+Borderlands 2 e` un gioco che se affrontato con i giusti obiettivi
+diventa estremamente complesso e soddisfacente. Il territorio da
+esplorare e` vastissimo, carente di guide e le meccaniche di gioco
+sufficientemente varie.
+Questa guida si propone di aiutare tutti i lezzi che ne avranno voglia
+ad affrontare il gioco nella maniera giusta ed evitando di doversi
+sorbire mille bambini urlanti su youtube che mostrano glitch fixati.
+Fanculo youtube.
2 Inizio
+La prima cosa da fare e` evitare di parlare di questo gioco con
+IPulsar. Se c'e` qualche achievement da conquistare lui l'ha fatto, ha
+comprato l'edizione piu` costosa della tua (hai comprato il gioco vero
+:^)? ) e ha speso almeno dieci volte il numero di ore che hai speso te
+ingame. Chiaramente tutte le sue build sono perfezionate a puntino e
+dato che soffre di sindrome di stoccolma da parte della Sony non ha
+usato nessuna cheat su PS3. Ah, non provare nemmeno a dirgli che ha
+l'aim assist forzatamente abilitato.
3 Modalita` di gioco
+Non so chi abbia pensato che ho cosi` tanto tempo da perdere da poter
+giocare tre volte allo stesso gioco. Capisco l'eseguire una prima run
+esplorativa ed una seconda completa, questo avrebbe senso, ma no, in
+Borderlands 2 il flow di gioco e` il seguente:
normal vault hunter mode: probabilmente non ha senso fare le
+missioni opzionali perche` si sale troppo di livello e le story
+mission diventano noiose. COnsidera solo "Uncle Teddy" che da come
+ricompensa una pistola utilissima per il second wind.
true vault hunter mode: letteralmente NVHM ma con i nemici piu`
+forti. Che idea del cazzo
ultimate vault hunder mode: qua il gioco si fa interessante perche`
+al contrario delle precedenti modalita` la difficolta` e` adattativa
+quindi non si rischia di superare il livello richiesto dalle
+missioni. E` anche l'unica modalita` in cui si possono trovare le
+armi piu` rare.
3.1 La porchetta
+Una volta terminato il primo gameplay puoi aprire il gibbed editor e
+eseguire le seguenti azioni per avere un personaggio in UVHM:
(dal menu` in alto) New
(Scheda character) Class: scegli la classe
Experience level: metti 50
Experience points: premi sync
General skill points: mettine 50
Specialist skill points: regolati
Name: sceglilo
(scheda raw) LastPlaythroughNumber: metti 2
ShowNewPlaythroughNotification: metti la spunta
PlaythroughsCompleted: metti 2
(dal menu` in alto) Save As: Save0009.sav: usa qualsiasi numero,
+zero padded a quattro cifre
+L'unico problema di questa modalita` e` che inizierai il gioco con
+solo due slot per le armi e equipaggiamenti di bassissimo livello.
+Puoi fare queste cose:
riempiti di eridium e soldi per correre al Santuario per comprare le
+espansioni per gli armamenti
aggiungi al tuo backpack un'arma leggendaria (arancioni) che ti permetta di
+arrivare al Santuario con facilita` (io ho scelta la "Infinity")
aggiungere un'espansione per lo slot delle armi alla banca, che è
+già disponibile nella casa di claptrap. L'oggetto si consuma non
+appena preso quindi non può essere aggiunto allo zaino. Codice:
+La rarità degli oggetti è la seguente:
+La reliquia della rarità è inutile in quanto non fa altro che azzerare
+la possibilità di trovare armi bianche e aggiunge quel peso alle armi
+verdi, senza modificare la possibilità di trovare armi di rarità
+maggiore. (Le categorie sono state tradotte a macchina)
4.1 Pearlescent
+Perlescenti (ciano) sono essenzialmente armi DLC. Il primo lotto di
+perlescenti è stato aggiunto quando il limite di gioco è stato
+aumentato da 50 a 61 (UVHM1) e il secondo lotto è stato aggiunto
+quando il limite è stato aumentato da 61 a 72 e sono stati aggiunti
+anche i livelli di Overpower. Il primo lotto di perle si trova quasi
+ovunque (se sei abbastanza fortunato) ma non il secondo (cadono da un
+tipo specifico di nemico). Dovrebbe essere possibile vederli nei
+venditori, ma nessuno ha ancora visto una perla da uno. Vale anche la
+pena notare che le armi perlate possono essere ottenute in NVHM e TVHM
+solo sulle slot machine Tiny Tina. A parte questo, c'è una fonte che
+rilascia un perlescente garantito (primo lotto però) quando viene
+ucciso. È un nemico chiamato
+"010011110100110101000111010101101101010001001000" (il cui nome si
+traduce in OMGWTH) nell'ultima parte della sfida Digistruct Peak (da
+Overpower 7 a 8) e ha l'onore di essere l'unico nemico dell'intera
+serie a farlo.
4.2 Seraph
+Gli oggetti Seraph (pink) sono stati aggiunti quando è stato rilasciato il
+primo DLC (Capt Scarlett) e poi, i successivi 3 DLC (Torgue,
+Hammerlock e Tina) hanno anche aggiunto nuove armi al già grande
+bottino del gioco. Queste armi sono strane, perché ogni DLC ha il suo
+venditore che vende questa roba, che richiede cristalli serafini
+(ottenere quest'ultimo è la parte più difficile poiché cadono solo in
+UVHM da Raid Bosses o possono essere vinti nelle slot machine Tiny
+Tina in NVHM e TVHM). Possono essere rilasciati anche dai boss raid
+del livello. Non dovremmo parlare di "armi Seraph" poiché questa
+categoria include anche scudi, reliquie e mod granate.
