characters. 3.03.Allowed characters are a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - () 3.04.Directory name must, at minimum, contain: Artist - Title - Source - Published Year 3.05.Directory names can contain: Artist - Title - Special(*) - Additional Comments (**) - Cat Nr - Source(***) - Language - Radio Station - Published Year - Group *=ADVANCE, AUDIOBOOK, BONUS, BONUS_TRACK, BOOTLEG, CLEAN, CUE_FIX, DEMO, DELUXE, DIRFIX, EDITION, EXTRA, FANCLUB, LIMITED, LIVE, MAG, MAXI, NFOFIX, PROMO, PROPER, PROOFFIX, READ_NFO, REISSUE, REMASTERED, REPACK, RERIP, RETAIL, SPLIT, SAMPLER, SNIPPET, TRACKFIX. This list is not exclusive. **=Any extra information about the release. You can only use ONE Source per directory name. Examples: AC-DC-Blackout_Evolution-RETAIL-CD-2015-GROUP AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CDS-2015-GROUP2 AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-SAT-2015-GROUP3 AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-PROMO-CDR-2015-GROUP4 AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-PROMO-EXTRA-K7-2015-GROUP5 ***=AM, AUD, BD, BDR, BONUS_CD, CABLE, CD, CDA, CDEP, CDM, CDR, CDS, DAB, DAT, DLC, DVBC, DVBS, DVBT, DVD, DVDA, DVDR, DVDS, FLASH, FM, HDDVD, HDDVDR, K7, LINE, LP, MCD, MD, MLP, SACD, SAT, SBD, TAPE, VINYL, VLS, VL, WEB (See 11.0). 3.06.If any extra packaged material that came bundled with any medium is released it should be released as is and untouched, unless it is a lossless music format, in which case it must be encoded using the official standard. Extra packaged material must be tagged as either -BONUS-, -EXTRA- or -DLC-, be compressed in .RAR and contain a .SFV. 3.07.All bootleg(*) and mixtape releases must be tagged as -BOOTLEG-. *=A bootleg recording is any medium that was not officially released by the person/company owning the rights to do so. Bootlegs in the classic sense of being recorded live at a concert need an additional source tag, like ûAUD- for an audience recording, or ûSBD- for a soundboard recording. 3.08.Independently released music is done by an artist without a label (or with his own small label) and is not a -BOOTLEG-. 3.09.If you release a medium that was supplied from a magazine or via any other print media (book/newspaper/etc) then you must tag it -MAG-. 3.10.The directory name of an INTERNAL release must end with _INT. Internals are not subject to nuking, and as such groups can do as they please in this regard (eg: higher bitrates/multichannels/etc) Example: AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution-CD-2015-GROUP_INT 3.11.If the publication year is nowhere to be found on the medium or online then an approximation to the best of the ripperÆs knowledge is allowed. Example: You get a CD without release year information available on the packaging or online. You do know for a fact that it was pressed between 2000 and 2009 and there are several sources that back this date range up. In this case it's allowed to tag the release as -200X-. If it could have been pressed either in the 1900s or in the 2000s, such as the range between 1995-2005, then it's allowed to tag the year as -XXXX-. 3.12.Filename must at least contain: Track Number - Song Title If it's an album with different artists (one artist per track) then you must add the artist name as well ("VA-tracks" like mixes don't need artist names). The song title for the filename must include the full title as it's written on the cover/cd/inlay with all additional information (remixed/features/etc), subject to filename length limitations. Common abbreviations are acceptable (feat. for featuring, for example). Exception: If no tracknames are supplied by the source (CD/VLS/etc) then you must provide evidence that these tracks have no names, such as a discogs.com link. If these "untitled tracks" are part of a big mix (no silence between the "tracks") then it's considered as one track and you must rip it as one MP3/CUE and title it the same as the "album". 