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CUSTOM SWESUB regler 2012
GΣller frσn 2012-07-01
(Available in English after the Swedish text.)
F÷r att sΣkerstΣlla h÷g kvalitet pσ CUSTOM.SWESUB releaser och
framf÷r allt kvalitθn pσ den svenska undertexten, har dessa
regler framtagits i samrσd mellan de CUSTOM SWESUB-grupper som
Σr aktiva f÷r nΣrvarande, aTerFalleT och Hemulen. Syftet med de
specifika reglerna f÷r undertexten Σr att f÷rhindra att sσ
kallade Google-÷versΣttningar anvΣnds. Det krΣvs mσnga dagars
arbete f÷r att skapa en bra undertext till en film.
1.0 CUSTOM SWESUB releaser mσste preas senast 10 dagar f÷re
svenskt retaildatum f÷r filmen.
1.1 Endast scenereleaser tillσts som kΣllor.
1.2 Tillσtna kΣllor: R5, DVDSCR, DVDR, x264, Bluray, HDDVD.
HDTV-x264 fσr anvΣndas som kΣlla f÷r TV-DVDR, men endast
som iNTERNAL release. Ej tillσtna kΣllor: XviD, TS, CAM.
1.3 KΣllreleasen mσste uppges i NFO filen.
1.4 Namn pσ den svenska ÷versΣttaren, samt att texten Σr custom
ska anges i NFO filen.
1.5 AnvΣndning av andra gruppers ÷versΣttningar utan tillσtelse,
Σr f÷rbjudet. AnvΣndning av texter hΣmtade pσ undertextsidor
Σr tillσtet.
2.0 Videoformatet NTSC/PAL ska anges i NFO filen.
Frivilligt i release-namnet.
2.1 Releasen ska taggas korrekt med CUSTOM.SWESUB, LiMiTED, osv.
2.2 Originalmenyer eller custommenyer ska finnas pσ samtliga
releaser. Retailstrukturen ska i st÷rsta m÷jliga mσn behσllas
intakt. Releaser ska f÷lja standarden f÷r DVD-Video.
2.3 Om kΣllan har engelsk undertext sσ ska den alltid inkluderas.
╓vriga undertexter frσn kΣllan Σr frivilliga att inkludera.
2.4 I ÷vrigt ska THE 2011 DVDR RELEASING STANDARDS f÷ljas, med
undantag f÷r 1.1. Storleken fσr understiga 4,33 GB sσ lΣnge
video bitraten Σr minst 3000 kbit/s.
3.0 Max tvσ rader/insΣttning.
3.1 ╓verlappningar Σr f÷rbjudna.
3.2 Texten ska vara rΣttstavningskontrollerad.
3.3 Antal tecken per rad fσr inte ÷verstiga 45 och b÷r ligga
pσ max 40 tecken.
3.4 Undertexten ska synas tydligt pσ TV-skΣrm och fσr inte gσ
utanf÷r skΣrmens kant. Typsnittet Microsoft Sans Serif,
stl. 20, fetstil, med svart ytterkant rekommenderas.
Vit fΣrg pσ texten.
3.5 ╓versΣttningen mσste σterge det budskap som originalverket
efterstrΣvar. Innehσllet i undertexten b÷r inte motsΣga
dialog eller bild (exempelvis kroppssprσk). Mσlsprσkets
stil b÷r motsvara kΣllsprσkets stil.
3.6 Tidkodningen mσste f÷lja talrytmen, med hΣnsyn till klipp
och ljud÷vergσngar.
3.7 MΣngden text per insΣttning mσste stΣmma ÷verens med en
normal tittares lΣshastighet. F÷r att uppnσ detta beh÷ver
man oftast komprimera dialogen och hσlla undertexten kort
och koncis. En normal tittare utan nσgra lΣs- eller
h÷rselproblem, hinner uppfatta 15 tecken i sekunden, om
denne samtidigt ska hinna f÷lja vad som hΣnder i bild.