4.3 Lootable
+I seguenti oggetti saccheggiabile possono far apparire armi fino a
+rarità magenta:
White chests
Dahl green chests
Hyperion weapon lockers
LWT Loaders
Bandit portable toilets
The golden chest of Sanctuary
Savage weapon lockers (DLC3)
+Questi possono far apparire armi ancora più rare:
Dahl red chests
Normal red chests
Hyperion chests
Bandit car trunks
Pirate chests (DLC1)
Tina’s die chests (DLC4)
World Drops
+I world drop sono:
+Red weapon crates, lockers, Dahl green garbage containers, cardboard
+boxes, garbage piles, skag, bullymong, spiderant, varkid and stalker
+piles, stalker pods.
+Inoltre i midget e i tubbies sono una buonissima fonte di armi rare.
4.4 Boss
+A differenza di BL1, la maggior parte dei boss di BL2 ha un drop
+determinato. La maggior parte delle volte è leggendario o unico e
+richiede un certo numero di run. Il rapporto era di 1 su 30, ma ora
+è 1 su 10.
Boll: Fastball (Tediore grenade mod; available in fire, shock and corrosive elements, plus explosive)
Savage Lee: Unkempt Harold (Torgue explosive pistol)
Frostburn Canyon (Tubby Spiderants and loot midgets can spawn here)
Scorch: Hellfire (Maliwan fire SMG)
Spycho: Neogenator (Anshin adaptive shield, only availiable after Monster Mash pt3 mission)
Incinerator Clayton: Pyrophobia (Maliwan fire rocket launcher)
Lilith: Flame of the Firehawk (Maliwan fire nova shield, Cult Following: The Enkindling quest reward)
Three Horns Valley (Tubby Skags can spawn here)
Doc Mercy: Infinity (Vladof pistol; available in fire, shock and corrosive elements, plus non-elemental)
Southpaw Steam and Power:
Hyperion Assasins: Emperor (Dahl SMG, availiable in all elements plus non elemental)
The Dust (Tubby Spiderants can spawn here, loot midgets rarely)
Mobley: Veruc (Dahl assault rifle, all elements availiable plus non elemental)
Gettle: Lyuda/White Death/Lyudmila (Vladof sniper rifle, all elements plus non elemental)
The Black Queen: Nukem (Torgue rocket launcher)
McNally: Hammer Buster (Jakobs assault rifle)
Mick Zaford: Maggie (Jakobs revolver, if you side the Hodunks in the Clan Wars: Zaford vs Hodunks quest)
Tector Hodunk: Slagga (Bandit slag SMG, if you side the Zafords in the Clan Wars: Zaford vs Hodunks quest)
Bloodshot Stronghold
Splinter Group: Storm Front (Vladof shock grenade)
Tundra Express (Tubby Varkids and loot midgets can spawn here)
Madame von Bartlesby: Baby Maker (Tediore SMG, availiable in all elements)
End of the Line
Wilhelm: Logan’s gun (Hyperion fire pistol), Rolling Thunder (Torgue grenade mod)
The Fridge (Tubby Stalkers and Rakks can spawn here)
Laney Flowers: Gub (Bandit corrosive pistol)
Smash-Head: Sledge’s Shotgun (Bandit shotgun, availiable in all elements plus non-elemental)
Rakkman: Gunerang (Tediore pistol, availiable in all elements plus non elemental)
The Highlands - Outwash
Old Slappy: Striker (Jakobs shotgun)
The Highlands
Henry: The Cradle (Tediore shield)
Caustic Caverns
Blue: Fabled Tortoise (Pangolin shield)
Badass Creepers: Longbow (Hyperion fire sniper)
Wildife Expoitation Preserve (Tubby Rakks, Skags and Stalkers plus Hyperion loot midgets can spawn here)
Pimon: The Transformer (Vladof shock-resistant shield)
Tumbaa: Deliverance (Tediore shotgun)
Son of Mothrakk: Skullmasher (Jakobs sniper)
Mad Dog: Madhous! (Bandit assault rifle, all elements availiable plus non elemental)
Dukino's Mom: Mongol (Vladof rocket launcher, all elements availiable plus explosive)
Foreman Jasper: Black Hole (Maliwan shock shield)
The Bunker
BNK-3R: The Sham (Vladof absorb shield), Bitch (Hyperion SMG, all elements availiable plus non elemental)
Eridium Blight (Tubby Rakks can spawn here)
King Mong: Badaboom (Bandit rocket launcher, all elements availiable plus explosive)
Sawtooth Cauldron (the rarest loot midgets plus the Tubby Midget can spawn here)
Mortar: Pandemic (Vladof corrosive grenade)
Arid Nexus Boneyard (Tubby Skags and loot midgets can spawn here)
Hunter Hellquist: The Bee (Hyperion amp shield)
Arid Nexus Badlands (Tubby Skags and loot midgets can spawn here)
Saturn: Invader (Hyperion sniper, all elements available plus non elemental)
Vault of the Warrior
The Warrior: Conference Call (Hyperion shotgun, all elements
+availiable plus non elemental), Volcano (Maliwan fire sniper),
+Flakker (Torgue explosive shotgun), Leech (Maliwan transfusion
+grenade), Impaler (Maliwan corrosive shield)
Terramorphous Peak
Terramorphous the Invincible: Pitchfork (Dahl sniper, all
+elements availiable plus non elemental), Hide of Terramorphous
+(Bandit roid shield), Blood of Terramorphous (Eridian health
+regen relic), Slayer of Terramorphous
+(Bandit/Maliwan/Dahl/Jakobs class mod)
4.5 Legendaries which can spawn in different maps or have an "unknown" drop source
Norfleet (Maliwan rocket launcher): Vermivorous the Invincible, Hyperius the Invincible
Nasty Surprise (Hyperion grenade mod): Vermivorous the Invincible, loot midgets, world drop, chests
Pyro Pete the Invincible: Slagga, Quasar, Sham, Shredifier, Legendary class mods
Ancient Dragons of Destruction: ?
