+ Kitten: Vladof elemental assault rifle, Everyone Wants to be Wanted quest reward (DLC2)
+ Rapier: Vladof assault rifle, Message in a Bottle (Hayter’s Folly) quest reward (DLC1)
+ Scorpio: Dahl assault rifle,
- quest reward
+ Stinkpot: Jakobs “what the ■■■■■■■ hell were you thinking about Monty” corrosive assault rifle, rare drop from No-Beard (DLC1)(one time drop, neither guaranteed, not re-farmable)
+ Stomper: Jakobs assault rifle, Hungry Like the Skag quest reward
- Pistols
+ Basic Repeater: Dahl pistol, My First Gun quest reward
+ Dahlminator: Dahl E-Tech corrosive pistol, The Lost Treasure quest reward
+ Fibber: Hyperion pistol, A Real Boy: Human quest reward
+ Tinderbox: Bandit fire pistol, frequent drop from Captain Flynt, can be found in the Tundra Express snowman during A Train to Catch quest
+ Greed: Jakobs fire revolver, drops from Captain Scarlett
+ Grog Nozzle: Maliwan slag pistol, The Beard makes the Man mission item (DLC4)
+ Gwen’s Head: Dahl pistol, random spawn in The Dust
+ Judge: Jakobs pistol, drops from Assasin Oney
+ Lady Fist: Hyperion pistol, Uncle Teddy quest reward (when turned to Una Baha)
+ Law: Jakobs melee pistol, Won’t Get fooled Again quest reward, rare drop from
+ Little Evie: Maliwan shock pistol, given by Lil’ Sis in Magnys Lighthouse (DLC1)
+ Cracked Sash: Tediore shield, drops from tubby enemies
+ Deadly Bloom: Torgue nova shield, The Overlooked: This is only a Test quest reward. This shield is classified internally as a legendary, so has a chance to spawn on every suited loot source
+ Love Thumper: Bandit roid shield, Best Mother’s Day Ever quest reward
+ Manly Man Shield: Torgue explosive shield, Message in a Bottle (Wurmwater) quest reward
+ Order: Bandit roid shield, BFFs quest reward.
+ Pot O’ Gold: Bandit booster shield, drops from Bagman in The Holy Spirits (one time drop, neither guaranteed, not re-farmable)
+ The Rough Rider Jakobs “shield”, drops from Bulwark in Hunter’s Grotto
- Eridian relics
+ Captain Blade’s Otto Idol: health relic, Message in a Bottle (Rustyards) quest reward
+ Deputy’s Badge: fire rate and weapon damage relic, Showdown quest reward
+ Lucrative Opportunity: vendor relic, Safe and Sound quest reward (when turned to Marcus)
+ Moxxi’s Endowment: XP relic, The Good, The Bad an the Mordecai quest reward
+ Sheriff’s Badge: fire rate and weapon damage relic, drops from The Sheriff of Lynchwood
+ The Afterburner: vehicle relic, Positive Self Image quest reward
+ Vault Hunter’s Relic: loot rarity relic, pre-order bonus, collector’s edition pack bonsus, included in BL2 GOTY version.
** Pesi e rng
| Rarity | Probability ~ |
| Common | 89.92% |
| Uncommon | 8.99% |
| Rare | 0.89% |
| Very Rare | 0.09% |
| Legendary | 0.009% |
Nello zip in download su questa pagina è fornito l'installer di cheat
engine e tre tavole.
Cheat Engine permette di modificare la probabilità dei loot per tutti
i lootable e npc ad eccezione dei boss. Per fare questo bisogna
Una buona configurazione per rendere il gioco divertente ma bilanciato
in UVHM è la seguente:
| Peso | Valore |
| 0 (salute) | 100 |
| 1 (armi bianche) | 1 |
| 2 (armi verdi) | 100 |
| 3 (eridium) | 20 |
| 4 (armi blu) | 30 |
| 5 (armi viola) | 20 |
| 6 (armi arancioni e perla) | 18 |
Mai impostare un peso a zero perchè causa un malfunzionamento del RNG.
*** Bonus: slot machine
Si possono alterare le slot machine in modo che restituiscano sempre
il triplo simbolo del vault. Per fare questo: Fix Slot Machine and
Dice -> selezionare ogni entry (la prima è relativa alle due slot di Moxxi).
* Personaggi
** Maya
- Pros:
+ Best healing abilities in the game. Sweet Release and Elated are unmatched when it comes to providing health, and Life Tap makes you completely immortal.
+ Best co-op partner in the game. Res is the best co-op skill, and PL's CC is key to keeping mobs managed. Her healing abilities are also very respectable even during raids.
+ Definitely one of the most powerful mobbers in the game, coming in behind only Zer0 and Sal.
+ Very PL dependent. Almost all of her good skills are only active if you can PL something, and that can fall off during boss fights or if you can't PL something in general.