3.13.Typos are not tolerated in artist name or album title fields. Other typos (in tracknames/ID3/etc) are only tolerated if they are minor (less than 10%) and only if the dirname is 100% correct (Artist and Title). If a "typo" was on the original medium and you can proove this then it doesn't count as a typo. See rule 3.30 for more on retail defects. 3.14.A release with an apparently incorrect Year or Language may not be nuked. However a -DIRFIX- is strongly recommended. 3.15.It's not allowed to use more than one successive dot (.) for naming directories and/or tracknames. Examples: AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution...Encore-CD-2020-GROUP => Not allowed AC_DC-Blackout_Evolution___Encore-CD-2020-GROUP => Allowed 3.16.Split(*) releases need to be tagged as -SPLIT-, not VA or a combination of both. Please note that if a release isn't specifically labelled as VA (by the industry) it needs to be tagged as -SPLIT-. Also, a release cannot be nuked for being VA -SPLIT-. *=A -SPLIT- release is when two or more artists use the same medium to release their own standalone content. There are split albums, singles and EPs. It is considered a -SPLIT- if there are up to 4 artists. Anything else with more than 4 artists should be tagged VA. As a rule of thumb, a ûSPLIT- release will include several tracks from each of just a few artists, in contrast to a VA release which will have many artists with only one or two tracks each. A suggested tagging alternative is to use two dashes in between the artist and the album so you can use the single dash to separate the different artists from one another, the dash being the divider. Example: "Artist1-Artist2-Artist3--Album_Name1-Album_Name2-Album_Name3- SPLIT-2012-GROUP" instead of "Artist1_Artist2_Artist3-Album_Name1-Album_Name2-Albume_Name3- SPLIT-2012-GROUP" 3.17.All releases from a physical medium must include a proper Proof. A proper Proof means a clear and recognizable scan or photo made with a resolution of at least 800*600 (or 600*800) pixels of the physical medium together with the cover or a booklet page from as close as possible so the Proof can be identified. It's allowed for vinyl proofs to just show the record in the proof without showing the paper sleeve. 3.18.A proof must be unique. What that means is that you are not allowed to re-use or edit a proof coming any non-MP3-scene source. You need to generate your own proof. Exception: If a mp3 release is made from a sister groupÆs(*) release, the sister groupÆs proof may be recycled. *=A "sister group" is the same group name that expanded into another Section eg if ûABC has the sister group ûABCFlac. Example: Group -ABC can recycle group -ABC-HDÆs proof. 3.19.If the medium or cover/booklet contain anything that may expose your identity then it can be hidden/cut off. Keep in mind that some blurring tools may not be secure. 3.20.Any upscaling of images or any modification (such as adding black/white bars) to meet the size requirements is not allowed. 3.21.If your release contains multiple media and each item is clearly numbered then you are allowed to only add one of the media in the proof. Example: Artist-Album-15CD-Year-Group Each CD is clearly labeled "CD1/CD2/etc/CD15" then you can provide Proof of only CD4 with a cover/booklet in the Proof scan/photo. 3.22.Booklet scans are welcomed but optional and do not count as sufficient proof. 3.23.For -PROMO- you need to have your group name on a paper and have it placed on the medium so both are clearly visible in the Proof. 3.24.All MIXED/LIVE CDDA(*) need to be ripped as one track with a .CUE with the Artist and the Tracknames in the .CUE. If this data is not available, you need to label them as Unknown and Untitled and provide evidence that this is indeed the case. *=MIXED/LIVE CDDA means a medium without silence between the "tracks". It is also strongly encouraged to name the .CUE file accordingly to the .MP3 file and also make sure that the path inside the file points to the corresponding .MP3 Lastly, a .CUE file is not allowed if your medium contains just one track, unless there is some compelling technical reason such as presence of extra index points as per red book standard. 