4.8 Pearlescents
First gen (Avenger, Bearcat, Storm, Stalker, Tunguska, Unforgiven,
+Butcher, Sawbar): tubby enemies, chests, world drops, loot midgets,
+slot machines (in all three modes)
Second gen (Bekah, Wanderlust, Carnage, Godfinger): tubby enemies
+starting level 62
4.9 Seraphs
+In NVHM (first playthrough), great part of the items are availiable at
+vendors in DLC1, 2 and 3.
Kitten: Vladof elemental assault rifle, Everyone Wants to be Wanted quest reward (DLC2)
Rapier: Vladof assault rifle, Message in a Bottle (Hayter’s Folly) quest reward (DLC1)
Scorpio: Dahl assault rifle,
quest reward
Stinkpot: Jakobs “what the ■■■■■■■ hell were you thinking about Monty” corrosive assault rifle, rare drop from No-Beard (DLC1)(one time drop, neither guaranteed, not re-farmable)
Stomper: Jakobs assault rifle, Hungry Like the Skag quest reward
Basic Repeater: Dahl pistol, My First Gun quest reward
Dahlminator: Dahl E-Tech corrosive pistol, The Lost Treasure quest reward
Fibber: Hyperion pistol, A Real Boy: Human quest reward
Tinderbox: Bandit fire pistol, frequent drop from Captain Flynt, can be found in the Tundra Express snowman during A Train to Catch quest
Greed: Jakobs fire revolver, drops from Captain Scarlett
Grog Nozzle: Maliwan slag pistol, The Beard makes the Man mission item (DLC4)
Gwen’s Head: Dahl pistol, random spawn in The Dust
Judge: Jakobs pistol, drops from Assasin Oney
Lady Fist: Hyperion pistol, Uncle Teddy quest reward (when turned to Una Baha)
Law: Jakobs melee pistol, Won’t Get fooled Again quest reward, rare drop from
Little Evie: Maliwan shock pistol, given by Lil’ Sis in Magnys Lighthouse (DLC1)
Pocket Rocket: Torgue explosive pistol, spawns in Torgue vendor machines
Cracked Sash: Tediore shield, drops from tubby enemies
Deadly Bloom: Torgue nova shield, The Overlooked: This is only a Test quest reward. This shield is classified internally as a legendary, so has a chance to spawn on every suited loot source
Love Thumper: Bandit roid shield, Best Mother’s Day Ever quest reward
Manly Man Shield: Torgue explosive shield, Message in a Bottle (Wurmwater) quest reward
Order: Bandit roid shield, BFFs quest reward.
Pot O’ Gold: Bandit booster shield, drops from Bagman in The Holy Spirits (one time drop, neither guaranteed, not re-farmable)
The Rough Rider Jakobs “shield”, drops from Bulwark in Hunter’s Grotto
Eridian relics
Captain Blade’s Otto Idol: health relic, Message in a Bottle (Rustyards) quest reward
Deputy’s Badge: fire rate and weapon damage relic, Showdown quest reward
Lucrative Opportunity: vendor relic, Safe and Sound quest reward (when turned to Marcus)
Moxxi’s Endowment: XP relic, The Good, The Bad an the Mordecai quest reward
Sheriff’s Badge: fire rate and weapon damage relic, drops from The Sheriff of Lynchwood
The Afterburner: vehicle relic, Positive Self Image quest reward
Vault Hunter’s Relic: loot rarity relic, pre-order bonus, collector’s edition pack bonsus, included in BL2 GOTY version.
4.11 Pesi e rng
Probability ~
Very Rare
+Nello zip in download su questa pagina è fornito l'installer di cheat
+engine e tre tavole.
+Cheat Engine permette di modificare la probabilità dei loot per tutti
+i lootable e npc ad eccezione dei boss. Per fare questo bisogna
+abilitare: Enable -> Item Rarity [Drop Mod] -> Item Rarity Drop
+Modifier -> Weight da 0 a 6.
+Una buona configurazione per rendere il gioco divertente ma bilanciato
+in UVHM è la seguente:
0 (salute)
1 (armi bianche)
2 (armi verdi)
3 (eridium)
4 (armi blu)
5 (armi viola)
6 (armi arancioni e perla)
+Mai impostare un peso a zero perchè causa un malfunzionamento del RNG.
4.11.1 Bonus: slot machine
+Si possono alterare le slot machine in modo che restituiscano sempre
+il triplo simbolo del vault. Per fare questo: Fix Slot Machine and
+Dice -> selezionare ogni entry (la prima è relativa alle due slot di Moxxi).
5 Personaggi
5.1 Maya
Best healing abilities in the game. Sweet Release and Elated are unmatched when it comes to providing health, and Life Tap makes you completely immortal.
Best co-op partner in the game. Res is the best co-op skill, and PL's CC is key to keeping mobs managed. Her healing abilities are also very respectable even during raids.
Definitely one of the most powerful mobbers in the game, coming in behind only Zer0 and Sal.
Very PL dependent. Almost all of her good skills are only active if you can PL something, and that can fall off during boss fights or if you can't PL something in general.
Poor damage dealer in raids. Beehawking is nearly mandatory for her to provide damage. Granted, she's probably the only character that can use it as a legitimate strategy with the Cat COM, but still.
Slightly weak damage capabilities. Maya is a little more reliant that the other characters on good equipment, since she doesn't have as many skills that increase her damage. The few skills she does have are extremely powerful, however.
+Role: CC/support. You can definitely play a more aggressive role if you build her right.
