0DAY: Dupes: We can be very quick with this one, below an example (The "CuNT" release is a real dupe) 2002-10-20 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.cracked-DiCK 2002-10-30 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.incl.keygen-CuNT But a Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.keygen.only-CuNT is allowed! Nuke reason: dupe.<yyyy-mm-dd>.<group> Mu: In general we handle a MinorUpdate period of 14 days! If you release a new version of a program with in 14 days of the last program release , but 14 days from the last release out no matter if its nuked for MU or not. Example: 2002-10-10 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.cracked-DiCK 2002-10-15 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.1.incl.keymaker-CUNT <- (nuked for MU) Next version is allowed on 2002-10-29 AND NOT on 2002-10-24, coz we count 14 days from the last release, no matter if its nuked for MU or not. Additionally to bring some more clearness: 2002-10-10 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.cracked-DiCK 2002-10-14 Jack.The.MP3.Ripper.v1.0.keymaker.only-CUNT So v1.0 cracked gets released on 10th of oct. and the keymaker.only on 14th then the next release is allowed on 2002-10-24, no matter what time the keymaker.only was released. coz we always count 14 days of the release that included the setup-file of the software itself. The following groups have agreed to comply to these rules (ask handymen to add ur group here): LAXiTY/ACME/DWP Nuke reason: mu.<yyyy-mm-dd>.<group> Release Name creation: <PROGRAM NAME>.vX.XX.<opt. options>-<GROUP NAME> <PROGRAM NAME>_vX.XX_<opt. options>-<GROUP NAME> Examples: The.true.story.by.php.monkey.v1.4-D2D The_true_story_by_php_monkey_v1.4-D2D Nuke reason: bad.dir File naming: Files should be named as stated in the 8.3 notation. And disk size should be between 720 KB and 5 megs. It also has to include a .diz and .nfo file Example: lxtd2d2.zip Nuke reason: bad.pack Size: Maximum size of 0day release should be 300 MB Nuke reason: oversized Keygen rules: A keygen is a standalone program which calculates serials based on pc name/company/user name etc etc. When a serial algo uses fixed chars on certain positions and your "keygen" fills the other positions with random data it's NOT a keygen. When a keygen is not sufficient and a crack is required, the dir name should include this "incl.keygen.and.patch" Nuke reason: not.a.valid.keygen Theft: Using a keygen/serial/crack with out permissions of the owners (other groups for example) is not legit. A group which is cought 2 times with stealing will be banned here aka being auto nuked (ofcourse if there is good evidence) Nuke reason: stolen Repack: Fucked up releases can be re-released by doing a repack. Dir should contain ".repack.". The previous (bad) release will be nuked Nuke reason: get.repack Trade/pre faults: Trade faults ("detecting macro monkeys" dirs for example), pre tests or fake things will not be counted as a legit release. Nuke reason: crap Free software: Software which is freely available is not allowed. "Free" on d2d means that it costs around $0.00. "Cardware" or "free-registration" is. There are 2 exceptions there is, if a upgrade/update is not publicly available. And free updates/upgrades which will render the crack/serial/keygen of the previous version unusable (ie. they blacklisted stuff) Nuke reason: free Newer out: When a group releases a v1.02 of a program and the new version v1.03 is already out for more then 3 days, it's a nuke. The grace period is 3 days. Only exception COULD be an util group having a hard to get program (thus means not publicly downloadable) and they release it when there's just a new version out, if this happens (unlikely:D) tell so in info file Nuke.reason: newer.out.v<x.xx> Crack malfunction: If a crack/serial/keygen is not working 100% it's a nuke! This could mean a keygen without a server patch, a keygen which doesn't accept certain basic chars "A-Z,a-z,0-9" and ofcourse spaces (only when the program accepts these chars!) or a crack with missed checks having removed. Nuke reason: bad.crack Group request: If a group really thinks they fucked up a release badly then they can do a group request. The release will be nuked then. Nuke reason: grp.req Beta software: Betas / builds / rc are allowed only it's not an hidden beta/build/rc, means the word "Beta", "build" & "RC" has to be in directory name. Nuke reason: hidden.beta Types Allowed: - ALL languages (Dutch, German, Chinese, Italian, Polish, etc etc) - ALL platforms (PC, MAC, Linux, Solaris, OS/400, Windows, etc etc) - Bookware - HW required software (GSM & Telephone programs) - Kiddie (some people have kids here, hi fanny:) ) - Addons (all types of addons for utils/games) - Commerical fonts - Screensaver - Porn - Different kind of flavors (Standard, prof, premium are ALL allowed)