3.25.If a medium has no information about it available then you are allowed to use BOTH the Label AND the Cat Number as the name of the release. If there is only one artist on the vinyl/CD then you must add the name of the artist. Example: My_Music_Records-MMR941.02-CD-2012-GROUP 3.26.If you have a retail Source and it was pressed with a defect/skip then you are allowed to release it given that you package it with -READNFO- in the dirname and that everything else is proper (Proof/Encoding/etc). Obviously, the .NFO must contain information concerning the nature of the defect. 3.27.EPs in CDDA format should be packaged as -CDEP-. 3.28.Audiobooks(*) need to be tagged as -AUDIOBOOK-. *=Audiobooks are spoken versions of books that can span one or multiple media, generally CDDAs. More often than not there is no music on audiobooks; it's just a narrative spoken story. 3.29.Any extra packaged material that came bundled in with any medium needs to be released as is and untouched, unless they are lossless, in which case they need to be encoded using the official standard. Extra packaged material must be tagged as either -BONUS-, -EXTRA- or -DLC-, be compressed in .RAR and contain a .SFV. 3.30.A -SAMPLER- is made up of several full songs from an upcoming album while -SNIPPET- is used to tag previews of songs. Examples: Burial--Street_Halo_Kindred_(BRC320)-CD-2012-CMC 01-burial-street_halo-cmc.mp3 06:47 02-burial-nyc-cmc.mp3 07:40 03-burial-stolen_dog-cmc.mp3 06:23 04-burial-kindred-cmc.mp3 11:28 05-burial-loner-cmc.mp3 07:30 06-burial-ashtray_wasp-cmc.mp3 11:45 Burial--Street_Halo_Kindred-SAMPLER-2011-CMC 01-burial-street_halo-cmc.mp3 06:47 02-burial-loner-cmc.mp3 07:30 03-burial-ashtray_wasp-cmc.mp3 11:45 Burial--Street_Halo_Kindred-SNIPPET-2012-CMC 01-burial-street_halo-cmc.mp3 00:47 02-burial-nyc-cmc.mp3 00:40 03-burial-stolen_dog-cmc.mp3 00:33 04-burial-kindred-cmc.mp3 00:28 05-burial-loner-cmc.mp3 00:56 06-burial-ashtray_wasp-cmc.mp3 00:45 4.00.WEB RELEASES: 4.01.The -WEB- tag must be used for releases that are available to purchase in webshops(*). At the time of writing, webshops are currently the most common method of distributing music online. But it can also, but not exclusively, be bundled in as bonus/extra material on any physical medium. *= Webshop means a place where you can "Add to cart" and "Checkout" and which isn't fuelled by illicit and/or obscure music connections. Valid webshops are endorsed by the music industry. 4.02.Encoding priority is: VBR (WAVSRC(-V0)) or 320CBR > VBR > 256CBR > 224CBR > 192CBR Any superior quality supersedes any lower quality for a period of 90 days (3 months) after pre date. When releasing a higher quality version of a rip, it needs to be tagged as -READNFO- and the .NFO needs to explicitly state the difference(s) and/or reason(s) why there is a newer release. Examples: 192CBR released in May 2013 => you can release 256CBR in June 2013. VBR released in June 2013 => you can release VBR -V0 in July 2013. VBR -V0 or 320CBR released => you cannot release any other version. 4.03.You need to include the valid URL of the webshop(*) from which you purchased your release in the .NFO. You cannot specify any address where the tracks are free for download for everyone without being charged. 4.04.If your webshop purchase was in a lossless format (such as .WAV) then you must convert it to MP3 (See 4.2). Conversion to MP3 from any lossy source is not allowed. 4.05.-WEB- releases containing MP3s encoded by multiple different encoders, as demonstrated by inspection of the MP3 header, are only allowed if you provide proof that the original online retail source is selling the release in this way. 4.06.If a digital (-WEB-) release comes out with a physical medium (or vice versa) then it's allowed to make a proof scan of the medium alongside the download paper that came bundled with it. You are also allowed to blur a portion of the download path so long as the rest of the URL and the medium can be clearly identified. 