5.2 Zer0
Extremely powerful damage. Zer0 ranks only behind Sal when it
+comes to overall damage output, and both of his strongest builds
+are capable of some downright obscene kills.
Arguably the second tankiest character in the game if you play
+melee. Zer0 basically can't die as long as you're in melee range
+of an enemy.
Zer0's gear requirements are very light. Due to the nature of -
+Critical Ascension, some very basic snipers will be enough to
+tear through mobs given enough stacks. The two most important
+weapons in the melee build are very easy quests, and everything
+else can be obtained in vending machines if you're really
Highest skill ceiling in the game. He is not an easy character
+to play, and an even harder one to master. Be prepared to read
+up and practice a lot if you want to achieve some of the things
+he's capable of.
Adding on to the previous point, Zer0 requires that you can aim
+well. Sniping obviously demands excellent precision, and melee
+requires some very precise maneuvers and actions to be potent.
Fairly weak when it comes to actually surviving if you're not
+playing the melee style. You'll either need to take cover a lot,
+have a way of recovering health, or dodge very well.
+Role: Main damage dealer or supporting other players with damage and
5.3 Axton
Simplest character by far. His skills don't do anything
+fancy–they just read "increase damage" or "shield good". His
+action skill is obviously uncomplicated and straightforward, and
+his playstyle is very reminiscent of your standard F- PS hero:
+your only job is to click on enemies repeatedly until they die.
Extremely powerful explosive damage. Axton is capable of killing
+some raid bosses faster than Sal if you utilize his explosive
+damage to the fullest, and when you take into account the fact
+that Torgue weapons benefit from both gun and grenade damage, he
+becomes an absolute powerhouse.
Excellent shield abilities. If it weren't for the fact that
+Gaige has a skill that reads "your shields never go down ever",
+Axton would be the best character when it comes to managing your
+shields. This makes him the second best character when it comes
+to using the Bee.
Even with his plethora of gun damage abilities, Axton's damage
+can be lacking compared to what some of the other characters can
+put out. This naturally lends him to have the second strictest
+gear requirements and excellent DM (though not as much as Zer0)
+to be able to match the other Vault Hunters in some of their
+more impressive feats.
In exchange for his simple but efficient playstyle, Axton
+sacrifices diversity. There aren't as many ways to build him,
+and his playstyle might become boring at the higher levels.
+Being a jack of all trades means that he is also a master of
+Role: Axton can play a lot of roles, but I like playing him as a
+support/general damage dealer.
5.4 Gaige
Anarchy is one of the most powerful skills in the game. I don't
+like it, but I will not let that change the fact that Anarchy is
+simply absurd and can allow Gaige to keep up and even surpass
+some of the damage from the other characters.
Best shield abilities in the game. Axton used to take this spot
+for me, but after playing with Gaige, I've come to the
+realization that Blood-Soaked Shields is downright absurd. Your
+shield will basically never be down.
Lightest gear requirements. Anarchy, and to a lesser extent
+slag, can bring even mediore guns to the damage-dealing
+capabilities of some legendaries. Her best gear is all received
+as quest rewards or are very easily farmable.
- Probably even more boring than Axton. You'll spend half of
+your time shooting at the ground, and there's not a lot of crazy
+aiming involved.
Anarchy is a fickle skill. If you're using it to boost your weak
+guns, dying will mean that you are now stuck with a character
+that has no other good damage boosts. Survival becomes
Deathtrap has a host of bugs and issues, and is slightly
+unreliable as a combat partner. Granted, you don't need him to
+still be able to absolutely destroy mobs, but it's something to
5.5 Krieg
I think Krieg has the lightest gear requirements, as there are
+plenty of videos of him going through UVHM without any gear
Arguably the most powerful skill tree abilities in the game.
+Release the Beast is even stronger than MMF in some cases,
+Bloodsplosion alone can clear entire rooms with a single kill,
+and Raving Retribution is almost never bad even though it's only
+fire element.
His playstyle is the most unique in Borderlands, and can
+definitely take some time to get used to. It's not difficult
+like Zer0's is, just strange and might be a little
+counterintuitive at first.
I haven't played Krieg a lot either.
+Role: Definitely a main damage dealer. I really can't wait to take
+Krieg into the higher levels to make use of his insane survival and
+damaging skill tree.
5.6 Sal
Everything. Sal is broken.
If you don't like your video games to be an exercise in pressing
+your forward movement key and holding down your two mouse
+buttons, then Sal is not the character for you. Sal is broken.
+Role: Team carry/god-tier damage dealer/kill everything, what are
+teammates. Sal is broken.
7 Missioni
+Questa è la lista completa delle missioni. L'indentazione indica che
+la missione più a destra dipende dalla precedente. Le missioni
+numerate sono le missioni obbligatorie che appartengono alla storia.
My First Gun
Cleaning Up the Berg
Handsome Jack Here!
This Town Ain't Big Enough
Bad Hair Day
Shielded Favors
Best Minion Ever
Assassinate the Assassins
The Road to Sanctuary
The Name Game
Rock, Paper, Genocide: Fire Weapons!
Rock, Paper, Genocide: Shock Weapons!
Rock, Paper, Genocide: Corrosive Weapons!
Rock, Paper, Genocide: Slag Weapons!
