import clippy from '../dist/index.js' const ClippyDemo = (function() { const availableAgents = ['Bonzi', 'Clippy', 'F1', 'Genie', 'Genius', 'Links', 'Merlin', 'Peedy', 'Rocky', 'Rover'] const talks = [ 'How can i help you?', 'Nice day!', 'Glad to meet you.', 'At your service', 'Helloo' ] function init() { this.$el = document.querySelector('.my-clippy') } function nextAgent() { let agentName = availableAgents[Math.floor(Math.random() * (availableAgents.length))] if (!agentName) return; clippy.load({ name: agentName, selector: "my-clippy", successCb: agent => { window[agentName] = agent; // Speak on click and start const speak = () => { agent.speak('I am ' + agentName + ', ' + talks[~~(Math.random() * talks.length)]) agent.animate() } agent._el.addEventListener('click', () => speak()); speak() // Animate randomly setInterval(() => { agent.animate() }, 3000 + (Math.random() * 4000)) } }); } function destroy() { this.$el.innerHTML = '' } return { init, nextAgent, destroy, } })(); window.onload = () => { ClippyDemo.init(); ClippyDemo.nextAgent(); document.getElementById('next-agent').addEventListener('click', () => { ClippyDemo.destroy(); ClippyDemo.nextAgent(); }); }