+ Poor damage dealer in raids. Beehawking is nearly mandatory for her to provide damage. Granted, she's probably the only character that can use it as a legitimate strategy with the Cat COM, but still.
+ Slightly weak damage capabilities. Maya is a little more reliant that the other characters on good equipment, since she doesn't have as many skills that increase her damage. The few skills she does have are extremely powerful, however.
Role: CC/support. You can definitely play a more aggressive role if you build her right.
** Zer0
- Pros:
+ Extremely powerful damage. Zer0 ranks only behind Sal when it
comes to overall damage output, and both of his strongest builds
are capable of some downright obscene kills.
+ Arguably the second tankiest character in the game if you play
melee. Zer0 basically can't die as long as you're in melee range
of an enemy.
+ Zer0's gear requirements are very light. Due to the nature of -
Critical Ascension, some very basic snipers will be enough to
tear through mobs given enough stacks. The two most important
weapons in the melee build are very easy quests, and everything
else can be obtained in vending machines if you're really
- Cons:
+ Highest skill ceiling in the game. He is not an easy character
to play, and an even harder one to master. Be prepared to read
up and practice a lot if you want to achieve some of the things
he's capable of.
+ Adding on to the previous point, Zer0 requires that you can aim
well. Sniping obviously demands excellent precision, and melee
requires some very precise maneuvers and actions to be potent.
+ Fairly weak when it comes to actually surviving if you're not
playing the melee style. You'll either need to take cover a lot,
have a way of recovering health, or dodge very well.
Role: Main damage dealer or supporting other players with damage and
** Axton
- Pros:
+ Simplest character by far. His skills don't do anything
fancy--they just read "increase damage" or "shield good". His
action skill is obviously uncomplicated and straightforward, and
his playstyle is very reminiscent of your standard F- PS hero:
your only job is to click on enemies repeatedly until they die.
+ Extremely powerful explosive damage. Axton is capable of killing
some raid bosses faster than Sal if you utilize his explosive
damage to the fullest, and when you take into account the fact
that Torgue weapons benefit from both gun and grenade damage, he
becomes an absolute powerhouse.
+ Excellent shield abilities. If it weren't for the fact that
Gaige has a skill that reads "your shields never go down ever",
Axton would be the best character when it comes to managing your
shields. This makes him the second best character when it comes
to using the Bee.
- Cons:
+ Even with his plethora of gun damage abilities, Axton's damage
can be lacking compared to what some of the other characters can
put out. This naturally lends him to have the second strictest
gear requirements and excellent DM (though not as much as Zer0)
to be able to match the other Vault Hunters in some of their
more impressive feats.
+ In exchange for his simple but efficient playstyle, Axton
sacrifices diversity. There aren't as many ways to build him,
and his playstyle might become boring at the higher levels.
Being a jack of all trades means that he is also a master of
Role: Axton can play a lot of roles, but I like playing him as a
support/general damage dealer.
** Gaige
- Pros:
+ Anarchy is one of the most powerful skills in the game. I don't
like it, but I will not let that change the fact that Anarchy is
simply absurd and can allow Gaige to keep up and even surpass
some of the damage from the other characters.
+ Best shield abilities in the game. Axton used to take this spot
for me, but after playing with Gaige, I've come to the
realization that Blood-Soaked Shields is downright absurd. Your
shield will basically never be down.
+ Lightest gear requirements. Anarchy, and to a lesser extent
slag, can bring even mediore guns to the damage-dealing
capabilities of some legendaries. Her best gear is all received
as quest rewards or are very easily farmable.
- Cons:
+ - Probably even more boring than Axton. You'll spend half of
your time shooting at the ground, and there's not a lot of crazy
aiming involved.
+ Anarchy is a fickle skill. If you're using it to boost your weak
guns, dying will mean that you are now stuck with a character
that has no other good damage boosts. Survival becomes
+ Deathtrap has a host of bugs and issues, and is slightly
unreliable as a combat partner. Granted, you don't need him to
still be able to absolutely destroy mobs, but it's something to
** Krieg
- Pros:
+ I think Krieg has the lightest gear requirements, as there are
plenty of videos of him going through UVHM without any gear
+ Arguably the most powerful skill tree abilities in the game.
Release the Beast is even stronger than MMF in some cases,
Bloodsplosion alone can clear entire rooms with a single kill,
and Raving Retribution is almost never bad even though it's only
fire element.
- Cons:
+ His playstyle is the most unique in Borderlands, and can
definitely take some time to get used to. It's not difficult
like Zer0's is, just strange and might be a little
counterintuitive at first.
+ I haven't played Krieg a lot either.
Role: Definitely a main damage dealer. I really can't wait to take
Krieg into the higher levels to make use of his insane survival and
damaging skill tree.
** Sal
- Pros:
+ Everything. Sal is broken.
- Cons:
+ If you don't like your video games to be an exercise in pressing
your forward movement key and holding down your two mouse
buttons, then Sal is not the character for you. Sal is broken.
Role: Team carry/god-tier damage dealer/kill everything, what are