4.07.It's not allowed to release -WEB- rips with skips/defects in them. You can however release them as internals. 5.00.LIVE RELEASES (BROADCAST): 5.01.The source priority is: DAT or LINE or SBD > CABLE or DAB or DVBC or DVBS or DVBT or SAT > terrestrial radio (AM/FM) > WEB > AUD 5.02.The set must be complete from the intro to the outro. If there were broadcasting glitches then it is suggested that you do not release it or do it as INT. Exceptions: If your release has extra material that is part of the original show but that was aired after the outro (such as encores) and this "extra segment" is at least 5 minutes long then you are allowed to rerelease the whole show as -READNFO-, not as -PROPER-. 5.03.If a show has already been released (e.g. another name, but the mix is the same), no dupe of that same show is allowed. If the show is included in another release (for example, as a guest mix), then it is neither allowed. 5.04.If a show, containing a guest mix, is a partial dupe (either the regular part of the show, or the guest mix), it is allowed to release them both as a set. However, it is encouraged to release only the new part if the other part is available in equal or better quality, denoting in the nfo why the other part was omitted. 5.05.If a show contains the broadcast of a commercially released CD then you may not release it unless the CD was not already released. 5.06.All commercials must be removed. 5.07.DJ talk can be included to a certain extent: track announcements and short lines from the DJ should not be removed; interviews and other long talk needs to be removed. You can however -WEB-BONUS- it. 5.08.It is encouraged to fade-in and fade-out the set. However, lack of fades does not constitute a reason for releasing a -PROPER-. 5.09.Straight-to-MP3 encoding is allowed, but discouraged as the header of the MP3 file must be correct at all times. 5.10.Downsampling to 44.1 or 48KHz is allowed (if source is better). Upsampling to 44.1KHz or 48KHz from a weaker source is not allowed. 5.11.Live recordings of concerts (not from broadcast) typically require a tag for source (SBD/LINE/AUD) as well as the -BOOTLEG- tag. -AUD- reflects a recording made using microphones situated in the audience area. The .NFO should give as many details on recording hardware and mastering methodology as possible. 6.00.FLASH RELEASES: 6.01.If your medium contains a version in a lossless format then you are required to release that as -FLASH-. Example: Your flash drive contains both a .MP3 and a .WAV release. You need to release the converted .WAV version. 6.02.If the FLASH medium contains multiple formats (e.g. 10 tracks WAV and a DJ MIX MP3) it is allowed to release it as one release with mixed VBR/CBR and multiple encoders. 6.03.Proof is also required and is subject to the same rules as retail (See 3.17-3.23). 6.04.Codec of source (MP3/PCM(WAV)/etc) is required in the .NFO. 7.00.DVD/DVDA RELEASES: 7.01.Priority of audio track source is: 1. PCM stereo (doesn't matter if DVDA or CDDA quality) 2. PCM 3+ channels 3. AC3 (dolby digital) stereo or DTS stereo 4. AC3 (dolby digital) 3+ channels or DTS 3+ channels 5. MPG Examples: DVD contains AC3 5.1 and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the AC3 2.0 tracks DVD contains PCM and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the PCM tracks DVD contains MPG and AC3 2.0 => you must rip the AC3 2.0 version 7.02.If tracks are available in several audio formats then you must use the "best" version (See 1.2). 7.03.Normalizing the sound volume is allowed but optional; it is encouraged that you document normalization status in the .NFO. 7.04.Additional .NFO information required includes: - Codec of source (AC3/PCM/MPG/DTS/etc), - Number of channels of source (2.0/2.1/5.1/etc) 7.05.By default a DVD's sound is *NOT* DVDA, (sometimes written asDVD-A or DVD-audio). DVDA is a high fidelity audio format that is distinct from the audio associated with a regular video DVD. Groups are encouraged to release true DVDA as internal .ISO files, to preserve full fidelity. 