Plan B
Claptrap's Secret Stash
Do No Harm
Medical Mystery
Medical Mystery: X-Com-municate
No Vacancy
Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Skags
Too Close For Missiles
Hunting the Firehawk
In Memoriam
Cult Following: Eternal Flame
Cult Following: False Idols
Cult Following: Lighting the Match
Cult Following: The Enkindling
Positive Self Image
A Dam Fine Rescue
Mighty Morphin'
You Are Cordially Invited: Party Prep
You Are Cordially Invited: RSVP
You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party
Out of Body Experience
Splinter Group
No Hard Feelings
Mine, All Mine
The Pretty Good Train Robbery
A Train to Catch
The Ice Man Cometh
Rising Action
Bandit Slaughter: Round 1
Bandit Slaughter: Round 2
Bandit Slaughter: Round 3
Bandit Slaughter: Round 4
Bandit Slaughter: Round 5
The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai
Stalker of Stalkers
Best Mother's Day Ever
Safe and Sound
Minecart Mischief
Arms Dealing
Swallowed Whole
The Cold Shoulder
Note for Self-Person
Perfectly Peaceful
Won't Get Fooled Again
Clan War: Starting the War
Clan War: First Place
Clan War: Reach the Dead Drop
Clan War: End of the Rainbow
Clan War: Trailer Trashing
Clan War: Wakey Wakey
Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks
Bright Lights, Flying City
Claptrap's Birthday Bash!
The Overlooked: Medicine Man
The Overlooked: Shields Up
The Overlooked: This is Only a Test
Hidden Journals
Torture Chairs
Doctor's Orders
Wildlife Preservation
Rakkaholics Anonymous
Poetic License
Animal Rights
Shoot This Guy in the Face
The Once and Future Slab
The Bane
Home Movies
Hell Hath No Fury
Written by the Victor
Rocko's Modern Strife
Defend Slab Tower
Hyperion Contract \#873
3:10 to Kaboom
Breaking the Bank
Showdown (after both 3:10 to Kaboom and Breaking the
+Bank are complete)
Animal Rescue: Medicine
Animal Rescue: Food
Animal Rescue: Shelter
The Man Who Would Be Jack
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Bearer of Bad News
Demon Hunter (after Animal Rescue: Shelter is complete)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Part 2)
Hyperion Slaughter: Round 1
Hyperion Slaughter: Round 2
Hyperion Slaughter: Round 3
Hyperion Slaughter: Round 4
Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5
The Chosen One
Monster Mash (Part 1)
Monster Mash (Part 2)
Monster Mash (Part 3)
A Real Boy: Clothes Make the Man
A Real Boy: Face Time
A Real Boy: Human
Customer Service
Kill Yourself
To Grandmother's House We Go
Capture the Flags
The Lost Treasure
The Great Escape
Toil and Trouble
Hungry Like the Skag
This Just In
Uncle Teddy
Get to Know Jack
Data Mining
The Talon of God
You. Will. Die. (Seriously.)
7.1 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty DLC
A Warm Welcome
My Life For A Sandskiff
Fire Water
Message In A Bottle (Oasis)
Message In A Bottle (Wurmwater)
A Study in Scarlett
Giving Jocko A Leg Up
Burying The Past
Man's Best Friend
Two Easy Pieces
Declaration Against Independents
Smells Like Victory
Ye Scurvy Dogs
Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly)
The Hermit
Just Desserts For Desert Deserters
Crazy About You
Message In A Bottle (The Rustyards)
Catch a Ride and Also Tetanus
I Know It When I See It
Don't Copy That Floppy
Freedom Of Speech (after having entered
+Magnys Lighthouse for the first time)
Let There Be Light
Message In A Bottle (Magnys Lighthouse)
Faster than the Speed of Love
X Marks The Spot
Treasure of The Sands
Hyperius the Invincible
Master Gee the Invincible
7.2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage DLC
Highway To Hell
Welcome To The Jungle
Battle: Appetite for Destruction
Burn, Baby, Burn
Battle: Bar Room Blitz
Tier 2 Battle: Bar Room Blitz
Tier 3 Battle: Bar Room Blitz
Tier 3 Rematch: Bar Room Blitz
Totally Recall
A Montage
Eat Cookies and Crap Thunder
Number One Fan
Walking the Dog
Battle: The Death Race
Tier 2 Battle: The Death Race
Tier 3 Battle: The Death Race
Tier 3 Rematch: The Death Race
Monster Hunter
Matter Of Taste
Everybody Wants to be Wanted
Interview with a Vault Hunter
Get Your Motor Running
Gas Guzzlers
Breaking and Entering
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Say That To My Face
Battle: Twelve O'Clock High
Tier 2 Battle: Twelve O'Clock High
Tier 3 Battle: Twelve O'Clock High
Tier 3 Rematch: Twelve O'Clock High
My Husband the Skag
Commercial Appeal
Kickstart My Heart
Long Way To The Top
Tier 2 Battle: Appetite for Destruction
Tier 3 Battle: Appetite for Destruction
Tier 3 Rematch: Appetite for Destruction
Pete the Invincible
7.3 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC
Savage Lands
Professor Nakayama, I Presume?
