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Kajillionaire è un film che ha diviso molto la critica americana
(leggi: reddit) ma l'opinione dei lezzi è una sola: bel film, many
Data la quantità di hipster su cui far colpo mostrando un po' di
critica decence, abbiamo deciso di passare una nottata a ragionare sul
significato del film, per poi svegliarci e capire che tutto sommato
gli abbiamo dato troppa importanza. Ormai lo sforzo è stato fatto
quindi tanto vale scrivere.
In questo film le parti complesse da capire sono:
- i terremoti
- la cena
- la visione con le stelle: si può fin da subito archiviare capendo
che è solo simbolica
- il mancato threesome nella vasca da bagno: anche questo da
archiviare subito, probabilmente nella visione utilitaristica dei
genitori e` solo un modo per pagare l'inaspettata partecipazione di Melanie
- il rapporto di Melanie con la madre
Sicuramente una chiave di volta del film e` la scena in cui Old Dolio
spiega che c'e` una terza via riguardo le azioni dei genitori.
Difatti il film si conclude rimarcando l'importanza di questa terza
LA terza via e`:
non sono dei mostri, ma nonostante la amino non possono cambiare.
Il film introduce fin da subito la visione cinica (priva di senso)
della vita di Old Dolio, nello scambio che ha col vecchio.
I terremoti probabilmente servono a:
- porre distanza fra i genitori di Old Dolio e il resto della societa`
- come meccanismo che permette la maturazione di Old DOlio: e` solo
con l'ultima scossa che lei un senso lo vuole trovare
PEr altro e` significativo che nel bagno della stazione ci erano
entrate proprio per mettere in scena la nascita
Altre scene non chiare:
La scena della vasca da bagno, che e` preparata per un bel pezzo di
film, e` giustificabile dal fatto che probabilmente il piano dei
genitori era di coinvolgere la portoricana emotivamente, farla sentire
tradita per poi avere accesso alla sua casa con la pretesa di un
perdono e infine derubarla come effettivamente e` avvenuto. Abbiamo la
sensazione che Old Dolio non ne fosse a conoscenza e che questo "con"
fosse una pratica consolidata dai due. Gli altri scam con buoni
risultati erano tutti scam emotivi.
I think the colors in that particular scene were enhanced because from
Old Dolio's perspective, she was seeing this false reality as warm and
inviting. You can tell she never got to experience the essence of
having a family. So when they were all pretending in that scene, Dolio
was imagining what it would really be like to live a life like that.
The themes are unsubtle, but weaved in well enough I didn't mind. Old
Dolio wants a somewhat normal relationship and life but was born to
very unconventional parents who think of everything in terms of cash
value and not in terms of emotional connection.
Every con they pull seems to remind Old Dolio what she's missing out
on. Going to the baby care class, being treated like a stranger by her
parents while they dote on this new younger woman on a plane,
pretending to be a normal family to lull an old man into death. The
saddest moments are when Dolio gets caught up in the moment and lets
herself believe she has a family just as the parents shatter the
illusion with their focus on the scam.
I didn't entirely get the notion she was bored by life, but i thought
she was sort of another side of Dolio. She likely had a good, possibly
WASPy upbringing, a mother who does the things a mother does, but that
GRs character doesn't really connect with. It seems like her mother
perhaps kinda just ducked into her life whenever she wanted via
calling then just kinda went on and on about her life for GRs
character to kinda just spectate on.
Because they’ll never be whole, they’ll always be divided as a family
and never be a real family.
I think there was a lot of use of the woman's gaze vs. the male gaze
as evidenced in the importance of touch, intimacy, language etc. For
those who felt as though the sapphic element was out of the blue, I
think Old Dolio's discovery of her sexuality was done intentionally
and organically. She is very aware of how the world perceives Melanie.
At first Old Dolio seems a bit resentful at Melanie for inspiring
feelings of lust/attraction. It causes her to feel shame (re: hot tub
scene “making everyone uncomfortable” with her clothes). Very typical
for a lot of budding queer folks that are internalize their shame when
they see the same sex in a desirable way. As the film progresses she
becomes more aware of her own needs/ wants. She gives Melanie the
tooth pick at dinner when she’s ready. This shows she's not just the
object of Melanie's affection, but actively inciating and
demonstrating her desire (in her own way.) Modeled after her mother
telling her that a wooden gift = a symbol for sexual desire.
I think the movie is a lot of things, mainly a coming of age story of
Evan Woods character. She learns how to become herself instead of
another cog in her parents machine, which seems ironically like the
same thing her parents did with their lives except they escaped from
being a cog under government and normal society.
For Robert and Theresa, including Old Dolio in their scams is, as July
put it, their “love language.” So they express their affection for
their daughter by putting her through one more scheme, and give her
gifts that they know she will return for her share of the money. When
they finally express affection toward Old Dolio at their dinner,
saying nice things to her, it’s left vague as to whether they really
mean it or if it’s just another ploy.
Reference in New Issue
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