8.00.HD RELEASES: 8.01.The source priority is DVDA > SACD > BD > HDDVD > DVD or DVDS > HDDVDR > DVDR 8.02.A HD DVD/BD concert recording release must contain the complete set of music tracks from the concert. Additional tracks (interviews/videos/bonus/etc) are optional. If those extra tracks are not included then any other group can release them as -EXTRA- 8.03.HD DVD and BLU-RAY video clip releases should be ripped as multi track release keeping original tracklist (not .M2TS sequence). 8.04.If tracks are available in several audio formats then you must use the highest bitrate lossless source track. 8.05.For a DTS HR/HD MA track you need to extract the DTS core. 8.06.Multi channel audio is not allowed. Always downmix source tracks to stereo (2 channels) if a native stereo version is not available. It is good form to include details on your downmixing procedure. 8.07.Downsampling to 44.1 or 48KHz is allowed (if source is better). Upsampling to 44.1KHz or 48KHz from a weaker source, however, is not allowed. 8.08.Normalizing the sound volume is allowed but optional; please document normalization status in .NFO. 8.09. .CUE file made from source chapters should always be included with the final release package. 8.10.Additional informations required in .NFO (See 10.3) : - Codec of source (AC3/DD+/PCM/MPG/DTS/DTS-HD/Dolby TrueHD) - Bitrate of source (448/640/768kbps/1536kbps/etc) - Number of channels of source (2.0/2.1/5.1/etc) 9.00.FIXING METHODOLOGY: 9.01.Only one trackfix per release is allowed. If the release needs a second trackfix or more than 50% of the tracks need a fix then you must re-package the whole thing. --> A 1-track fix for a 2-track release is allowed (=50% and not "more than 50%"). 9.02.If you release a dirfix then the dirname of the problematic release must be listed in your .NFO file. 9.03.Following your release getting nuked, you have: - 7 days to fix for typos and wrong dirnames - 2 days to fix for missing proof, technical flaws (skips, wrong encoder) After grace period any other group is allowed to -PROPER-. It's also allowed to proper even if a release wasn't nuked just as long as the reason for propering is clearly stated in the .NFO. In which case it is suggested to tag as -READ_NFO-. 9.04.It is not allowed to -DIRFIX- a given release more than once and you cannot -PROPER- a -DIRFIX-. 9.05.For -WEB-, if your trackfix comes from a different webshop than the original release then you need to mention it in the NFO while also supplying the new webshop URL. 10.00.TIPS AND TRICKS: 10.01.Make sure that your filenames are unique otherwise some sites might dupeskip. This type of mistake doesn't make a release worthy of a nuke, however. This problem often arises with the "unknown - untitled" tracks scenario. 10.02.Wipe EXIF data from your proof scans/photos using your favourite freeware. 10.03.For finding the Codec source of DVD/BD/etc we suggest using : http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en 10.04.The audio of a normal video DVD is *NOT* DVDA! The audio of a DVD usually is MP2/AC3/DTS compressed (lossy) while the audio of a real DVDA is high quality PCM (lossless, e.g. 24bit/192KHz) and/or multichannel. To properly rip true DVDA you can use : http://www.pazera-software.com/products/audio-extractor/ 10.05.Even if the Language and/or the Cat Number are not required in the dirtag they are strongly encouraged. 10.06.At the time of writing this, those webshops are known for sometimes supplying their tracks encoded with multiple encoders : http://www.junodownload.com/ http://www.indiegala.com/ One way to find out if your release was encoded by multiple encoders is to use a program such as truelame.exe 10.07.Even if not required, it is strongly encouraged that dirnames should always begin with a letter or number to avoid spreading issues. 10.08.When taking more than 24h to fix a release it's best to -REPACK- (or -RERIP- depending on the case) as some sites purge nuked releases after that period of time. 10.09.Even if typos are slightly tolerated (See 3.13-3.14) it is strongly suggested that you put extra effort into finding and correcting them when packaging. 