I Like My Monsters Rare
Egg on Your Face
Still Just a Borok in a Cage
An Acquired Taste
A-Hunting We Will Go
Palling Around
Urine, You're Out
Follow The Glow
The Rakk Dahlia Murder
Ol' Pukey
The Fall of Nakayama
Big Feet
Now You See It
Voracidous the Invincible
7.4 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC
A Role-Playing Game
Denial, Anger, Initiative
Ell in Shining Armor
Roll Insight
Fake Geek Guy
Critical Fail
Tree Hugger
Lost Souls
Dwarven Allies
The Beard Makes the Man
My Kingdom for a Wand
The Claptrap's Apprentice
The Sword in The Stoner
A Game of Games
Winter is a Bloody Business
Loot Ninja
My Dead Brother
The Amulet
Pet Butt Stallion (available after A Game of Games is complete)
Feed Butt Stallion
Find Murderlin's Temple (available after A Game of Games is
Magic Slaughter: Round 1
Magic Slaughter: Round 2
Magic Slaughter: Round 3
Magic Slaughter: Round 4
Magic Slaughter: Round 5
Magic Slaughter: Badass Round
The Magic of Childhood
Raiders of the Last Boss (available after Fake Geek Guy and A
+Game of Games is complete)
7.5 Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary
The Dawn of New Pandora
Spore Chores
The Oddest Couple
Winging It
The Vaughnguard
Space Cowboy
Hypocritical Oath
A Hard Place
The Hunt is Vaughn
Shooting The Moon
The Cost of Progress
Echoes of the Past
Paradise Found
A Most Cacophonous Lure
My Brittle Pony
Chief Executive Overlord
7.6 Non-Campaign DLC
7.6.1 Creature Slaughterdome
Creature Slaughter: Round 1
Creature Slaughter: Round 2
Creature Slaughter: Round 3
Creature Slaughter: Round 4
Creature Slaughter: Round 5
7.6.2 The Raid on Digistruct Peak
Dr. T and the Vault Hunters
A History of Simulated Violence
More History of Simulated Violence
7.6.3 Headhunter Packs
T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest
The Bloody Harvest
Trick Or Treat
The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler
The Hunger Pangs
Grandma Flexington's Story
Grandma Flexington's Story: Raid Difficulty
How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day
Get Frosty
Special Delivery
Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre
A Match Made on Pandora
Learning to Love
Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax
Fun, Sun, and Guns
Victims Of Vault Hunters
8TODO Azioni irripetibili
Author: bparodi
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@@ -3,242 +3,13 @@
Battlestar Galactica: a guide for watching the show
@@ -247,65 +18,65 @@ for the JavaScript code in this tag.
@@ -320,8 +91,8 @@ to give future viewers a sense of what it means when culture is not
constrained into the cage of user hostile technologies such as
streaming servicies and walled social media.
This was potentially a whole new show at one stage,
@@ -383,8 +154,8 @@ whole journey.
1.2 The Miniseries
1.2 The Miniseries
Night 1
@@ -393,8 +164,8 @@ whole journey.
1.3 Season 1
1.3 Season 1
1.01 33
@@ -413,8 +184,8 @@ whole journey.
1.4 Season 2
1.4 Season 2
2.01 Scattered
@@ -436,8 +207,8 @@ whole journey.
2.17 The Captain's Hand
1.4.1 Razor
1.4.1 Razor
The 101 minute extended version - not the 81 minute broadcast
@@ -529,8 +300,8 @@ try your best to follow my instructions.
1.4.2 Optional: Razor Flashbacks
1.4.2 Optional: Razor Flashbacks
Note: This was billed as a "seven episode web series", but really
@@ -556,8 +327,8 @@ story, though.
1.4.3 Rest of season 2
1.4.3 Rest of season 2
2.18 Downloaded
@@ -568,8 +339,8 @@ story, though.
1.5 The Resistance
1.5 The Resistance
A 10 episode web-based series bridging seasons 2 and 3. (25 mins.)
@@ -578,8 +349,8 @@ This should be included on your DVDs/Blurays.
1.6 Season 3
1.6 Season 3
3.01 Occupation
@@ -601,8 +372,8 @@ This should be included on your DVDs/Blurays.
3.17 Maelstrom
1.6.1 Caprica
1.6.1 Caprica
An entire TV series set 58 years before the events of Battlestar
@@ -659,8 +430,8 @@ the show have been lingering for a while.
1.6.2 Rest of season 3
1.6.2 Rest of season 3
3.18 The Son Also Rises
@@ -670,8 +441,8 @@ the show have been lingering for a while.
1.7 Razor
1.7 Razor
This is where Razor was originally broadcast. Remember the last 07
@@ -681,8 +452,8 @@ now is when you get to go back and hear what was said. Watch the last
1.8 Season 4
1.8 Season 4
4.01 He That Believeth In Me
@@ -698,8 +469,8 @@ now is when you get to go back and hear what was said. Watch the last
4.11 Sometimes a Great Notion
1.8.1 The Face of the Enemy
1.8.1 The Face of the Enemy
A 10 episode web-based series (although it plays together like an
@@ -719,8 +490,8 @@ things that set up the next episode.
1.8.2 Rest of season 4
1.8.2 Rest of season 4
4.12 A Disquiet Follows My Soul (53 minute extended version)
@@ -730,8 +501,8 @@ things that set up the next episode.
1.8.3 The Plan (DVD/Bluray movie)
1.8.3 The Plan (DVD/Bluray movie)
A stand-alone movie that shows (approximately) the first two seasons
@@ -743,8 +514,8 @@ up when you do reach the end.
1.8.4 Finale
1.8.4 Finale
4.16 Deadlock
@@ -756,8 +527,8 @@ up when you do reach the end.
2 Further reading
2 Further reading
Well not quite "reading", but if you're a fan you may
@@ -777,8 +548,8 @@ original "Bible", contains of course major spoilers.
3 The story so far
3 The story so far
Battlestar Galactica: The Story So Far is a special program aired on
@@ -839,15 +610,15 @@ I haven't see this movie and honestly I don't look forward to it.
4 Episode reviews
4 Episode reviews
Le discussioni piu` importanti sulla serie
4.1 Season 02 Episode 14: Black Market
4.1 Season 02 Episode 14: Black Market
It's very out of character for Lee. I mean, even if we were to infer
@@ -963,8 +734,8 @@ you and goodnight.
4.2 Season 03 Episode 07: A Measure of Salvation
4.2 Season 03 Episode 07: A Measure of Salvation
I also want to address this from another angle: that sparing the
@@ -1005,8 +776,8 @@ short term. But…
4.3 Season 03 Episode 08: Hero
4.3 Season 03 Episode 08: Hero
This is regarded as one of the worst episode of BSG along with "Black
@@ -1023,8 +794,8 @@ episode" (not a literal quote).
