#+TITLE: NUS Downloader #+FILETAGS: :piracy:nintendo #+AUTHOR: bparodi NUS (short for Nintendo Update Server) is a set of HTTP servers used to serve updates for Nintendo's consoles. For the Wii and Wii U, this server is located at http://nus.cdn.shop.wii.com. NUS Downloader, or NUSD, is a program designed to allow easy access to the resources present on NUS. Using this tool, you can download, pack, and decrypt many system titles into WADs ready to install. More informations on the [[https://wiibrew.org][wiibrew wiki]]. Version used: [[./files/WiiUDownloader-Linux-x86_64.AppImage][Linux: v1.32]], [[./files/WiiUDownloader-Windows.zip][Windows: v1.32]]