10.10 Even if the .M3U is not required with the release it is strongly encouraged to provide it. 10.11.For converting to WAV we suggest using Free Audio Converter (AKA FRE:AC) at http://www.freac.org/ 11.00.DIRTAGS GLOSSARY: 11.01.Valid physical sources dirtags are: -BD- [BLU-RAY DISC *PRESSED*] -BDR- [BLU-RAY DISC RECORDABLE] -BONUS_CD- [CD ADDITIONAL *PRESSED*] -CD- [CD OTHER *PRESSED*] -CDA- [CD ALBUM *PRESSED*] -CDEP- [CD MINI-ALBUM *PRESSED*] -CDM- [CD MAXI *PRESSED*] -CDR- [CD-RECORDABLE] -CDS- [CD SINGLE *PRESSED*] -DVD- [DVD *PRESSED*] -DVDA- [DVDA] -DVDR- [DVDR] -DVDS- or -DVD- [DVD VIDEO SINGLE *PRESSED*] -EXTRA- or -BONUS- or -DLC- [EXTRA BONUS CONTENT] -HDDVD- [HD DVD *PRESSED*] -HDDVDR- [HD DVD RECORDABLE] -LP- or -VINYL- [VINYL ALBUM] -MCD- [MINI CD] -MD- [MINIDISC] -MLP- [MINI VINYL] -SACD- [SACD] -SAMPLER- [ALBUM PREVIEW] -SNIPPET- [TRACK PREVIEWS] -TAPE- or -K7- [ANALOG TAPE/CASSETTE] -VL- or -VINYL- [VINYL OTHER] -VLS- or -VINYL- [VINYL SINGLE] 11.02.Valid live sources dirtags are: -AM- [AM ANALOG RADIO] -AUD- [DIRECT LIVE RECORDING FROM THE AUDIENCE] -CABLE- [ANALOG CABLE] -DAB- [DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCAST] -DAT- [DAT TAPE] -DVBC- [DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCAST CABLE] -DVBS- [DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCAST SATELLITE] -DVBT- [TERRESTRIAL DIGITAL VIDEO BRAODCAST] -FM- [FM ANALOG RADIO] -LINE- [DIRECT RECORDING BY THE RIPPER FROM SOUNDBOARD/MIXER THROUGH THE LINE-IN INTERFACE] -SAT- [ANALOG OR DIGITAL SATELLITE] -SBD- [RADIO STATION OR DJ RECORDING **NOT A WEBSTREAM**] 11.03.Valid digital sources dirtags are: -WEB- [PRE-COMPRESSED MP3 FILES FROM A MEDIUM] -FLASH- [FLASH MEDIUM : SLOTMUSIC/COMPACSTICK/ETC] 11.04.Valid other source dirtag is: -BOOTLEG- [UNKNOWN] 11.05.Unallowed sources are: -FREE- [ANY FREE] -STREAM- [FREE WEBSTREAM] 11.06.Valid fixing dirtags are: -CUEFIX- When a group failed to properly package the .CUE file and rereleases a missing or incorrect .CUE file as standalone. -DIRFIX- When a group failed to properly package a directory name and rereleases it as standalone. -NFOFIX- When a group failed to properly write a NFO file and rereleases it as standalone. -PROOFFIX- When a group failed to release a proper proof they need to use this dirtag to correct their fault. -PROPER- When a release gets nuked (bad tag, bad rip, no proof, etc) and another group propers it, they -PROPER- it. -REPACK- When a group failed to package correctly (ID3vx/missing tracks/mislabeled/etc) the *SAME* group repacks their nuked release. -RERIP- When a group failed to rip properly (clipping, cut off/ incomplete tracks/etc) the same group rerips their nuked release. -TRACKFIX- When a group failed to release all tracks properly and rereleases only the fixed tracks as a standalone fix. _______________________________________________________________ ▄ ▄ ▄▀ ▀▀■▄▄ ■ ■ ▀█▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▐███▄ ▄▀ ▄ ▀ ▐███▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▄▓█████ ▐██▄ ▓▓ ████▀███▄▄▄ ▀███▄▄▄▄▄ ■ ▀████▀███ ▀█████▌ iks ████ ▀▀██▓▒ █████ ███▓ ███ ████▄ RIAA ░░░░░░ ████▌ ▄▄▓▓▀▀ ▐████▌ ███▓ ███ ███████▄ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ▐███████▄ ▐████▓ ░███▓ ██▓ ████▀ ▀███▄ ░░░░░░ titan ▐████▀█████▄▄▄ ▄▄█████▄████▄▄▄▄▄ ▐██▓ ████ ▀███▄ 2013 ■▄████▌ ▀▀▓▀▀██▓▓▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀█████▓░▓██▓ ▀███▄ ▀▀▀▓▓ ▄▀▀ ░ ▀▀▀▀█▄▄▄ ▀██▓░ ■ ▀▀█▄▄ ██▓░ ▄ ▀▀█▄▄ ▐██▓ ■ ▀ ▀▓▓▄███▌ ▀■ ▄ ▄ ■ Tried and tested rules ▀████▌ by the true MP3 scene! ▐██▀ ▄▀▀ ▀ RIAA2013 active since 2014-01-01, signed by: 1KING, B2R, BF, BOSS, CBR, CMC, CRUELTY, D2H, DGN, dh, DJ, DPS, EiTheLMP3, FKK, FMC, G4E, GCP, gF, HB, HFT, HQEM, iTS, JiM, JUST, JUSTiFY, KOPiE, LFA, mbs, MnD, MOD, MST, MTC, NOiR, NRG, OGV, OMA, ONe, RAC, RAiN, SC, SDR, SiBERiA, TALiON, TSP, uC, UKHx, UKi, USF, VOLDiES, VOiCE, wAx, WLM, WUS, wWs, XXL, YARD, YOU & ZzZz. Complimentary signatures: ALKi, ATM, ATR, Bacardi, diss, EViGHET, iDM, iMPG, kHz, LOGOS, MS, 0MNi, PoS, Q17, SYN & TrT. </pre> </body> </html>