4.4 Season 03 Episode 09: Unfinished Business
4.4 Season 03 Episode 09: Unfinished Business
During Starbuck's fight with Lee Adama, once it becomes obvious that
@@ -1107,8 +878,8 @@ described it in the commentary as The Passion of the Adama.
4.5 Season 03 Episode 10: The Passage
4.5 Season 03 Episode 10: The Passage
Have you ever wondered what it was like to fly through baby stars?
@@ -1195,8 +966,8 @@ while in the hospital bed.
4.6 Season 03 Episode 14: The Woman King
4.6 Season 03 Episode 14: The Woman King
In the commentary, RDM says that this episode was supposed to be a
@@ -1280,8 +1051,8 @@ down on Helo for suspecting that doctor, that's a bad move.
4.7 Season 03 Episode 18: The Son Also Rises
4.7 Season 03 Episode 18: The Son Also Rises
Sam Anders' flipping a coin and continually coming up with heads is
@@ -1330,8 +1101,8 @@ the company of someone who loved Kara as much as he did.
4.8 Caprica Episode 18
4.8 Caprica Episode 18
If you watched this in the order proposed you are going to feel
@@ -1397,8 +1168,8 @@ On a minor important note, V World helps explain Cylon's phenomenon of "projecti
4.9 Season 03 Episode 20: Crossroads
4.9 Season 03 Episode 20: Crossroads
All I am going to say is that I needed a chair with a deeper edge.
@@ -1455,8 +1226,8 @@ On a personal note at this point of the show I hate Kara.
4.10 Season 04 Episode 03: The Ties That Bind
4.10 Season 04 Episode 03: The Ties That Bind
When Six's fleet is ambushed by Cavil's, the Orion constellation (as
@@ -1469,8 +1240,8 @@ seen more frequently in the episodes that follow.
4.11 Season 04 Episode 04: Escape Velocity
4.11 Season 04 Episode 04: Escape Velocity
Distraught over the incident, Tyrol sits alone in Joe's Bar. Adama
@@ -1543,8 +1314,8 @@ confronts her impending death.
4.12 Season 04 Episode 07: Guess What's Coming To Dinner
4.12 Season 04 Episode 07: Guess What's Coming To Dinner
The Hybrid's prophecy that Kara Thrace is the "harbinger of death"
@@ -1584,8 +1355,8 @@ when destroying the latter's apotheosis heaven decades earlier in
4.13 Season 04 Episode 04: Sine Qua Non
4.13 Season 04 Episode 04: Sine Qua Non
Ron Moore and the episodes writer, Michael Taylor, talk about Romo's
@@ -1603,8 +1374,8 @@ cat, a "bad idea" for which he chooses to take the blame.
4.14 Season 04 Episode 14: Blood On The Scales
4.14 Season 04 Episode 14: Blood On The Scales
Gaeta and Thigh are my favourite characters. Romantically Gaeta
@@ -1675,8 +1446,8 @@ it might be understandable that he harbors a profound hate for them.
4.15 The Plan
4.15 The Plan
The Plan is not a particularly compelling piece of work on its own. In
@@ -1966,8 +1737,8 @@ Stockwell from The Boy With Green Hair.
4.16 Season 04 Episode 16: Deadlock
4.16 Season 04 Episode 16: Deadlock
Not much to say except to make two clarifications:
@@ -1990,8 +1761,8 @@ because he is accepted again.
4.17 Season 04: Battlestar Galactica Finale (S04E17-18-19-20)
4.17 Season 04: Battlestar Galactica Finale (S04E17-18-19-20)
I wont play pretend to be a critico cinematografico. I'll just try to
@@ -2276,12 +2047,12 @@ even kind of a let down (Athena putting a cable in her arm, really?)
but this is why it will withstand the test of time.
4.17.1 Other reviews
4.17.1 Other reviews
Battlestar's "Daybreak:" The worst ending in the history of on-screen science fiction - Brad Templeton
Battlestar's "Daybreak:" The worst ending in the history of on-screen science fiction - Brad Templeton
Battlestar Galactica attracted a lot of fans and a lot of kudos during
@@ -2336,7 +2107,7 @@ began, might well have made the grade.)
Ron Moore's goals
Ron Moore's goals
To understand the fall of BSG, one must examine it both in terms of
@@ -2366,7 +2137,7 @@ the characters, stupid."
The link to reality
The link to reality
In addition, his other goal for the end was to make a connection to
@@ -2382,7 +2153,7 @@ Moore felt an alternative universe was not sufficient.
THe successes, and then failures
THe successes, and then failures
During its run, BSG offered much that was great, in several cases groundbreaking elements never seen before in TV SF:
@@ -2428,7 +2199,7 @@ to understand the metrics of greatness that I am using.
A defence of hard (and soft) science fiction
A defence of hard (and soft) science fiction
The term "hard" science fiction has two meanings. The first is SF that
@@ -2586,7 +2357,7 @@ is still a goal to strive for and be measured against.
Values of great mistery
Values of great mistery
BSG was not just an SF show. It was a mystery. The story held many
@@ -2615,7 +2386,7 @@ Now on to where BSG fell down.
Failure 1 - God did it
Failure 1 - God did it
(And no, in spiteWhen gods become active characters in fiction, the rules change again. The earliest dramas, written by the ancient Greeks, regularly had the gods meddling in the affairs of mortals. In many of these plays, the mortals were just pawns, doomed to meet a divinely willed destiny. Plots would be resolved and characters' fates settled through the sudden intervention of gods.
@@ -2744,7 +2515,7 @@ sense.
The Ghostbusters law
The Ghostbusters law
Many argue that the appearance of the divine is hardly a surprise in
@@ -2854,7 +2625,7 @@ entirely different rules.)