DΣrf÷r fσr den minimala visningstiden inte understiga
nedanstσende regler:
8 tecken minst 1.4 sekunder
9-15 tecken minst 1.7 sekunder
16-40 tecken minst 2.0 sekunder
41-60 tecken minst 3.2 sekunder
61-80 tecken minst 3.7 sekunder
Avvikelser med +/- 100 millisekunder Σr tillσtna f÷r
ovanstσende tider. SjΣlvklart finns det undantag som g÷r
att man mσste gσ utanf÷r den hΣr regeln, men antal
tillσtna fel/undantag f÷r den minimala visningstiden
fσr inte ÷verstiga 5 % av det totala antalet insΣttningar
i undertexten.
Maxtiden styrs inte genom regler men b÷r hσllas till
max 10 sekunder.
The CUSTOM SWESUB rules 2012
Effective Date July 1
To ensure high quality CUSTOM.SWESUB releases and especially
high quality Swedish subtitles, the following rules have been
developed by those CUSTOM SWESUB groups which are active at
present, aTerFalleT and Hemulen. The purpose of the specific
rules for a text are to prevent so-called Google translations.
It takes many days to create accurate subtitles for a film.
1.0 Pre of CUSTOM SWESUB must take place at least 10 days
before the Swedish retail date for the film.
1.1 Only scene releases are permitted to be used as sources.
1.2 Permitted sources: R5, DVDSCR, retail, x264, Blu-ray, HDDVD.
HDTV x264 may be used as source for TV DVDR,
but only as iNTERNAL release.
Prohibited sources: XviD, TS, CAM.
1.3 The name of the source must be provided in the NFO file.
1.4 The name of the Swedish translator, and that the text is
custom must be specified in the NFO file.
1.5 Use of other groups' translations without permission,
is prohibited.
Use of texts downloaded from subtitle pages is allowed.
2.0 The video standard NTSC/PAL must be indicated in the
NFO file. In the release name it's optional.
2.1 The appropriate directory tags must be used CUSTOM.SWESUB,
LiMiTED, STV etc.
2.2 Original menus or custom menus must be included.
The DVD structure should as far as possible remain intact.
Releases must follow the DVD-Video standard.
2.3 If the source has English subtitles they must always be
included. Other subtitles are optional to include.
2.4 In other respects, THE 2011 DVDR RELEASING STANDARDS must
be followed, except for 1.1. Release size less than
4.33 GB is allowed as long as the minimum average video
bitrate is over 3,000 kbit/s.
3.0 No more than two lines.
3.1 Overlapping is prohibited.
3.2 The text must be spell checked.
3.3 Number of characters per line may not exceed 45 and
should stay at a maximum of 40 characters.
3.4 The text must be clear on the TV screen and not go beyond
the screen edge. The font Microsoft Sans Serif, size 20,
bold, black outline border is recommended.
The text colour should be white.
3.5 The translation must reproduce the message conveyed in
the original work. The subtitle content should not
contradict the dialogue or image (e.g. body language).
The style of the target language should be equivalent
to the style of the source language.
3.6 The cueing of subtitles must follow the speech rhythm,
taking cuts and sound bridges into consideration.
3.7 The amount of text in the subtitle must be consistent
with the viewers' reading speed. Achieving this usually
requires compressing of the dialogue thus keeping the
text short and concise. A normal viewer, without reading
or hearing problems, reads 15 characters per second.
The viewer must be given enough time to perceive both
image, sound and subtitle.
Hence the minimum duration allowed is:
8 characters at least 1.4 seconds
9-15 characters at least 1.7 seconds
16-40 characters at least 2.0 seconds
41-60 characters at least 3.2 seconds
61-80 characters at least 3.7 seconds
Deviations of +/- 100 milliseconds are allowed.
Of course there are exceptions that make it necessary
to go beyond these rules, but the number of allowable
errors/exceptions for the duration should not exceed 5%
of total deposits in the text.
The maximum time is not governed by rules
but should be kept at a maximum of 10 seconds.