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2022-01-24 19:24:31 +00:00
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<!--please note that this page isn't always up to date.-->
[ Syntax: ]
!nuke release reason [source]
!unnuke release reason [source]
!renuke release reason [source]
!modnuke release reason [source]
!snuke release reason [source]
!oldnuke release reason [source]
The [source] parameter is required for nukes that are echoed in.
!snuke & !oldnuke are <strong>silent</strong>nukes, for old releases.
Not to be announced in announce channels, however they should still
be echoed around in nuke channels, and be added to databases.
[ Nuke Formats: ]
repack - <strong>reason</strong>_get.repack(/repacked.YYYY-MM-DD)
propers - <strong>reason</strong>_get.GRP.proper(/repacked.YYYY-MM-DD)
invalid propers - invalid.proper_<strong>reason</strong>
dupes - dupe.GRP.<strong>YYYY-MM-DD</strong>
minor update - mu.GRP.<strong>YYYY-MM-DD</strong>
re-encodes - re-encoded_<strong>proof</strong>
bad crack - bad.crack_<strong>whats.wrong</strong>_<strong>proof</strong>
free from web - free.from.web_<strong>proof</strong>
nuked source - nuked.GROUP.source
<strong>always</strong> use YYYY-MM-DD. <strong>never</strong> use sameday, or any other formatting.
[ Nuke reasons <strong>MUST</strong> be in <strong>english</strong>. same with channel conversation. ]
[ Be <strong>specific</strong> with your nukes and unnukes. ]
[ Provide proof where possible/applicable ]
ie: if the entire release isn't out of sync, nuke it with timestamps, (eg: oos_eg.05m45s-08m09s)
[ <strong>Use common sense</strong> in un/nukes. ]
[ <strong>nuke here first</strong> - <strong>before anywhere else</strong> - or just inform an op, and leave. ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> distribute nick, channel, or sensative information ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> nuke spam/fakes/bad echos, !delpre them ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> nuke something unless you are sure it's <strong>valid</strong> - meaning <strong>no fake</strong> un/nukes ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> unnuke for "<strong>fine</strong>". The reason <strong>MUST</strong> explain why the release is "fine" eg; ar.is.within.acceptable.range, not.dupe, etc ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> nuke for bad.encoding you <strong>MUST</strong> explain whats wrong, or how the release is bad! ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> nuke for "reencoded_duration.samples.mod.is.different.from.0" - this <a href="t.html%3Fid=mod588.txt.html" target="_blank">method</a> is NOT 100% ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> unnuke and renuke (or use !re/modnuke) to add _get.repack, _get.rerip, etc. ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> use special characters in un/nuke reasons (eg; !"<22>$%^&*:;{[}]@'~#/\?>\<,|\ etc) ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> fix bad unnukes by renuking the release with "fix" or similar ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> engage in "nukewar" un/nukes. ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> use foul language in un/nukes. ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> nuke with personal opinions or comments. ]
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> echo un/nukes from other networks! ]
If botowners want to accept another networks nukes, they'll join the network. (prefixed nukes are still allowed)
Don't accept nukes from other bots that say they got it from a source - alot of bots mess up source tags!
[ Do <strong>NOT</strong> echo out this channel, copy/paste snippits of conversation, etc to <strong>ANYONE</strong> for <strong>ANY</strong> reason. ]
if the persons not in this channel - its for a reason. anyone found to be breaking this rule will be <strong>glined</strong>.
un/nukes sourced from here are obviously excluded from this rule.
[ If a fix has been released for a nuked release - and is <strong>valid</strong>, <strong>unnuke</strong> the original release for <strong>get.fix</strong>
However, take note, that if the fix does <strong>not</strong> fix the original release, or is not valid (eg: dirfix when trackfix is required),
<strong>nuke</strong> the release for <strong>fix.for.nuke</strong>.
Refer to individual rulesets to see if the fixes are forbidden - eg;
sizefixes are <a href="t.html%3Fid=2009_XViD.nfo.html" target="_blank">not</a> allowed for xvid releases
trackfixes have <a href="t.html%3Fid=2007_MP3v1.1.nfo.html" target="_blank">restrictions</a>
[ <a href="index.html" target="_blank">https://scenerules.org</a> - scene rules ]
[ Use <a href="http://www.tinypic.com/" target="_blank">tinypic</a> for pictures, and <a href="http://www.tinyurl.com/" target="_blank">tinyurl</a> for shortening urls. ]
[ disable "thanks for the +v" etc, scripts or expect a ban ]
<!--[ these are rules that have been made over time, tailored to this nuke channel, don't copy them. ] -->