Failure 2 – Science errors on plot-turning elements
Failure 2 – Science errors on plot-turning elements
No work of SF is likely to be perfect in its science, no matter how
@@ -2899,7 +2670,7 @@ everybody.
Mitochondrial Eve
Mitochondrial Eve
The key error I am going to speak about may seem rather obscure to
@@ -3043,7 +2814,7 @@ some DNA.
Hera's Mitochondria, interbreeding, and Arks
Hera's Mitochondria, interbreeding, and Arks
Or did they do even that? Adama is correctly shocked to hear that the
@@ -3147,7 +2918,7 @@ powerful. Some might like that better, but it's not our world.
Failure 2a – Broken connection to our reality
Failure 2a – Broken connection to our reality
Making mistakes like this is one of the big dangers of the "secret
@@ -3167,7 +2938,7 @@ reality is.
Is this too nitpicky?
Is this too nitpicky?
Many viewers were not aware (just as Moore wasn't) of who MTE was. In
@@ -3204,7 +2975,7 @@ that gives it meaning, if you want to rise to the top.
Failure 3 – Collective Unconscious
Failure 3 – Collective Unconscious
The show was full of elements from our culture. They dressed like us, their technology looked like ours. They used our idioms, and even quoted lines of Shakespeare from time to time. Their gods were the same as the Greeks had, their military rules were similar. On the surface, this might be treated as a translation for the audience. After all, often we see shows where the characters would obviously not be speaking English, but of course the actors do – what we see is translated to be familiar with us.
@@ -3242,7 +3013,7 @@ experimental success.
Failure 4 – The Future vs. a secret history
Failure 4 – The Future vs. a secret history
In the 1970s, Chariots of the Gods, which talked about ancient
@@ -3434,7 +3205,7 @@ was the clue we should have noticed.)
Failure 5 – It's the characters, stupid
Failure 5 – It's the characters, stupid
Moore often defends the ending by saying that, while writing it, he
@@ -3512,7 +3283,7 @@ the tweakings of an interventionist diety.
Failure 6 – no a great ending
Failure 6 – no a great ending
Many others have written about other failures of the ending, failures
@@ -3624,7 +3395,7 @@ World SF Convention in August was surprisingly vitriolic.
How it could have been great
How it could have been great
I've noted that one of the great disappointments of the ending was how
@@ -3647,7 +3418,7 @@ such as these.
In the future
In the future
The show could have been set in the future with just a few minor
@@ -3736,7 +3507,7 @@ topics at anywhere near the depth found in the written literature.
In the past
In the past
It is still just barely possible to have set a great ending in the
@@ -3760,7 +3531,7 @@ you want to retain his religious mood.
Could this be what Moore intended?
Could this be what Moore intended?
There is the slightest hint that Moore was considering this. He has the demon-Baltar declare at the end, "You know it doesn't like that name" when Angel-Six refers to "God's plan" as she has so often in the course of the show. This leaves a trace hint that the god isn't supernatural. Moore says in his podcast that he liked leaving that ambiguity in. However, he never answers it. And had he wanted to do it this way, had he wanted to lay it out as a story of alien or divine abduction, he could have easily done so, at great benefit and no harm to his story. It's hard to imagine him liking the interpretation that realism-oriented fans have of the "god did it" ending that was delivered.
@@ -3780,7 +3551,7 @@ throwing science out the window.
The writers' strike ending
The writers' strike ending
As some viewers know, the episode "Revelations" which ended the first half of season four with the crew discovering a ruined Earth was an emergency backup finale for the show. At the time, the writers' guild was on strike and there was no end in sight. Had it gone on longer, they would have had to shut down the show, close leases on the studio lots and tear down the sets. They might not have been able to finish the show. So they tweaked Revelations as a possible final ending.
@@ -3803,7 +3574,7 @@ episodes covered exactly those matters.
The worst ending ever?
The worst ending ever?
As I wrote at the start, I deem this the worst (most disappointing)
@@ -3857,7 +3628,7 @@ ever, and that's a pity.
"You know he doesn't like that name" - Josh bids farewell to Battlestar Galactica!
"You know he doesn't like that name" - Josh bids farewell to Battlestar Galactica!
March 23rd, 2009 Battlestar Galactica, TV Show Reviews
@@ -4107,7 +3878,7 @@ Say it with me now, folks: So say we all!
On Hera's blood
On Hera's blood
After the show concluded, many viewers complained about how all the
@@ -4149,7 +3920,7 @@ show is set in the past.
Not In Our Stars: the Betrayals of the Battlestar Galactica Finale - Sam J. Miller
Not In Our Stars: the Betrayals of the Battlestar Galactica Finale - Sam J. Miller
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves...”
@@ -4448,7 +4219,7 @@ betrayals of Daybreak have ceased to annoy us.
As Battlestar Ends, God Is In the Details - Annalee Newitz
As Battlestar Ends, God Is In the Details - Annalee Newitz
Battlestar Galactica concluded with a moving, pyrotechnic two-hour
@@ -4703,7 +4474,7 @@ series. It offers no pat answers. We must decide.
Reddit comments on the finale
Reddit comments on the finale
I enjoyed both the connections to our modern world (on-the-nose though
@@ -4819,8 +4590,8 @@ not intercede at a key moment.
4.18 Bloopers
4.18 Bloopers
Season 03 Episode 09: Dr Cottle says "Christ" (47:42)
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+Un blog. Come negli anni 2000. Con molte meno speranze, e molte più feels.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
+ What a beautiful face
+I have found in this place
+That is circling all round the sun
+What a beautiful dream
+That could flash on the screen
+In a blink of an eye and be gone from me
+Soft and sweet
+Let me hold it close and keep it here with me
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